However, he does not know when the autopsy report will be finished because he cannot find a laboratory to test her body for heavy metals. It used the tagline "Where we go one, we go all" the famous slogan of the QAnon conspiracy movement. "I'm like, what are you guys doing? And then later decide, 'Well, you were only a temporary ordained person. Castillo, now 46, also joined the group in 2018. Visit Insider's homepage for more stories. "There's the idea of, 'Well, what are we supposed to do now? [20] They subsequently flew to Kahului Airport on Maui, but were convinced to fly back to Colorado in September 2020. Carlson maintained that she was a divinity who had lived 534 lives, including as Jesus. In a phone conversation with Insider, Castillo said his existence could be traced back 477.5 trillion years, that humans come from Venus, and that he has three hearts. But her mother and others say that diagnosis could not be accurate because Carlson never visited doctors. Chelsea, her sister, Tara, and her mom, Linda, claim their beloved, Amy, is now allegedly a "cult leader" trying to change the world through natural healing methods. Carlsons followers believed she communicated with angels and that she was leading them to a great awakening. Its state of decay suggested that she had been dead for several weeks. Before she was Mother God, Amy Carlson was a manager at a McDonald's in Houston, Texas. Theres no way. The groups members livestream multiple videos each day and they last for hours. Amy Carlson, 45, (pictured) who was known as 'Mother God' by her followers of the spiritual group 'Love Has Won', was found dead in a home in the tiny, rural town of Moffat on Wednesday,. Former members have said they experienced abuse and exploitation during their time with the group. Love Has Won never would have qualified for any of that, said Joanna Theriault, who sits on the Baca Grande Property Owners Association board of directors. She would say, 'This person is ordained to be my partner,' and she would have sex with that member. One video shows Castillo threatening member John Robertson, saying, "You're going to be a paraplegic.". [18], WhiteEagle left Carlson around 2014. Steven Hansen executed a search warrant on a house in Moffat, Colorado. Former members said they weren't allowed to sleep for more than four hours a night. Cole Carlson said 15 years ago, his mother Amy Carlson, also called Lia, left him when he was 10-years-old to become the leader of Love Has Won. She claims to be Jesus and to have been Joan of Arc, Cleopatra, Queen Elizabeth, and Marylin Monroe. The corpse - thought to be that of 45-year-old Amy Carlson, who was known as "Mother God" to followers of the Love Has Won group - was found near Crestone, Colorado on April 29 and seven people . Carlson parted ways with the man after a couple of years and a succession of other men became Father Gods to Carlsons Mother God. Her daughter also dropped her birth name and began using one given to her by Love Has Won. Amys acolytes claim that Mother God is over 19 billion years old and has lived over 500 lives, Christopher Moyer wrote in the feature. Lamboy also in 2020 incorporated Love Has Won as a nonprofit organization in Colorado, listing himself as president, and obtaining 501(c)3 status from the IRS. Amy Carlson, 45, who was known as "Mother God" by her followers, was found dead, wrapped in a sleeping bag in the rural town of Moffat on Wednesday, according to arrest affidavits. [4][5][12][7] Carlson had several romantic partners throughout the group's history, beginning with Amerith WhiteEagle, who were referred to as "Father God", and who played a counterpart role to Carlson in the theology of the group. [28], Authorities stated that Carlson had not died at the property, but in California; her body was subsequently transported back to Colorado. And it's dangerous for people who might not be in the best place in their life to stumble across it.". In September, the group was escorted off an island in Hawaii by police after they violated COVID-19 protocols and offended local islanders with their co-opting of native religious practices. She read books and called psychiatrists, but nothing stopped her husband from falling deeper into the cults control. This, Ray and others said, is what happened daily as Carlson and Castillo coerced and controlled their followers. All seven also are charged with two misdemeanor counts of child abuse because two children were inside the house when Saguache County sheriffs deputies arrived to investigate a report of a dead body. [31], This article is about the religious group. [15] The group offered "etheric surgery", which cost $88 per session, claiming that it could remove sickness and "negative energy" from the body. Carlson claims to be "Mother God" sent here to save the earth from destruction along with 144,000 chosen ones. Thats when a man named Jason Castillo came into the picture as the next Father God and also the year the group changed its name to Love Has Won and set up a mission base in Moffat. They believe the followers withheld food and medical treatment to facilitate their Mother Gods ascension, which she had told them for years was her purpose on Earth. In Carlson's early adult life, however, she began to talk increasingly about "outlandish concepts" such as starships. "According to her family, she has never received a cancer diagnosis," Sheena said. Paschal said he voiced concerns about the group enabling Carlson's alcoholism. I thought, Great, she has a name change now,' the woman said. A cause of death for the 46-year-old has not yet been released, though local news outlets are reporting that foul play was not suspected. [18], In the aftermath of Carlson's death, the group splintered, with the most recent "Father God" Jason Castillo forming the separate group Joy Rains with a small number of followers. Zo Buchli A Missing and Endangered Person Advisory was canceled after a missing Profaci traveled to Crestone to join the group in 2014 after discovering it online. The mother, who spoke on the condition of anonymity for fear of further alienating her daughter, said she had no idea her daughter was following Love Has Won until she received a text message saying her daughter was in California with friends. [13], A core group of 1220 members lived with Carlson in Crestone, a small town in Saguache County in southwestern Colorado. . [5] During the mid 2000s Carlson developed an interest in New Age philosophy, and became a regular poster on the forums of the website [1], On April 28, 2021, the mummified corpse of Carlson was discovered in the mission house near Crestone. But the group continues to sell it as a supplement, saying it has all-purpose healing benefits. The woman - who was known as Mother God to her adherents - was a straight-A student in school, participated in the choir, and was said to have had a lovely singing voice. Over the years, Haythorne followed her daughter as she bounced around the country, building her persona as Mother God and. A day later, Whitten saw her husband appear on a livestream from Colorado. He began a relationship with Carlson, becoming the new and final Father God. Carlson also had a crown headband on her head. Mother God Is an 'Angry' Drunk Andrew Profaci was seeking a "spiritual mission in life" after a near death experience as a teenager. He participated in the sessions on behalf of her, their children, their mothers and even neighbors. Carlson claimed she had been reincarnated 534 times, including as Jesus, Joan of Arc, Marilyn Monroe and Cleopatra, and would lead 144,000 people into a mystical "5th dimension". We know how a hijacking works.. [16] In May 2020, a member of the group was found wandering the wilderness disoriented, naked, and dehydrated, after being described by the group as lacking the "right energy" and being on "the wrong side of the mountain. She also said she was President Donald Trump's daughter in a past life, and that the deceased comedian Robin Williams was part of her spiritual team and often communicated messages to her from the beyond. One had their charges dropped. The Idol: How HBOs Next Euphoria Became Twisted Torture Porn He has tons of shame, tons of guilt. [30], Dateline NBC aired a two-hour documentary about the group on October 15, 2021. The cult members rented a home in Casita Park, a subdivision in a larger residential area known as the Baca Grande. The follower told investigators he had taken in the group because they needed a place to stay. Amy has three siblings, sisters Betsy and Lori and brother Joe. Castillo said he transported her body from California as she wanted Crestone to be her final resting place. The last time she asked the Saguache County Sheriffs Office to look in on her daughter, a deputy reported that the young woman, now 27, came out of the house but said she didnt want to go home. Amy Carlson, 45, who was known as "Mother God" by her followers . And theyre just allowed to go at it again.. In 2018, Lauryn Suarez, who now goes by the name Aurora, and Ashley Peluso, who is called Hope, joined Carlson. He owned the cult's headquarters in Crestone. Haythorne followed her daughters YouTube videos and watched as her beliefs became more strange and she became more entrenched as a cult leader. I love meatballs, but I didnt (expletive) say that. Humanity as a collective is evolving from a third dimension to the fifth dimension.. Whitten said her husband has served in the military and was a conservative Republican who believed bills should be paid on time. We want to hear it. According to Carlson's sermons, when Mother God dies, her followers are meant to ascend to another plane of existence along with her. Ms Carlson's body was discovered on 28 April this year in . . Most of the group's $300,000 assets were registered in Lamboy's name. The split between Castillo and Hope and Aurora is not the only bad blood between former group members. They remain active online, running various websites and channels on Facebook, YouTube, and Telegram, and selling a range of products. [17] Recordings which were produced by the group show its members making antisemitic and racist remarks. The cult Love Has Won believed that its leader, Amy Carlson, was God incarnate. Amy would talk about crazy stuff, she said. The group also rented a large cabin in Salida, where the most devoted followers lived and where new recruits were brought upon arriving in Colorado. "She said she had stage 5 cancer.". "These people have a deep sense of commitment what I would call emotional equity in the group," Ross said. And that's all they want to talk about.". mesurer votre utilisation de nos sites et applications. Admit that Amy Carlson was a fraud? It was an abrupt departure, Haythorne said, as Carlson, then 32, left a family Thanksgiving dinner and never came back. Then in late April, an FBI agent whom the mother has spoken with over the years called to tell the woman that Carlson was dead and they did not know her daughters whereabouts. Eventually, he signed up for personal etheric surgery sessions, a strange practice that believers say can remove negative energy and sickness from the body. They believe she often was drunk or on drugs. His discovery coincided with the global coronavirus pandemic. A nurse from Denver drove there to take him back to a hotel in the city until his brother could fly out. ", "Jason is erratic and mean and abusive," Sheena said. The daughters hair color transitioned from dyed blonde to its natural brown. We had ambulances go out, turned away, Haythorne said. In recent months, Haythorne and others believe Carlson wanted medical care. [7] The Saguache County Sheriff's Office reported that they had received "many complaints" about the group from families, about "brainwashing" and fraud. After making his discovery, Lamboy stated that he had tried to leave with his 2-year-old son but . Hed stared at the sun so much hed burned his eyes terribly, she said. Soon, Carlson started talking about spaceships and ascension while she was with him, said Ray, who started investigating Love Has Won last year when her brother left his wife and children to join the cult. Top editors give you the stories you want delivered right to your inbox each weekday. May 12, 2021, 06:39 PM EDT. The El Paso County Coroners Office in Colorado Springs, Colorado released its findings, obtained by Rolling Stone, seven months after the death of Carlson Mother God to her followers who was 45 years old and weighed 75 pounds at the time of the April 28th discovery of her mummified corpse enshrined in a followers Colorado trailer. He wasnt visible on the next days video, but her brother-in-law heard them talking about how his energy was not right and he was on the wrong side of the mountain. They started calling police. If you're anywhere near the Hatboro area, please do check out Amy's, they're delicious, their calzones are HUGE and the staff is so so so . The other cases remain pending in court. Around 2018, Love Has Won also became more business-orientated. That man introduced Carlson to the Crestone area, long known as a spiritual place that attracts seekers and those who trying to find healing for their bodies and souls. Carlson was the self-styled "Mother God," and the group she led has been widely described as a cult by local authorities and former members. When asked about this by Insider, Aurora said Carlson was joking about going to a hospital and claimed that Carlson had signed three documents saying never to take her to a hospital under any circumstances. [26][27] The charges were later dropped. That man referred to himself as Father God and told Carlson she was Mother God. Its state of decay suggested that she had been dead for several weeks. By clicking Sign up, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider Jason Castillo, the group's final Father God and Carlson's partner at the time of her death, said when he met Carlson, he felt awakened to the fact that God was a woman. Amy Carlson, the leader of the Love Has Won cult, was the Mother of All Creation. President Fauci? In mid-May 2020, the couple was leaving a law offices parking lot in Mississippi when Whittens husband turned left out the parking lot instead of following her in the other direction. Over the years, permission to locate in the area has been granted selectively, and Carmelites, Buddhists and Hindus have built temples and retreats in the area. A shrine to "Mother God" Amy Carlson (Love Has Won supplied by Rising Above ) Sheena said photos began circulating on 14 April among Love Has Won of Ms Carlson in an unconscious state,. Amy Carlson, 45, who was known as "Mother God" by her followers, was found dead in a home in the tiny, rural town of Moffat on 28 April, according to arrest affidavits. At nearly midnight on April 28, Cpl. Hope and Aurora have rebutted the allegations. Questions have been raised about whether Carlson's followers were guilty of neglect, having not taken her to a hospital despite her ailing health. Former group members have said they experienced abuse, ranging from sleep deprivation to verbal and physical abuse to financial and sexual exploitation. In another, Carlson berates Robertson for bringing her meatballs instead of chicken Parmesan. She was the child of divorced, middle-class parents; got good grades; and participated in her school choir. Salida is where Rays brother went in May 2020 after he left his wife, two children and a six-figure income in Mississippi to join Love Has Won. Videos and images from the final months of her life show Carlson becoming increasingly unwell. Copyright 2023 Penske Business Media, LLC. Carlson was found dead and mummified in April, but the endeavor to deprogram members continues. He just cant fathom it now that his mind is clear.. (After Carlson's death, the two continued to front the cult in its rebranded form, 5D Full Disclosure.). A shrine was set up around the corpse. Love Has Won's two main offshoots, 5D Full Disclosure and Joy Rains, continue to offer similar products and services. Lia "Amy" Carlson Stroud, a former McDonald's employee from Texas, was the leader of the now-defunct obscure religious foundation Love Has Won (LHW) when she passed away. If you dont know, we are in a full-blown planetary ascension and this is basically a full evolution of consciousness, she says. 9 Amy Carlson, pictured, was found dead at a property in Moffat, Colorado with her eyes missing and glitter makeup around her face Credit: Facebook "This hasn't just poof gone away now because Amy died," said Sheena from Rising Above Love Has Won, an organization that supports former members and the families of current members. 'How I Met Your Father' star Hilary Duff posted Instagram photos in a see-through minidress she . Carlson, known as Mother God by dozens who followed her in person and online, had for years predicted she would ascend to a "fifth dimension" to save humanity. His behavior at home became more unsettling. Meanwhile, on August 12, Joy Rains posted and then deleted a Facebook message referring to Father God's "suicide mission" and "last moments humanity.". "Amy is not who I raised," said Carlson's mother, Linda, during the Dr. Phil broadcast in September. One mother who hasnt seen her daughter since she joined the cult in March 2018 follows her daughter by watching hours and hours of these videos. In an email to The Denver Post, Lamboy declined an interview request. Then Whitten got a phone call from a hospital, and a doctor told her that her husband had been found wandering in the wilderness alone, naked, dehydrated and with cactus needles in his feet. The daughter spent a few months in California and then in July 2018 she began appearing in videos from the Moffat house. Former members have said they experienced abuse and exploitation during their time with the group. (AFP) A 45-year-old cult leader of the spiritual group called "Love Has Won" was found dead in a Colorado home. Amy Carlson, 45, who led the group and was known as "Mother God" by her followers, was found dead in a home in the rural town of Moffat last Wednesday, according to arrest affidavits obtained by . He just cant believe he did what he did. Carlson began posting videos online, slowly amassing followers who came to live together in Crestone, Colorado. The writers originally intended many of these characters as one-time jokes or for fulfilling needed functions in the town of Springfield, where the series . This is a really dangerous time for this group.. Some said they were made to hand over their income and savings to the group. For the first two years watching this, Amy said she was going to ascend. The web-savvy New Age outfit uses daily livestr. One video from October shows Aurora and Hope discussing Carlson's request to be taken to a hospital. "The police officer who went there said he was met by two cult members at the door who said she was not there, so he left. The autopsy, conducted by the El Paso County Coroners Office, offers new details on the state in which Carlson was found. It was a complete shock to us, she said. She was 45 at the time of her death. We had well-checks done, turned away. Videos suggest that Carlson became more aggressive over the years, with many showing her verbally abusing cult members. The body was identified as Amy Carlson, 45, the leader of a group called Love Has Won. When her husband awoke and saw his brother, he was disoriented. Coroner, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Get to know all 17 Denver mayor candidates , How did Love Has Won cult leader die? Haythorne and Carlson's father divorced when Carlson was a child. This week, Linda Haythorne, Carlsons mother, sent a DNA sample to the Saguache County Coroners Office to help identify her daughters remains. . [6], The theology of Love Has Won has been described as fluid, combining New Age spirituality, conspiracy theories, and elements from mainstream Abrahamic religions. I watched some of their YouTube videos. Whitten enlisted the couples mother and siblings for help. [10] Carlson had stated that Donald Trump was her father in a past life, and that she had spoken to the spirit of deceased actor Robin Williams, who she claimed was Archangel Zadkiel. Plasma generator sold by 5D Full Disclosure. Absolutely." "As crazy as it might look and hard to believe that people actually believe this stuff, they do. They're still trying to recruit people," she said. Days later, he was found wandering in the mountains naked and dehydrated, and with cactus needles in his feet. Carlson's family had a memorial service in Texas for the woman they knew as a mother, daughter and sister who loved life but left her only son when he was ten years old. Early on, Carlson and her followers identified as the Galactic Federation of Light. [6] The group was originally known under the name "Galactic Federation of Light". They also offered "etheric surgeries," which Carlson would perform remotely. The last time Paschal saw Carlson was in mid-February, two months before she died. She said she was God incarnate and had lived 534 lifetimes, including as Jesus Christ, Cleopatra, Marilyn Monroe, and Joan of Arc. She is a proud WKU Hilltopper journalism graduate. Saguache County police subsequently revealed to the publication that Carlson who was called "Mother God . But her mother and other. Cult members called Carlson "Mom" or "Mother God," and she called them her children. Im assuming if they get found, theyll be arrested, the mother said. Carlson is said to be in her 40s and is referred to on Love . Love Has Won did a daily series of video posts touting the power of Carlson in her role as Mother God. Carlson often said she had stage 5 cancer, which does not exist. Ross added that Carlson encouraged members to cut ties with their families and friends, making it more difficult to leave the group. Previously, Carlson and her followers had moved around between Colorado, Oregon, California and Florida. Amy Carlson, 45, who was referred to as "Mother God," was discovered dead in the town of Moffat, around 180 miles southwest of Denver last Wednesday, after investigators obtained a search warrant . And, of course, when he called us and told us that we were like, 'You believed them?'". Trouble continued to follow Love Has Won even after their departure from Hawaii. The police report said the Saguache County Sheriff's Office received many complaints from families who said the group had been "brainwashing people and stealing their money. "It was a very controlled group with a very volatile and, in my opinion, dangerous leader.". Current and former members of the group told Insider that Castillo regularly used methamphetamines, despite the group's antidrug policy (which excluded marijuana). In the last year, Amy was a face and we were watching her decline. "They're wired to think only about this mission, only about Amy. Amy Carlson, the 45-year-old "Mother God" of the Love Has Won cult, had been dead for at least four weeks before police discovered her mummified body. Love Has Won/Facebook Amy "Mother God" Carlson, the former leader of Love Has Won who claimed that she is the Hawaiian goddess of fire. He and six other members were subsequently arrested and charged with the abuse of a corpse. Haythorne, Ray and the mother whose daughter has disappeared said they believe Castillo and Lamboy will become the new leaders. The cult members have split into different groups since Carlsons death, with one branch rebranding itself as 5D Full Disclosure, and that group continues to sells its magical colloidal elixirs on its website.
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