Agriculture as a key element for the development of other sectors 3 3. It has also enjoyed a considerable attention by the government. Although the MPPs improved the agricultural productivity of farmers, particularly in the project areas, there were many problems associated with discrimination against small farmers (because of a restrictive credit system that favored big landowners) and tenant eviction. This is a best prospect for Ethiopia. APDF readeris available from Adobe Systems Incorporated. Official websites use .gov Section D. A lock ( A locked padlock ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. In the same fiscal year, 707,059.29 hectares under cultivation produced 6,169,279.99 quintals of oilseeds, an increase from the previous year of 4,970,839.57 quintals grown on 741,790.98 hectares. "Roles of extension and ethno-religious networks in acceptance of resource-conserving agriculture among Ethiopian farmers." Contributions, potentials and characteristics of agriculture in Ethiopia The contributions of agriculture in Ethiopia The Ethiopian economy is an agrarian economy. By 1989, the area covered by the State Farms had grown to a total of 220,000 hectares. Ethiopia's economy is based on agriculture, which accounts for 46% of GDP and 85% of total employment. Agriculture accounted for 50% of GDP, 83.9% of exports, and 80% of the labor force in 2006 and 2007, compared to 44.9%, 76.9% and 80% in 20022003, and agriculture remains the Ethiopian economy's most important sector. However, production is constrained in part by outdated ginneries and limited availability of quality inputs, including seed, fertilizer, and pest control agents. The study aimed to characterize the reproductive performances and physical characteristics of Blackhead Somali indigenous sheep breeds. Total required investment costs for the IAIPs stand at U.S. $870 million and initial investment costs are estimated at U.S. $266 million. Agricultural equipment and systems, such as tractors, irrigation equipment, and grain handling Infrastructure like, silos, cold storage facilities, etc. Beef exports are also growing, with additional market opportunities on the horizon. ", Table D.2. To show other various factors (political, policy, cultural, religious, affected crop production and productivity in Ethiopia. Ethiopia: Urban Agriculture and Poverty Alleviation. Consequently, the country faced a famine that resulted in the death of nearly 1 million people from 1984 to 1986. [18], Another new source for export revenue is the production of chat, an amphetamine-like stimulant which is consumed both inside Ethiopia and in adjacent countries, and which is considered a drug of abuse that can lead to mild to moderate psychological dependence. [14], The most important cash crop in Ethiopia was coffee. Agriculture. <i>Methods</i>. As such, investment opportunities in feed, genetics and veterinary services and the supporting industries are expected to grow in the coming years. Please see below for the market overview and trade data. Between 198485 and 198687, at the height of the drought, Ethiopia received more than 1.7 million tons of grain, about 14 percent of the total food aid for Africa. [5] Ethiopia's livestock population is believed to be the largest in Africa, and in 20062007 livestock accounted for 10.6% of Ethiopia's export income, with leather and leather products making up 7.5% and live animals 3.1%. The contributions of agriculture in Ethiopia. Agro-processing equipment (e.g. Despite the Derg's efforts to reassure farmers that land reform would not affect them negatively, northerners remained suspicious of the new government's intentions. In view of this, a study was conducted to characterize the landscape features and related biophysical settings and to identify the local soil . Agriculture, which constituted 46 percent of GDP and more than 80 percent of exports, is by far the most important economic activity in the Ethiopian economy. They are boiled, roasted, or included in a stew-like dish known as wot, which is sometimes a main dish and sometimes a supplementary food. [31] ploughing the land to soften the land takes three months and from sowing and seedling to the harvesting of the crops requires three to four months. During Derg rule, veterinary stations were opened at Bahir Dar, Bedele, and Bishoftu to provide treatment and vaccination services. Overall, the economic reform plan sets out required strategic interventions to increase agricultural productivity and modernization of agriculture in the next 10 years. Veterinary Drug and Animal Feed Administration & Control Authority (VDAFACA), NationalAnimalHealthDiagnosticand InvestigationCenter(NAHDIC), Ethiopia Agricultural Business Corporation (EABC), International Trade Administration Teff, indigenous to Ethiopia, furnishes the flour for enjera, an sourdough pancake-like bread that is the principal form in which grain is consumed in the highlands and in urban centers throughout the country. It then continues in summarising the main specific characteristics of agriculture: The land use function, the supply and demand characteristics, the contribution of the agricultural sector to the provision of positive externalities and public goods, food as a unique and most essential good and agriculture as a key element for the development of . During the rainy seasons, water and grass are generally plentiful, but with the onset of the dry season, forage is generally insufficient to keep animals nourished and able to resist disease. According to a 1987 estimate, beef accounted for about 51% of all meat consumption, followed by mutton and lamb (19%), poultry (15%), and goat (14%). [7] Despite government efforts, farmers responded less than enthusiastically. [6] Ethiopia has great agricultural potential because of its vast areas of fertile land, diverse climate, generally adequate rainfall, and large labor pool. In addition, the GOE is looking to the agro-processing sector (also a best prospect sector detailed below) as one engine to spur future economic growth. [7], Agricultural productivity under the Derg continued to decline. Because of drought, which has repeatedly affected the country since the early 1970s, a poor economic base (low productivity, weak infrastructure, and low level of technology), and overpopulation, the agricultural sector has performed poorly. This can be attributed to two factors. Agro-processing, such as beverages, biscuits, bread, milk, meat, chicken, cooking oil, fruit and vegetables, etc. Agro-processed products, such as chicken, cheese, butter, eggs, biscuits, bread, juice, etc. Agriculture accounts for 36% percent of the nation's Gross domestic Product (GDP) as of 2020. The existence of so many land tenure systems, coupled with the lack of reliable data, made it difficult to give a comprehensive assessment of landownership in Ethiopia, as well as depressed the ability of peasants to improve themselves. [10] This has raised fears of food being exported to more prosperous countries while the local population faces its own shortage. will supply the domestic market. In addition to its domestic use, sesame is also the principal export oilseed. A couple of U.S. investors have also entered the market. The major product in are teff, wheat, maize, sesame, Niger, linseed etc. The opportunities and constraints facing Ethiopian agriculture are strongly influenced by conditions which vary across geographical space. Ethiopia one of the fastest-growing economies in the continent. They are sticky when wet, hard when dry, and difficult to work. As reviewed from different literatures household demographic characteristics, household resource endowments, social, cultural, infrastructural, institutional and economic factors influence the . Due to physical, economic and social factors the. This includes: bolstering smallholder farmers productivity, enhancing marketing systems, upgrading participation of private sector, increasing volume of irrigated land and curtailing amount of households with inadequate food. Some of the land targeted for commercial development is considered marginal, prone to conflict, and/or has limited access to water. The Ethiopian Herald (Addis Ababa) Urban agriculture utilizes resources such as land that have high demand for other urban uses . As with many equatorial countries, the sun dictates time in Ethiopia. The GOE imposes an export ban on cereal grain and local prices are often higher than what they are on the international market. The highest concentration of poultry is in Shewa, in central Wollo, and in northwestern Tigray. The Government of Ethiopia (GOE) has embarked on a ten-year economic development plan (2021-2030) where agriculture is on the top of priority sectors. Similarly, the area of cultivation increased from 22,600 hectares in 197475 to 33,900 hectares in 198485.[7]. The report includes the market size, recent trends, industry statistics, and analysis. Most oilseeds are raised by small-scale farmers, but sesame was also grown by large-scale commercial farms before the era of land reform and the nationalization of agribusiness. Thus, this study aimed at investigating the physiographic characteristics of agricultural lands, farmers . In addition, it is hoped that the number of key crops are doubled from 18.1m metric to 39.5m metric tonnes. Please help update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. A 1979 study showed that around Addis Ababa individual holdings ranged from 1.0 to 1.6 hectares and that about 48 percent of the parcels were less than one-fourth of a hectare in size. Last edited on 21 February 2023, at 19:04, Southern Nations, Nationalities, and People's Region, Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, List of Goods Produced by Child Labor or Forced Labor. The AMC was a government agency whose objective was to influence the supply and price of crops. However, rural households are still faced with severe food insecurity and malnutrition. There are also expanding opportunities for grocery sales to retail and wholesale outlets that are starting to spring up all over Addis Ababa. Mengistu told the 1989 WPE party congress that at US$0.32 per kilogram, foreign-exchange earnings from coffee would have dropped by 240 million Birr, and government revenue would have been reduced by 140 million Birr by the end of 1989. University students led the land reform movement and campaigned against the government's reluctance to introduce land reform programs and the lack of commitment to integrated rural development. It features and analyzes the country's agricultural progress from 1960s to date, and some . To make matters worse, during the 1972-74 drought and famine the imperial government refused to assist rural Ethiopians and tried to cover up the crisis by refusing international aid. During the 1970s, coffee exports accounted for 50-60% of the total value of all exports, although coffee's share dropped to 25% as a result of the economic dislocation following the 1974 revolution. Recently, the GOE has permitted imports of basic food commodities using franco-valuta scheme to narrow supply and demand gap and reduce rising inflation in the country. Over 60% of Ethiopian coffee is produced as forest coffee . Agriculture >. When you select "Accept all cookies," you're agreeing to let your browser store that data on your device so that we can provide you with a better, more relevant experience. Ethiopia's agriculture is plagued by periodic drought, soil degradation[1] caused by overgrazing, deforestation, high levels of taxation and poor infrastructure (making it difficult and expensive to get goods to market). Background and Objective: Detailed characterization of bio-physical resources in agricultural landscapes and documenting locally used soil fertility management practices is required for developing site-specific management scenarios in the study area. In fact, Ethiopia recently started importing chicken meat from Ukraine and Brazil. In the late nineteenth century, about 30% of Ethiopia was covered with forest. Causes and Characteristics of Drought in Ethiopia. The process meant not only smaller farms but also the fragmentation of holdings, which were often scattered into small plots to give families land of comparable quality. ", Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research website, "National Growth and Transformation Plan", "Ethiopia's transforming wheat landscape: tracking variety use through DNA fingerprinting", "Press release: Rust-resistant bread wheat varieties widely adopted in Ethiopia, study shows CGIAR Research Program on WHEAT", "Livestock Sample Survey (AgLVS 2006), version 1.0", USGC Reps Meet With Ethiopian Feed Industry to Assess Market Barriers, "Ethiopia, 2013 Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor", "Transhumance in the Tigray highlands (Ethiopia)",, This page was last edited on 21 February 2023, at 19:04. Accordingly, state farms received a large share of the country's resources for agriculture; from 1982 to 1990, this totaled about 43% of the government's agricultural investment. Land tenure rights as well as natural disasters, such as floods, hamper the countrys ability to quickly expand cotton production. The directorates goal is to increase productivity, employment, technology transfer, and foreign exchange reserves by attracting investors with incentives and favorable land lease terms. Kassaye Tolassa . In addition, the rugged topography of the highlands, the brief but extremely heavy rainfalls that characterize many areas, and centuries-old farming practices that do not include conservation measures have accelerated soil erosion in much of Ethiopia's highland areas. Explain the main contribution, potentials, characteristics , and problems of Ethiopian agriculture. However, beginning in 1987 the decline in world coffee prices, reduced Ethiopia's foreign-exchange earnings. The study sought to assess the role of smallholder farming in crop productivity and market access . According to Ethiopia farming, this ploughing the land to prepare the soil for sow requires around two quarter of a year. Tenant farmers in southern Ethiopia, where the average tenancy was as high as 55% and rural elites exploited farmers, welcomed the land reform. Livestock and Livestock Characteristics (Private Peasant Holdings) 2020/2021 (2013 E.C.) The relationship between elevation, soil temperatures, soil chemical characteristics, and green coffee bean quality and biochemistry in southwest Ethiopia. Agriculture is the country's most promising resource management. Land ownership is also a complicating factor. Additionally, camels provide pastoralists in those areas with milk and meat. Ethiopia is home to one of the largest livestock populations in Africa. The first, found in areas with relatively good drainage, consists of red-to-reddish-brown clayey loams that hold moisture and are well endowed with needed minerals, with the exception of phosphorus. SPECIFIC CHARACTERISTICS OF AGRICULTURE 2 2.1. That is why per hectare yield of crop is . The soils of the Great Rift Valley often are conducive to agriculture if water is available for irrigation. Vertisols are very important soils in Ethiopian agriculture. These activities have contributed to higher yields and increased production of both crops and livestock. The country intends to be a middle-income economy by 2025. Ethiopia sources cotton mainly from India and other international suppliers. 27 May 2021. [7], Ethiopia's estimated livestock population is often said to be the largest in Africa. A Review of Ethiopian Agriculture Roles Policy and Small Scale Farming . The chicken business also shows promising opportunities. Ensete flour constitutes the staple food of the local people. Agriculture is the mainstay of the economy. Productivity and technology. The importance of smallholder farming is increasingly recognized in rural areas where increased crop productivity and market participation can effectively improve their dietary diversity and nutrition quality. Regional Agricultural Research Centers (RARCs) under the respective regional bureaus of agriculture. [7], Imperial government policy permitting investors to import fertilizers, pesticides, tractors and combines, and (until 1973) fuel free of import duties encouraged the rapid expansion of large-scale commercial farming. While, Gebreyesus and Kirubel (2009) reported that the heavy reliance of some 85 percent of Ethiopia's growing population on an exploitative kind of subsistence agriculture is a major reason behind the current state of land degradation. In addition to wheat, the demand for oilseeds, such as soybeans and Niger seed, is expected to grow as Ethiopias demand for both cooking oil and livestock feed increases. Ethiopia's agricultural sector has developed favourably over the past decade, but rapid population growth, limited access to fertile land, and volatile agricultural outcomes pose problems for the . About three-quarters of the total sheep flock is in the highlands, whereas lowland pastoralists maintain about three-quarters of the goat herd. The data from 460 sheep were used for the determination of morphometric characterization while 110 male sheep and 150 females were used to characterize the reproductive performance of Blackhead Somali sheep breeds. [19][20], Sorghum, millet, and corn are cultivated mostly in warmer areas at lower altitudes along the country's western, southwestern, and eastern peripheries. Except in Tigray region, the pilot agro-industrial parks have launched operations. With the GOE looking to partially liberalize the wheat import market, local millers are beginning to explore opportunities to import wheat directly. 2. [7], Ethiopia's demand for grain continued to increase because of population pressures, while supply remained short, largely because of drought and government agricultural policies, such as price controls, which adversely affected crop production. In addition, increased peasant consumption caused shortages of food items such as teff, wheat, corn, and other grains in urban areas. Ethiopia's major staple crops include a variety of cereals, pulses, oilseeds, and coffee. Please see below a summary of agricultural focus areas and objectives laid out in Ethiopias ten-year economic development plan (2021-2030). major pulse crops grown in the country are chickpea, haricot beans, lentils, fababean and peas, The Ethiopian Orthodox Church traditionally has forbidden consumption of animal fats on many days of the year. The Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) is the Ethiopian government ministry which oversees the agricultural and rural development policies of Ethiopia on a Federal level. Mengistu and his advisers believed that state farms would produce grain for urban areas, raw materials for domestic industry, and also increase production of cash crops such as coffee to generate badly needed foreign exchange. However, opponents of villagization argued that the scheme was disruptive to agricultural production because the government moved many farmers during the planting and harvesting seasons. [7] In EFY 20072008, the CSA reported that 17,827,387.94 quintals of pulses were produced on 1,517,661.93 hectares, an increase from the 15,786,215.3 quintals produced on 1,379,045.77 hectares. This method was widely used in Ethiopia and southern Ethiopia because it is recommended for soils requiring more than one ton of lime per acre and soils with a pH of less than 5.8 [15]. Most of these farmers lived in the Ethiopian Highlands, mainly at elevations of 1,500 to 3,000 meters. [7], In 1984 the founding congress of the Workers' Party of Ethiopia (WPE) emphasized the need for a coordinated strategy based on socialist principles to accelerate agricultural development. Camels also play a key role as pack animals in areas below 1,500 meters in elevation. Resembling the banana but bearing an inedible fruit, the plant produces large quantities of starch in its underground rhizome and an above-ground stem that can reach a height of several meters. Ploughing the land using these tools is ambiguous and time-consuming. Source: United Nations Comtrade. While by 1988 a total of 3600 Service Cooperatives were serving 4.4 million households and almost 4000 Producer cooperatives comprising 302,600 households had been founded, in that year they represented only 5.5% of national cereal production. [7], While efforts are being made to intensify and industrialize the sector, questions arise as to how Ethiopia can develop and expand its livestock population when Ethiopians already struggle to gain access to good soil, grazing land, and water. The sunrise marks the beginning of the day and the sunset marks the end of the day. The Central Statistical Agency of Ethiopia (CSA) is responsible for the statistical data generation related to the socio-economic condition of the country. Area, Production and Farm Management Practices (Private Peasant Holdings, Belg Season) 2020/2021 (2013 E.C.) With respect to increasing productivity, the GOE, alongside its international partners, has made a number of interventions to support the development of the agriculture sector. UNJP-RWEE was a five-year long initiative with the objective of accelerating the economic empowerment of rural women . Niger seed is found mostly in the northern and central highlands at elevations between 1,800 and 2,500 meters. In the case of the textile and apparel sector, a shortage of locally-produced cotton suggests a need for cotton imports, including from the United States. The Tendaho Cotton Plantation in the lower Awash Valley was one of Ethiopia's largest cotton plantations. juice processing, milling machines, extruders for soybean oil). As a result, vegetable oils are widely used, and oilseed cultivation is an important agricultural activity. The market is segmented by type into food crops, fruits, and vegetables. [7], During the imperial era, the government failed to implement widespread conservation measures, largely because the country's complex land tenure system stymied attempts to halt soil erosion and improve the land. According to Infomineo (2016), the key agricultural sectors in Ethiopia are the following: Coffee & tea; Ethiopia has a great potential for coffee production, thanks to the country's abundant rainfall, optimum temperatures, conducive altitude, and fertile soil. [7], Inaccessibility, water shortages, and infestations of disease-causing insects, mainly mosquitoes, prevented the use of large parcels of potentially productive land. [7], Cattle in Ethiopia are almost entirely of the zebu type and are poor sources of milk and meat. Barley is grown mostly between 2,000 and 3,500 meters. Brighter Green, 2. Years of bi-directional causality were found between agriculture and manufacturing and services sectors before 1975. Per capita meat consumption was high by developing countries' standards, an estimated thirteen kilograms annually. Agriculture in the Lake Tana Sub-Basin of Ethiopia -- 24. Ethiopia has an extremely diverse topography, climate, culture, population distribution and market access. Consequently, individual holdings were frequently far smaller than the permitted maximum allotment of ten hectares. [30] These tools includes sickle, pick axe, plough shaft, ploughshare, plow, beam and animal force as a machines. Almost all farming tools in Ethiopia are traditional and made from different types of wood. Mia MacDonald and Justine Simon (2010) Climate, Food Security, & Growth: Ethiopia's Complex Relationship with Livestock. The increased production coming from existing and anticipated investments in the local agro-processing sector, as well as imports, are expected to help satisfy this growing demand. Section D. Some informal trade is most likely occurring in production areas located along borders. As a result, a number of Indian entrepreneurs are relocating to Ethiopia to develop its thriving flower industry which has led to gains in market share at the expense of neighboring countries. The first three are primarily cool-weather crops cultivated at altitudes generally above 1,500 meters. This is a best prospect industry sector for this country. landholdings are tiny, fragmented and unsuitable for modern methods of agriculture. [11], Another major component of the Derg's agricultural policy was the development of large-scale state farms. Soil acidity is one of the most important environmental threats to the Ethiopian highlands where the livelihood of the majority of people is reliant on agriculture. fruit crops, stimulant crops and sugar cane are cultivated by farmers and other agricultural sectors in Ethiopia. These soils are found in both the northern and the southern highlands in areas with poor drainage. Grain yields are relatively low due to the countrys rugged topography, poor land management, small-scale landholdings, irregular rainfall, limited mechanization, and insufficient supplies of fertilizer and improved seed. Agriculture. The ten-year plan called for an increase in the size of state farms producing coffee from 14,000 to 15,000 hectares to 50,000 hectares by 1994. Challenges of Agricultural Production and Productivity in Ethiopia. Meat and milk yields are low and losses high, especially among calves and young stock. By 1976 coffee exports had recovered, and in the five years ending in 198889, 44% of the coffee grown was exported, accounting for about 63% of the value of exports. Additional investment opportunities are expected in the textile and garment sector as well as cotton production. Recurring drought takes a heavy toll on the animal population, although it is difficult to determine the extent of losses. Download. In this regard, Ethiopia is looking to expand development efforts to fight land degradation and to reduce pollution; reduce Green House Gas (GHG) emissions; increase forest protection and development; increase production of electricity from renewable sources for domestic use and for export; and focus on modern and energy saving technologies. The industry began in 2004, when the government made an aggressive push for foreign investments by establishing a presence at major international floricultural events. Put in perspective, Ethiopia's key agricultural sector has grown at an annual . There also was concern that villagization could have a negative impact on fragile local resources, accelerate the spread of communicable diseases, and increase problems with plant pests and diseases. The agricultural production trends throughout the 1980's up to mid-1990's were characterized by wide fluctuations in total output and weak growth, with grain production increasing at rate of 1.37% annually compared to population growth of 2.9 % (World Bank, 2004). The pilot areas selected for establishment of the Agro-Industrial Parks are mainly based on the potential of existing agricultural resources and allied sectors, infrastructure, and facilities. First, the recurring droughts had devastated the country's main areas where pulses and oilseeds were grown. This modest increase, however, was not enough to offset a general decrease in GDP during the same period. Private companies are allowed to import food commodities including wheat, rice, sugar, powder milk, and cooking oils. Top 3 Exported Goods (2021): Coffee & Spices, Vegetables, and Oil Seeds. Ethiopia's crop agriculture is complex, involving substantial variation in crops grown across the country's different regions and ecologies. The Awash River basin supports many large-scale commercial farms and several irrigated small farms. The GOE encourages investments in meat processing, especially those that are focused on exporting value-added products abroad. See, for example, Central Statistical Authority of Ethiopia, "National Statistical Abstract. Almost the entire rural population was involved in some way with animal husbandry, whose role included the provision of draft power, food, cash, transportation, fuel, and, especially in pastoral areas, social prestige. The contribution of agriculture to growth in the manufacturing and services sectors was not significant between 1978 and 1998. Wubne, Mulatu. The GOE has an ambitious plan to attain wheat self-sufficiency and halt importations. Food as a most essential good 3 2.5. Agriculture is the mainstay of the Ethiopian economy, contributing 41.4% of the country's gross domestic product (GDP), 83.9% of the total exports, and 80% of all employment in the country (Matousa, Todob, & Mojoc, 2013).
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