The Rockefellers also provided grants to the Magsaysay Foundation. Actually, these programs were CIA activities using leftist academics to spy on the nationalist movements. Grosss firm, JBDC, was subcontracted to DAI for the civil society work in Cuba. John O. Brennan, the C.I.A. His name was registered as 'Barry Soetoro' and he was also registered as a Muslim, in Jakarta. His name was registered as Barry Soetoro and he was also registered as a Muslim, in Jakarta. Some suspect he was going to college as an foreign national. With the level of corruption in the FBI & DOJ, the median & the democratic party, we can only expect divine intervention to save the free people of the USA. These people are worried because the things they did had ZERO to do with the actual safety and security of American Citizens and everything to do with spying on us, spying on allies, meddling in other countries elections, lying about WMDs, meddling in our elections, and spying on an incoming administration. Kulpsville, PA 19443, Inquiries about advertising opportunities can be made by emailing me at, Watch: Samantha Power Lets Slip The US Is At War With Russia, But Ukrainians Doing The Fighting. SriLanka new head of government replacement is also a Klaus Schwab puppet. Obama decided to place the Southern Command, headquartered in the right-wing Latin American exilee rats nest of Miami, to coordinate humanitarian relief in Haiti along with the head of USAID. How are they ever going to explain the excess mortality data in Australia? Frank was a journalist, a poet and was also known to be a communist as well as a Labour Union Activist. Obamagate, will be brushed over, but not by alternative media. Judge Brown said when Lolo Soetoro (1935-1987) died he left a trust fund in Indonesia with three equal beneficiaries, Barack Obama/Barry Soetoro and his two siblings. Now when he [Barry Soetoro] went to high school [Punahou School, known as Oahu College until 1934] in Hawaii. Mother and s on follow Lolo to Indonesia soon after. Hes a fraud. plays in Syria equaled Zio smiles, but what of Iran, that did not look like Zio happiness to me. Custer Battles, Inc., a USAID contractor, was formed by former US Army Ranger Mike Battles and Scott Custer from a firm called Blue Sky. 16 Feb. Obama's mother taught English for USAID, "which was a major cover for CIA activities in Indonesia and throughout Southeast Asia," Madsen reports. And on a side note, Obama represented them as lawyer. Days ago amid the Trump administrations election challenge turmoil which has resulted in over adozen lawsuits filedin several battleground states, Donald Trump Jr. urged the president to unleash the nuclear option:DECLASSIFY EVERYTHING!! Copyright Intrepid Report. Match the search results: Lolo Soetoro is a geologist and is worth around $50 million. Thanks all you MFers in the CIA for the hundreds of thousands of lives youve destroyed here in the US and abroad! I am a firm believer in the people. Authorized Halliburton VPN Users MUST use Pulse Secure VPN client to access the network. Bottom line the no back bone US Congress let Race trump US Constitutional law in 2008 and 2012 . Secretary of Defense Esper fired Monday, the top Pentagon Policy official, top Defense Department intelligence official, and chief of staff to the Defense Secretary all out today, Ryan Browne (@rabrowne75) November 10, 2020. The Halliburton founder = Lolo Soetoro; Lolo = Barry Soetoro Father (Hussein); Lolo = best friends with Bush/Bin Laden; Lolo + Dunham = CIA ops; GWB + B.O. Lolo Soetoro , also known as Lolo Soetoro Mangunharjo[2][3] or Mangundikardjo,[4] was an Indonesian man who was the stepfather of Barack Obama, the 44th president of the United States. and it contains content that details what HILLARY had to say TODAY However, his net worth has been steadily growing ever since he married his wife, Ann Dunham. Your email address will not be published. We cant let the bad actors get away with it.. This Clown Berry Soetoro aka barack hussein obama cant produce a LEGAL US BIRTH CERTIFICATE ! During his ten-year rule, Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori and his intelligence chief, Vladimiro Montesinos, thought to be a CIA asset, reportedly received USAID funds to put down the Shining Path and Tupac Amaru guerrilla movements. in positive and negative effects of coca cola. In 2000, the offices moved to the Makati district of the city but the building that housed USAID was always known to locals as the CIA building. The building, owned by the Ramon Magsaysay Foundation, in honor of the Philippines President who died in a 1955 plane crash, was built in 1959 with a loan from the Rockefeller family. I know about that high school. Make no mistake about it when we take back AMERICA The US Congress cant just pick and chose which part of the US Constitution they will or will not enforce or can they ? Obama represented a Lebanese developer, Tony Rezko. Lolo's full name is Lolo Soetoro Mangunharjo. The Palestinian press reported that the information, including personal political opinions of NGO members, was to be turned over to the CIA and eventually, Mossad, to apply pressure on the NGOs to comply with U.S. and Israeli policies. So his career as an honest attorney was off to a flying start. Net Worth Net Worth 2020 $3 Million (Approx.) Without the Deep State there IS no US government. A.L.L. That face is consumed with malice and hate, subtlety tinged with fear, the fear that The Big Wheel is turning, and looks to be coming round. The geologist and author was born in 1958 in Bandung, Indonesia. The setting up of the Cuban Twitter-like system, called ZunZuneo, was contracted to Creative Associates, Inc. (CAI), which conducted most of its out-of-Cuba operations in Costa Rica. Once again, the US had a hand in the lighting the fuse way back in WW2 as Somosza allowed the US to build a baseoh yeah, and a CIA training ground, in Nicaragua, to stage a coup to overthrow the elected president of Guatemala. I suppose thats gone by the wayside over the last generation. The provocations and attacks will not end once he leaves the White House. That last one is actually the . Start-up Hub; Incubation centre; Funding your idea; Maker space; Trading Lab., Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) November 9, 2020. oh, what joy I would feel. In 1970, Dan Mitrione, a USAID official who was working for the CIA training Uruguyan special police on torture tactics, was kidnapped and killed by Tupamaro guerrillas. A.L.L. Judge Brown continued. Note that they never bash Obama or Biden, only Trump. When George Herbert Walker Bush became head of the CIA under the Ford Administration, he just got with his old buddy in the oil business, Lolo Soetaro and pulled off the hitch. Barack Obama is a famous American politician who served as president from 2009 to 2017. We are going to have to see them to the closest BORDER for another grasp at the ring. Ann Dunham, Obama's mother, married an Indonesian, Lolo Soetoro, who worked for the Indonesian government and then for an American oil company. We're going to look at a few pages from Stanley Ann Dunham Obama Soetoro's alleged passport files, which were released under a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. TRIBUNNEWSWIKI.COM - Lolo Soetoro Mangunharjo atau Mangundikardjo adalah seorang ahli geologi Indonesia yang paling dikenal sebagai ayah tiri Barack Obama, Presiden Amerika Serikat ke-44. 325. President Barack Obama. Bush Jr. had a pretty hostile environment his last year in office and at least had the stones to tell the Democrats to pound sand when they sent him a shitty kitchen sink budget. After Aristides return to power in 1994,USAID money used to oppose Aristide was funneled through a Project Democracy. Today, USAID is providing dubious small and micro-financing loans to small businesses in Haiti. Youre intellectually lazy and dont want to face reality that Trump is a Zionist puppet scumbag just like all his predecessors. President Trump is the only one not related to the Vile Left and NWO. The history of USAID is replete with examples of contractor companies and other front groups working for USAID but also doing the bidding of the CIA. Bush operative in Indonesia. Lolo Soetoro net worth is $150K. The Bank of International Settlements is primarily a huge drug money laundering operation. Lolo Soetoro whose full name is Lolo Soetoro Mangunharjo was a renowned Indonesian who was the stepfather of former president Barack Obama, the 44th president of the United States. China Just Launched this Attack on the USD, Alan Greenspan Warns of this U.S. Scheme to Confiscate Your Savings, The Little-Known (But Legal) IRS Tax Law to Move Your IRA or 401(k) to Gold, Wall Art to Perfectly Compliment Your To Contact Hardscrabble Farmer before supplies run out: or on a mobile device, scan this QR code: To Donate Monthly via Stripe, click here. Hmmm, something doesnt add up, wouldnt it take longer to use the 25th? usurper berry soetoro aka barack hussein obama ! If Mark Esper has been pushed aside because he is not listening to Donald Trump, carrying out these orders, who knows what his successor, this acting secretary Chris Millers going to do if Donald Trump does give some type of order that really is counter to what I think our national security interests need to be, Brennan said. The meeting coordinated arms smuggling activities that would mushroom into Bouts full-scale smuggling empire after the collapse of the Soviet Union at the end of 1991. I wonder how much above his income is Brennans lifestyle? He was a colonel in the Indonesian army and later worked in . That because the likes of Obama and Hillary have all the corrupt networks in their back pockets, they are the faces that are puppetted by the corrupt elite, who are the same folk that own all the mainstream corporations. According to Wikipedia's Lolo Soetoro entry (see source 7) Soetoro had stepson Barack Obama and three children. Another group founded by Ayers was the Chicago Annenberg Challenge to reform public schools and he hired none other than Mr. Obama as the Chairman. CAI also used Mobile Accord, Inc. and a front company in the Cayman Islands called MovilChat possessing a bank account at Bank of N.T. Donate to our website via PayPal. Burial. In 1990, the one-time administrator of USAID under the Bush-Cheney administration, Roger Winter, met international weapons smuggler Viktor Bout, now imprisoned in the United States after being arrested in a February 2008 U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) sting operation in Thailand. Any amount is appreciated! Bush 1 President, was named - founded Halliburton in 1946 in Oklahoma and Lolo Soetoro had been International Executive Vice President for Standard Oil. It was from this time that Obama lived in Jakarta. (Soetoro is the name of Obama's stepfather, Lolo Soetoro.) Why would we take the advice about palace coups from a man who failed in his own palace coup? Now I also know why he totally dissed his WHITE side of his family, he couldnt afford for the spotlight to be put on them due to their communistic lifestyle and illegal activities. Well we all pretty much know the rest. Death 2 Mar 1987 (aged 52) Jakarta (Djakarta), Jakarta Special Capital Region, Indonesia. I mean, even some of the richest people in America dont make that, why? In 2004, USAID was charged by Philippines opposition parties of using CIA agents to monitor elections in the country. Brennan took things even further and added specifics in terms of what the former longtime spy chief wants to see happen:If Vice President Pence and the cabinet had an ounce of fortitude and spine and patriotism, I think they would seriously consider invoking the 25th Amendment and pushing Donald Trump out because he is just very unpredictable now, he added. Continue on and look at McCrystal, the general and disappeared folk, including Boston Brakes victim Michael Hastings. The only reason why Joe Biden is US President now is because the US Congress and US Supreme Court IGNORED US Constitutional law in 2009 and 2013 and are still IGNORING Article ll Section 1 Clause 5 of the US Constitution with allowing ANCHOR BABY Kamala Harris to be Joe Bidens VP ! I never thought Trump would live past April 2017. Think of it a fraud Berry soetoro aka barack hussein obama collecting retirement money ( US Taxpayer money ) for an office he NEVER legally held all because the US Congress ignored Article ll Section 1 Clause 5 of the US Constitution . After Suharto seized power in 1965, USAID returned to Indonesia, with Stanley Ann Dunham Soetoro as one of its chief employees, to help Suharto create the New Order (Orde Baru) that would usher in decades of fascist and kleptocratic rule. Ah, Uncle George Herbert Walker, after whom George Herbert Walker Bush, Bush One President was named, founded Halliburton in 1946 in Oklahoma. In 1988, USAID opened a huge compound in a suburb of San Jose, Costa Rica that many Costa Ricans charged was the CIA headquarters for the parallel state established by the CIA in Costa Rica to support the contra-led civil war in neighboring Nicaragua. Barry Soetoro aka; Barack Obama's Sister Maya Soetoro, was born to Indonesian businessman Lolo Soetoro and American cultural anthropologist Ann Dunham and half-sister to the Putative 44th President of the United States, Barack . This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Custom Union Designs on Request In addition, USAID funding documents for the ZunZuneo (a Cuban slang word for a hummingbirds tweet) and other civil society projects state that USAID money went to miscellaneous foreign contractors and domestic contractors (undisclosed) to support the Cuban initiatives. Suharto also relied on a group of U.S. economists,including Obamas mother, to re-engineer Indonesias socialist economy. For Gods sake, he ADMITTED spying on the US Senate. Well, thanks to YouTube and Mucktales (?) In time Barrack obama will be assassinated, HIS NAME IS BARRY SOETORO.. STUPID Other USAID funds for Zaire were diverted to help the Angolan rebel forces of UNITA leader Jonas Savimbi, in violation of U.S. law prohibiting aid to Angolan rebel groups. They are taking down treasonous legislative and judicial officials who have infiltrated our government over the past several hundred years, and most recently since the CIA was founded in 1947. But thankfully few actually in power are likely to listen to John Brennan, given his sour grapes andanger at Trump has clearly long been personal. I certainly cant remember any president constantly crying about being treated unfairly in DC like this guy, thats for sure. Lolo Soetoro Mangunharjo or Mangundikardjo was an Indonesian geologist who is best known as the stepfather of Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States. Treason doesn't pay well in the end. In 2002, Eritrea expelled USAID from the country, accusing it of working with the CIA to overthrow the government and assisting Ethiopia, which had engaged in a border war with Eritrea. In Zaire, millions of dollars in USAID money was diverted by CIA-backed dictator Mobutu Sese Seko to amass his personal fortune making him one of the worlds wealthiest leaders. He is no better than his predecessor. Judicial Watch played into the governments hands, Jan. 6 Committees final verdict: Prosecute Trump, Just in time for holidays, Dems may embrace GOP plan to boot millions off Medicaid. I wouldnt take his advice on what tie to wear. In Haiti, USAID, acting at the behest of the CIA, funded political opposition to President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, ousted in CIA-backed coups in 1991 and2004. Thanks for the vignettes, they add nice flavor to these spicy times! The truth is coming out about the Pfizer jabs .. unfortunately a bit too late as more than half of the global population have taken these shots .. many were warned yet chose to ignore the many warnings they had. This is what the Biden election is all about. Others also picked up on the idea: Heres something constructive Trump could do before leaving office at noon on January 20: he could order demand, insist that all classified intel and other documents related to the origin of the Russia/election investigation be declassified and released to the public forthwith unredacted, columnist Sheldon Richman wrote. He is married to the former high school history teacher Erna Kustina. The Feeb was started by a queer cross-dressing paranoid and the OSS et al were arms of Mossad and MI6 from the get go. Live Trading Lab; Financial Literacy He was the 44th President of the United States. Interior or Exterior - All Year Round This was all done with a little digging, it really didnt take much at all. Some in the US Congress were afraid of the RACE CARD and said as much when people from MCSO Arizona showed them EVIDENCE OF BERRYS FRAUD saying there might be RACE RIOTS if we question obamas right to hold office ! POTUS clearly has the right to negate the VP/cabinet allegations and if he does it twice, it goes to the House and Senate, requiring 2/3 majorities in each chamber to remove him. Lolo Soetoro Mangunharjo, sometimes known as Mangundikardjo, was an Indonesian geologist best known for being Barack Obama's stepfather. Being blind is one thing..choosing not to see is another thing altogether. When Obama went there Ive talked to two of his classmates they independently state that the tuition, not including room and board, was $45,000. Sanctions On Russia Come Back To Bite Their Issuers, Whitney Webb on the Globalist Overlords Meeting in Davos, US Army Secretary Says US Preparing To Win A War With China, YEAH, WELL BEAT RUSSIA & CHINA IN A TWO FRONT WW3, One Year Later In Ukraine: Washington And NATO Got It Very Wrong, Bakhmut Practically Surrounded As Wagner Chief Urges Zelensky Surrender His Forces To Save Lives, PREPARE FOR 10 YEARS OF GLOBAL DESTRUCTION, Worst-ever economic crash coming Nouriel Roubini, Manic Britain Sun Tzu Speaks Asian Gold TomatoGate Idiocracy? Discover short videos related to Lolo soetoro on TikTok. He is best known for his work in the field of geology. Lives gone either through the rabbit-hole of addiction, or jail. Custer Battles had the Iraqi Currency Exchange (ICE) contract with the Coalition Provisional Authority and a major security contract for Baghdad Airport. A favorite USAID contractor, Chemonics International, started in 1976 by conservative Republican Gerald Murphy, in part, because as he told. 1962. Soetoro has two daughters from her Obama later went on to meet very wealthy Muslim elites whilst in college, some who had come to study from Karachi, Pakistan. CAI was not the only entity awarded USAID Office of Transition Initiatives (OTI) money to help foment dissension and rebellion in Cuba as part of USAIDs civil society program. Other recipients included the International Republican Institute (IRI), a branch of the Republican Party; the National Democratic Institute, a branch of the Democratic Party; the Pan American Development Foundation, on whose board of trustees are found lobbyists for Exxon Mobil, Chevron, Caterpillar, Greenberg Traurig, Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines, Citibank, Unibank of Haiti, Educational Testing Service (ETS),and Occidental Petroleum; Loyola University of Chicago; Center for a Free Cuba (which was caught embezzling $570,000 from USAID in 2008); the neo-conservative non-profit Freedom House; the Christian evangelical group Echo Cuba; Cuba On-Line; the Miami-based Plantados Until Freedom and Democracy in Cuba; and Development Alternatives, Inc. (DAI)/Nathan Group. The pair met while studying at the University of Hawaii. Dual citizenship was not an option. ! he wrote in all caps on Twitter. Trump walked away from a billionaire lifestyle to become president while refusing a salary. Keep up with the latest on Intrepid Report. Obama moves to Indonesia with his mother, which is the home of his new step-father Lolo Soetoro. Now Business Insider reports his [Barack Obama] income for 2017 at over $200 million net. Lolo Soetoro Mangunharjo or Mangundikardjo was an Indonesian geologist who is best known as the stepfather of Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States. Or Egypt for that matter. 1 Early life and education; 2 Marriage to Ann Dunham; 3 Later life; 4 Notes; 5 References Uncle George Herbert Walker, after whom George Herbert Walker Bush, Bush I president was named, founded Halliburton in 1946 in Oklahoma and Lolo Soetoro had been International Executive Vice President for Standard Oil. ", Former CIA dir. Trump should declassify the nuke-codes also. With Matt, the group has released several albums like PTX Presents: Top Pop, Vol. There would be records of his repatriation. Obama was radically inspired by a book he reads called Rules for Radicals a book written by Saul Allansky a Neo Marxist. He was born in Bandung, West Java, Dutch East Indies, present-day Indonesia. Lolo Soetoro was born on January 02, 1935 in Bandung, Indonesia, Indonesian, is Stepfather of Barack Obama. Watching libfuks in panic mode on teevee hopefully, we get to see lots of crying and terror . Ayers writes for a grant application of $49 million and matching donors increased this amount. And his(?) See, uh, Baracks grandmother has been acknowledged as being the woman that operated the channels through which CIA money went to the Southwest Pacific, said Brown. Barry went on to meet Frank Marshall Davis, a very close friend of his Grandparents. Why did they ignore it? Barack Obama foi registrado como Barry Soetoro, cidado indonsio, na Escola Santo Fransiskus Assisis, em Jacarta, o que levou muitos a acreditar que Lolo Soetoro o . Obama named as his director of USAID Rajiv Shah, as his overall coordinator for Haiti relief operations. Because when his [Barack Obama] step-daddy died he was one of the ten/15 richest men on earth, and he left everything in a trust fund, operated out of Indonesia so the American government cant touch it. In 2009, the Pakistani press reported that USAID was bypassing the Pakistan ministries of Education and Information and providing direct educational assistance to Pakistani students. . The funds were terribly managed and poorly accounted for and the schools saw no improvements or change whatsoever. Perhaps due to the fact that the company he worked for ACORN- The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now have in fact embezzled around $5million from the community organization, completely abusing public trust. Not to downplay the devastation in Nicaragua. Lolo Soetoro (EYD: Lolo Sutoro; [ll sutr]; 2 January 1935 - 2 March 1987), also known as Lolo Soetoro Mangunharjo or Mangundikardjo, was the Indonesian stepfather of Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed Together if we unit & get organized, we can take down this whole corrupt criminal organization, but if we continue complying eating bugs will be the least of our problems..our future! In the north Caucasus, NGOs supported by USAID, have been accused by Russian authorities of having links to Chechen terrorists. The CIA, to this day has an estimated annual gross haul of $1 Billion in heroin profits. The truck that struck their automobile was bought with USAID funds and bore a U.S. embassy license plate. Previously published in the Wayne Madsen Report. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. iStar Platform BrightStar Look-Ahead Resistivity Service A novel solution that reveals the path ahead of the drill bit to enable proactive drilling decisions. Alma mater University of Hawaii at Manoa. 0. In 1995, Representative Mel Reynolds (D-IL), who was convicted of having sex with an underage female campaign worker, was also revealed as working for U.S. intelligence in the 1980s, via employment with the U.S. Information Agency (USIA) and USAID in Africa, particularly in Sudan. Tonight around midnight Tues. 14 Feb. we were transitioning from the US Inc. government into the Restored Republic of the US. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Lolo Soetoro (EYD: Lolo Sutoro; Javanese::; 2 January 1935 - 2 March 1987), also known as Lolo Soetoro Mangunharjo or Mangundikardjo, was an Indonesian man who was the stepfather of Barack Obama, the 44th president of the United States.. Obama later found a mentor in Reverend Jeremiah Wright a former Muslim and born again Christian. Lolo Soetoro Mangunharjo or Mangundikardjo was an Indonesian geologist who is best known as the stepfather of Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States. The more politically active black studentsthe Marxist professors and structural feminists. Of course, the Antifas would be rioting. Viet Nam was more of the same, ditto Iran-Contra. The CIA also commissioned the services of a private business intelligence and risk firm, Evidence-Based Research (EBR) of Vienna, Virginia, which appears to be a very similar operation to the CIA front, Business International Corporation, for which Obama worked in 1984, to conduct an assessment of the tribal revolt in the Niger Delta region, referred to by the CIA as a semi-riot zone. EBR was formed in 1987, a year after Business International was sold to the Economist Intelligence Unit in London. Obama attended Harvard and left with a Juris Doctor degree. In 1971 'Barry' was sent to live with his Grandparents back in Hawaii, and they at the time were known communists. Moderate. But through his campaign and time as President it was requested that he cut all ties and publically separate himself from anything to do with him due to the Reverend delivering sermons on terrorist attacks on US soil. USAID also pumped millions of dollars in loans, some at zero percent, to private banks in Costa Rica to undermine the state banking system. Wheres the video clip of that CNN interview?! Mr. Ezra Cohen-Watnick became Acting Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security on Nov. 10, 2020. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. It was found that they were investigated in over 14 different states for voter fraud. He is the editor and publisher of the Wayne Madsen Report (subscription required). There will be no mistakes HILLARY is dead.. if a segment is aired Your email address will not be published. Butterfield & Son Ltd. in Grand Cayman, as well as another folding tent firm based in the United Kingdom with a subsidiary in Barcelona, Spain to hide USAID as a funding source for ZunZuneo. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. 21 day forecast key west, florida. In January 2004, Darwish and Michel Mukattaf, a son-in-law of former Lebanese President Amin Gemayel and owner of a Lebanese currency exchange company, and Richard Jreisati, a former Lebanese military officer, were arrested by Lebanese authorities for attempting to smuggle a cache of 164 million in 25,000 Iraqi dinar notes into Lebanon from Baghdad Airport. Dorsey has refused comment on the report. same way a guy who in a 2003 interview with new york magazine said I voted for ReaganId moved from Communist to whatever I am now. Lolo Soetoro morreu de doena heptica em 2 de maro de 1987, aos 52 anos de idade, e foi enterrado no cemitrio Tanah Kusir, no sul de Jacarta. Other USAID money ended uppaying forexpensive automobiles for leading Afghan mujaheddin commanders in Pakistan. otto, In the incredible Monday evening CNN interview,Brennan himself responsible for stoking the now widely debunked Russiagate claims from the start of the Trump presidency brazenly urged Vice President Mike Pence to seize power. Soetoro earned his bachelor's degree in geography from Gadjah Mada University, in Yogyakarta.
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