Every other sign combination will be a team player.12th house - Stelliums in the twelfth house are behind the scenes type people. Before I start listing placements I want to make clear that our dominant sign and planet has a strong influence no matter what. eighthousesun:. Pisces risings are amazing at bringing ideas to life as well, if they have an idea, they can explain it to you to a degree that they can make you feel like you BOTH had that idea and both have an emotional connection to it. But, no matter what, they are funny and often times they are unintentionally funny. Dark, thin hair. The presence of Pluto, Uranus, Saturn or Neptune in this stellium could make this even more apparent. Overall, all people with second house stelliums are focused in the material realm, and many like nice possessions, a well-kept house, and being in touch with their bodies through art, sports or dance. The opposition to the eighth house, Scorpios home, may make someone who seeks security through destruction of the very thing that makes them feel secure. They may have a flair that shows up in their career, or perhaps they are occupied with their children. A Libra stellium could show growth through partnership. Gemini The sign the stellium is in will show the type of home base the individual is seeking out. noticeable (thick or long yet elengant). Their strength of will is also obvious, to the point where it can seem as if they are forcing things on to you. IM SCREAMING I WAS RIGHT I MADE THAT POST A YEAR AGO I PICKED THE RIGHT DAY!! They dont have to get emotional to do this, and dont have this inner fire to pursue deep thinking like Scorpio Sun would, they just do immediately and instinctively and it can be very crazy making for us. I know that there is soooo much more into the ascendant/rising and the first house, but in this posts I'll focus only in the more superficial part/side of how your rising sign is seen by others, manifested, how they look appearance and energy wise! Leoascending In any case, they are intent on getting you to think more and see things from another angle (often theirs). Whether they are seemingly extroverted and light or not, these people always betray their intensity and seriousness when theyre not speaking. They do also behave like immovable objects. The sign of the stellium will show where the work needs to be focused. They may have great, big asses. Your Rising Sign determines your physical features as well (not just face but body as well.) They are lean and their body is flat. You get sucked into their emotional state and it can be hard to walk away from them without your own feelings being affected. star signs cancer TAURUS: Frequently large bodied (not necessarily plump or fat), but could also be muscular and sturdy. There are distinct moments where youll feel them resisting or cautiously approaching the subject or answer. You can find your ascendant by going to this website Rising Aries Rising Taurus Rising Gemini Rising Cancer Rising Leo Rising Virgo Rising Libra Rising Scorpio Rising Sagittarius Rising Capricorn Rising Aquarius An Aquarius stellium in the sixth house will manifest as someone who is always there for their friends, or who works tirelessly to help humanity in general. Similar threads. They are just always being honest about their shortcomings and the work they need to do, including on themselves. I hope this quick guide will be helpful in giving the basics! They have the perfect slim body with magnetic facial features and glowing skin. Thats too emotive and shy. Age 10-30 is a good range. . They have an easy going eccentricity and a bohemian appearance. The ascendant sign also rules your first house of the self in your birth. Their hair tends toward naturally curly or wavy. moon sign: But, the ones over the age of thirty or thirty-five are far more confident and at ease with themselves. So, they may be most personable or accessible in professional settings when theyre expected to be. Are us cancers the least attractive water sign. Mars rising brings a martial aspect, also an increased physicality of . These folks are the most social in the zodiac, and are always on the go. According to astrologer Liz Greene, during our time in the womb, the universe is simply the self. They will normally be very graceful when walking, and facial structure will be more rounded. The hair is sometimes curly or wavy. Their height tends to be average and their body is strong with regular legs. taurus There is always something nice and cozy about them that makes you feel safe. 3rd house -Third house stelliums are all about communication. A Sagittarius stellium in the eighth will create a lot of occultism intrigue, and opportunity for travel. Check the sign. Sometimes, they are compulsive talkers, saying whatever pops in their head in an almost stream of consciousness style. Cancer: Virgo ascendants are different from the regular crowd in terms of appearance. Welcome to My Astrology Blog, a fun meme astrology blog with zodiac related articles, trivia, Q&As and much more. Their demeanor will clearly change when the topic of discussion isnt them and a lot of them find significant ways to inject me or I back into it. That is, unless the reaction is outright defiance. Often twelfth house stelliums show areas of tremendous growth capabilities in this life. They tend toward strong color in their complexion, sometimes tending to ruddy. They may be pale and silky. Aries: The decans are divided into 3 sections of 10 degrees each, into a total of 30 degrees. The thing is, having a Scorpio Sun or Moon can make you very deep thinking too, but the thing about Scorpio rising is that this mode of deep thinking is initiated in their IMMEDIATE, environment, because thats what the rising sign is about. Their skin tends to be sensitive, sometimes subject to rashes, outbreaks, or easy bruising. These people tend to be investigative, curious and sometimes very suspicious of the world around them. They are often too humble for that. PISCES: Gentleness combined with keen intuition that shows in the soft, dreamy round eyes is the defining aspect of this water rising sign. The Descendant. Humans are complicated, and as much as we like to simplify our horoscopes, astrology can be quite complicated, too. Your rising sign, or ascendant, is the public-facing visage you present to the world. often described as your basic personality/identity. Lacking the jittery energy of other signs, they will generally make slower, more deliberate movements. Regardless, the basic essence of the sign on the Ascendant will still be there. They are not afraid of being in opposition with anyone (Aries/Mars being the God of War) so when they disagree with something you said or did, you will FEEL it especially if youre a Water sign they wont make the effort to hide their facial expression, or posture or anything of that nature. In males, the Adam's apple is pronounced. sagittarius As per the rising sign predictions, the Ram rules the head and eyes, you may find problems with headaches and eye problems. Sixth house stelliums are detail oriented and notice everything. These are just commonalities in the appearance of people with the same rising sign, of course you may have a Leo rising and not look exactly like any of the people portrayed in the post but that's because 1) aspects to your ascendant and the rest of the chart effects appearance to! On the other end, a Capricorn stellium in the seventh would try to connect through more serious matters or would network for their career or education. Scorpio ascending Definitely relating to how Pisces will often become Aquarius in Vedic. Facial features may be delicate or doll-like, with the features more centered than spread out. usually givesvery feminine, doll-like facial features ( Dreamy big wet eyes, They may be artistic or enjoy fashion, design or other Venus-ruled activities. They can be very caring but their attention span isnt very long so their sympathies can be kinda blunt in nature. The misalignment with Libra & Scorpio is a big reason why I stick with Vedic often too- Libras in western often dont embody balance so much as the embody the pickiness of Virgo, and Scorpios in Western are often very artistic, relationship oriented, and scared totip the scales more like Libra then Sagittarians are often very deep and tend to have troubled pasts and demons more like Scorpio. The sign the stellium is in will indicate what image the person wants to show others. usually gives distinct, lovely facial traits ( bright big eyes, really long lashes, proeminent square shaped eyebrows, great skin, upper lip is thin, wide smile etc.). Things might have been uprooted for them a lot, or they might have had a hard childhood or difficulty with relationships. Ascendant/Rising Signs and your appearance & style. They are often intelligent and unusual, and sometimes intense. cazzidy; Aug 22, 2014 . For example, someone with Capricorn rising with Saturn in Gemini will have mixed Capricorn/Gemini (or Saturnine/Mercurial) facial characteristics. They are perfectionistic and responsible, and do everything they can to help others around them. To start, everyone knows their sun sign; if you were born between August 23 and . Still, they convey what they need to convey very effectively, giving you the bottom line response. Their body is strong, muscular type and women are usually curvy. However, one look at the people who share the same Ascendant Sign at Astrofaces, though, and you'll see how wrong . high cheekbones, moony look, arched thin proeminent eyebrows, small mouth with full lips and wide smile, upper lip is fuller, beautiful skin, etc.). A stellium in Libra will indicate a desire for freedom in romantic partnership. In fact, they may overdo it just a bit. People with this particular stellium tend to enjoy being their own boss, or being independent from authority figures in general. But, there is a lot of emphasis on agreeing with people. PISCES RISING Either this person is clearly very sensitive and sweet or they put a lot of effort into not seeming as sensitive as they really are. They have long arms and legs. your general appearance sun sign: what people see when they get to know you better. Capricorn:Capricornascending Theyre like baby horses, just trying to find their footing so they can grow up to be a magnificent racehorse.Openness and friendliness show in the Archers face and posture. They wont flaunt their emotions all out in the open but they usually speak in extreme language or even with a certain severity. Women have nice small breast. It is a sense of being weird and fully accepting it. They forgive, but they also collect all of the things that have happened and emotionally hold onto them. ARIES: TAURUS RISINGThese folks really slow things down. Their height tends from medium to high. Bright, clear eyes with a gentle but direct expression, delicate noses, and well-shaped, curvy lips. The skin may be tanned and the hair tends to be red or blonde and thick. 7th house -Seventh house stellium people are pleasant, stylish and chameleon-esque. They may experience a lot of death or tragedy around them, or just a lot of change and intense situations. These were just little descriptions of how a person of a certain ascendant could look like. Theres something about them that you cant miss- could relate to how in Vedic, most of the Virgo risings will be Leos. They can be short to tall. The birth chart is divided into 12 sections of life, and the rising sign is where the first section of your birth chart begins. The exception is a Pisces sixth house stellium. I think this also relates to how in Vedic, the Libras are mostly Virgos. They can be obsessed by their own appearance, seeing flaws that no one else does, and they go to lengths to hide them. Often times, this is because they will openly tell you how unique or different they are in contrast to other people. Discover more posts about rising-sign. A Pisces stellium in the eleventh house would often jive with others on a spiritual level. CAPRICORN: You may often be struck by cap risings well-modulated, often deep speaking voices. Some blush easily, though more often because theyve been embarrassed by being singled out, rather than from prudishness. You may be giving only a halfhearted effort to deal with struggles that arise. Virgoascending Age 10-30 is a good range. These folks are also very open about their flaws, to the point where it may seem like theyre putting themselves down. Correlations in rising sign appearance These are just commonalities in the appearance of people with the same rising sign, of course you may have a Leo rising and not look exactly like any of the people portrayed in the post but that's because 1) aspects to your ascendant and the rest of the chart effects appearance to! But, it wont last long, especially since they are in control of that. Ultimately, this sign gives us an idea of what you look like, specifically when it comes to your visual and physical attractiveness. Its also why they really lead with their achievements and seem proudest of what theyve accomplished. They think about things in a big picture way, and enjoy projects that allow them and their friends to work together to make changes in the world. They can be very picky about aesthetics especially! Frequently they can look somewhat fragile, but surprise you with their physical strength. They have a symmetrical physique and their gait is controlled and careful. For instance, a Pisces stellium in the first house will make a person want to come across as sensitive and charitable, while an Aries stellium in the first house will want to come across as independent and a go-getter. They may have issues with a parental figure growing up. VIRGO RISING It is so obvious how smart these people are and not necessarily because they tell you directly. This is merely a reference post, please ask for more clarification. I'm using sidereal rising signs not tropical. They have clear cut and clean features. Libra: Broad foreheads and cheerful expressions are the norm, as are quick movements and dramatic gestures. This can sometimes mean, however, insisting that other people agree with them. They suppress their voice a lot and dont speak up so that they dontmake any mess socially or emotionally, and can be really hard on themselves in that way. These folks, with the 6th-12th house opposition in place, will have a much more relaxed attitude and may be more go with the flow than their sixth house stellium peers. They will come up with inside jokes with people they meet, will network, and find a uniting factor between themselves and any given person. Teeth are noticeable for being either a dentists dream in the good way or a dentists dream in the bad way. And you can often walk away from them totally buying into whatever they said until you stop and think some more. 12 signs Feet and hands are delicate and small. They may have beautiful long legs and their hair is usually thick, straight, smooth and light, often blonde. PISCES risings - aww man, I love you guys Women may have big breast. . You have many varied opportunities, but you feel that you have a hard time with everything. The eye contact can be quite steady and connected but usually in a pleasant way. It seems like they are always eager to understand themselves more and be more authentic, keeping them on a journey of self-discovery. You are not only your rising sign! Leo Rising people are generally generous, extroverted, direct and passionate. With flowing movements like the ocean or a dancer, they always seem small, even the very tall ones. 8th house -Eighth house stelliums are similar to fourth house stelliums in that they have a lot of factors to consider. The Decans of Aquarius. Graceful in manner, but sometimes may appear uptight, bored, or uncomfortable because they have difficulty relaxing. They could be involved in protests, or working to make changes in the community. LIBRA RISING These individuals arent the types to stand out that much. A Virgo stellium will show someone who seeks out perfectionism and organization through their home and family. They seem very nice and friendly but just as indifferent or distant. They have a casual and relaxed personality as individuals. As soon as you do that, theyll forgive you, but they will deem you as someone who they should be wary around- and of course theyll bottle up their emotions about it. almost like a habit, fixing it), do anything to achieve their true heart desire, quite observational thats why they stay quiet and with no expression, they are the type to be very present but at the same time they blend really well in the middle of the crowd (being a mutable sign), clean appearance, for ex their clothes are simples with earth tones, their hair is always in the same way, if not in earth tones, they will always wear the same style of outfit (or they create a whole type of style just for themlseves), not the touchy type, the usually dont like other people putting their hands on them, very strong eyes, is like their are analyzing every single piece of you, very defined face features with very smoothing details to it (some say they all look the same).
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