While Captain America and the Avengers end up battling the X-Men on Earth, Cap has sent a team of heroes, including Thor, Beast, War Machine, Ms. Marvel, and a couple others, to try and fight the Phoenix off in space. Did you even read the comics? All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Join our Discord! While the exploits of Thor and the Hulk have become more extraordinary over the years, their rivalry isnt as pronounced as it used to be. When Thor arrives, he first battles a wide assortment of demons, before finally coming across Umar, a sorceress whos a longtime enemy of Dr. Odin himself made such a claim that Asgard was a universe in itself, in the past. Galactus was the one who gave Silver Surfer his power. The condition is being brought on by the Mind Valkyrie, who urges the God of Thunder to tear apart not only Asgard, but the entire universe. RK Thor essentially discovered their Kryptonite and used it to end their hold on the fate not just of Asgard but apparently the nine realms as well. The Silver Surfer was able to succeed on both of these fronts, outsmarting, then defeating Galactus. And from that Chaos came to be a single spark of light and Order. In The Mighty Thor #281, the thunder god is ruminating over a recent encounter he had with the Eternals and the Celestials. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. On one occasion, Silver Surfer knocked the Hulk off balance by launching his board at the green beast. The Space Phantom says that Thors hammer is likely on the formers homeworld and that they must journey to the center of the planet to retrieve it. When it looks like the Asgardians might be winning, the shapeshifters unleash their ultimate Super-Skrull, one bred to destroy Thor and who carries Stormbreaker, Bills famous weapon. Later in their respective superhero careers, Thor and Silver Surfer would meet many more times. He also injured Galactus even he defeated serpent who is a Odin tier enemy. You could also perhaps scale to Odin, who has at least one multiversal outlier. Celestials wouldn't plee and they wouldn't simply sit and let Thor ruin their plans. With Thor victorious, he goes off to cause chaos elsewhere. Though barely sentient, the armor was created by Odin and the other pantheons of Earth. both are at full power; win by death; 10 weeks of prep; morals off; all feats, scans, scaling and statements allowed If Thor is going to be surviving the gravitational pressure of a neutron star, then you can bet hes also going to withstand the combined weight of20 planets. But going back to RK Thor. He is a founding member of the Avengers and Norse god. it all depends on your experience with said sites. He is also a middle child HA HA Born as the half-Asgardian, half-Elder God son of Odin, the All-Father and King of Asgard, and as the Norse God of Thunder, Thor was an adventurous yet ill-tempered deity, often travelling to other realms to do battle with . Nearly every planet is connected to the World Tree in some way. I've seen Hulk ~ SVS and thought that was ridiculous, but Hulk being greater by thousands of times? But again, all of that has been more than debunked. The presence calling him was a Mjolnir from an alternate universe. Each culture has its own lavish story about how the world came to be and how their god(s) were the makers of everything. Meaning its actually smaller than a planet. Add to that the fact that Thor is armed with the enchanted hammer Mjolnir, and the list of Thors powers keep going. That spark was Gaia, Mother Earth, Mother of all Life. I guess shaking dimensions and busting universes are unimpressive cuz of people like Hulk and IronClad trading blows along the crossroads and Dark Cho's 123.2 richter scale achievement. Here are the top ten reasons Silver Surfer is the most powerful Marvel character. The Incredible Hulk is one of the strongest beings in the Marvel universe. and our Like Thortards can't prove me directly that Thor "merged" with cosmos. Plus all sites just seem to have an overall different standard for feats and scaling, which makes every site think every other site is absolute bunk. We see that by the huge crack of apparent empty darkness that hid within. Instead he destroys that which apparently fed their power. Their battle raged on for some time, leading them to an uninhabited planet. Thor was totally okay with this plan, and Hitler took it up a notch, saying the only forces who could oppose them is the Invaders. It cannot be hurt or stopped by conventional means and his mere movements are enough to cause tidal waves and earthquakes -- he can cast illusions, is incredibly intelligent, and is immortal. Regular Th. https://comicvine1.cbsistatic.com/uploads/original/11139/111396494/7759610-1651965987-main-qimg-3785c2b3b278faef2178c00ad736d635.jpg. Simon Walterson had a rough go at life after he lost his wife and unborn child. I feel really bad because you clearly put time and effort into this only to be disproved by a single sentence. Finally the heroes are able to free Hercules, with Thor using his trusty hammer to break the chains that hold the demigod. And funny enough this was again shown when Thor became Rune King Thor. Without the help of his board, Silver Surfer managed to defeat the Red Shift within the Black Hole, proving not only is he a powerful being in his own right, but also that he is one of the most powerful heralds of Galactus. He pushes the Worldengine and the World Tree back into place, which is the equivalent of pushing all the realms back into their intended alignments. This version of Thor was less reliant on Mjolnir as a power source. To better understand the feat of Thor pushing the World Engine, its important to understand Yggdrasill. So here are RK Thor feats: Feat #1 RK Thor can't escape death on his own, he needs to summon the spirit of Odin to take him away from Hel. The universe didn't crumble or was shattered or destroyed. Among the heroes sent to Olympus is Thor. Despite this, Silver Surfer still managed to defeat the demon quite handily. However he does realizes that the tapestry of the Fates was rigged to move in an endless cycle. On a few separate occasions, Silver Surfer has shown the ability to survive within the impossible harsh conditions of a black hole. Disney+'s Loki featured many Easter eggs and one of the best was Throg, a frog version of Thor, who appeared in episode five of the series. However, when it was worshipped by a magician named Feron, it took the form of the Phoenix from his daydreams. Odin made that claim for all the ten realms in a 2015 comic, that was written by the current head of marvel cosmic stuff, Al Ewing Rkt he destroyed all of the Marvel omniverse. Still we can see the several lands that make up Asgard. Now obviously many people read celestial beings and immediately thought to themselves CELESTIALS! New Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews, 10 Times Silver Surfer Proved He Was The Most Powerful Character In The Marvel Universe, 5. Afterward, Thor returns back to his form as the God of Thunder. Beta Ray Bill is the champion of the Korbinites, a race whose home was destroyed by Surtur. If you followed the ancient Greek ways then in the beginning there was only Chaos. Thor keeping Loki alive even after he rips out his head would've been somewhat impressive hadn't Thanos done what he did to Deadpool, where he all but makes him immortal. This piece of Mjolnir was then wielded by Simon, who gained the powers that come with it. In both the real world and also in the universe of comic books, there are few people in the history of mankind worse than Adolf Hitler. And from that light he created the firmament, the stars, the Earth, and everything from highest to lowest. https://comicvine1.cbsistatic.com/uploads/original/11139/111396494/7759583-5089762588-main-qimg-af4f933b00c5bf1b0ffc602112c1dfbe.jpg, https://comicvine1.cbsistatic.com/uploads/original/11139/111396494/7759592-3127759999-main-qimg-c37523a9341fe72fdbed2f50353bb3ea.jpg, https://comicvine1.cbsistatic.com/uploads/scale_super/11139/111396494/7759594-6715416491-main-qimg-a5873cc833364deecd67fab550a5b710.jpg, So when RK Thor does this. So what Odin lavish story comes down to is this: When the Asgardians (and other races) already existed, His father Bor, Odin, Vili and Ve found a crack in the ground, In that crack they found a seed that clearly held great power within it, And Bor planted the seed and from the seed a tree grew. Stark Odinson, son of Howard Odin, combines the powers and might of Thor with the sharp intellect of Tony Stark. Rune King Thor is not multiversal. I'm tired. Enraged, Thor breaks free of the restraints and defeats her. However, the mechanism ended up breaking and started tapping into Yggdrasils power, directing it to actual fulfill Ragnarok. For example, some guy said that Superman would beat Multi-Eternity, and that base hulk is thousands of times stronger than strange visitor superman. Odin himself made such a claim that Asgard was a universe in itself, in the past. Old King Thor often refers to 616 Thor as his past self and has insinuated that if 616 Thor dies, so does he. Capable of fighting Thor and even the Hulk, Hercules is also one of the most powerful members of the Avengers. The Black Winter devoured the sixth iteration of the cosmos, leaving only a single survivor - Galan of Taa, who it chose as its Herald. The attack is so phenomenal that Exitr, the most power Celestial, is staggered. Now having to return to Earth, Thor and company come across the interdimensional gateway through which Ares forces invaded. Back in 1973, it was another matter entirely. Over the years, Thor has demonstrated what it truly means to wield the power of a god. https://comicvine1.cbsistatic.com/uploads/original/11139/111396494/7759570-4849779309-main-qimg-61e21132c5e940f7ad86e21215c9c21e.jpg, https://comicvine1.cbsistatic.com/uploads/original/11139/111396494/7759577-1726217318-main-qimg-37f7b0eabd8788df737f0d82f080a5b4.jpg, https://comicvine1.cbsistatic.com/uploads/original/11139/111396494/7759578-4123258155-main-qimg-568def4d818ceb04a5d55dd25e255a71.jpg. Regardless After things go back to normal in a typical relaunch manner we then got this. Worlds that possessed special energies that made them different from all the other worlds in the universe. Def above planetary. Thus we arrive at a simple but factual conclusion RK Thor never had universal power less alone multiversal. When Gamora messed with the souls of the Marvel Universe, she accidentally created a new world called Warp World. Galactus usually comes with a Herald, a being he imbues with power to scout and ready planets for his consumption. Strange and is as powerful as Loki. Depends on how strong phoneix force is as Thor definitely held his own against the bird. If the latter would ever have any chance of defeating his master, he would have to use much cunning in addition to the full extent of his cosmic abilities. Momentarily confused by the strength of the cables, Thor regains his senses when he realizes innocents are in jeopardy because of their battle. Old King Thor is one of the most powerful variants of the character. Except your still wrong Cause RKT is easily Low multiversal scaling off from Odin own feats. [4] He was again proving that the map I showed is still valid, https://comicvine1.cbsistatic.com/uploads/original/11139/111396494/7759595-9363571547-main-qimg-f34f1ab08548b5e0f5cb92b471041dc5.jpg. Regardless From what we know that seed links to ten specific worlds in the universe. Instead he can only free their souls from what they had become. Knowing that anyone and everyone with a hunger for power might be attracted to the light, like moths to a flame, Odin sends Thor into the portal to retrieve the Worldheart, a kind of seed that was born from the power and holds incalculable energy as it is the soul of the All-God. Old King Thor is the new All-Father and ruler of Asgard. Now these are not multiversal but a non holding back Thor is definitely way way beyond planet busting. Although the full extent of Cable's powers is usually hampered by the techno-organic virus he has contracted,at full strength, this mutant hero is god-like. In Thor #439, Masterson Thor and Dargo Ktor, both of them weaker than Thor, clashed so hard they shook infinitely more than an infinite number of universes (obviously half of infinity is still infinity). The son of Zeus, Hercules is a demigod and practically the equal to the God of Thunder. RK Thor essentially discovered their Kryptonite and used it to end their hold on the fate not just of Asgard but apparently the nine realms as well. One of those such beings is none other than Silver Surfer's former master, Galactus. NEXT:Thor Love And Thunder Toys Reveal New Costumes And More. During one of his many cosmic adventures, Silver Surfer was forced to release massive amounts of cosmic energy. @mama7: They're free to counter this debunking. Recruiting multiple supervillains he dubs The Prime Movers, Lokis team is made up of Doctor Doom, the Red Skull, Magneto, Wizard, Kingpin, and the Mandarin, and each of them is then tasked with fighting heroes they normally dont interact with. He destroyed Yggdrasil, the World Tree. Let me say this right off the bat, No. Old King Thor often refers to 616 Thor as his "past self" and has insinuated . And it's dying because the Black Winter has already entered Universe 616. The attack is so phenomenal that Exitr, the most power Celestial, is staggered. Golmen discovers he is the most recent reincarnation of Thor Odinson and begins his journey as the new God of Thunder. The powerful beams obliterated Cable's arm and knocked the mutant unconscious. Later on, in the same story, the Surfer simply rendered Hulk unconscious with a wave of his hand. And unlike what some have made it seem, what he did was simply open a path to where the kingdom of Asgard lies. The idea is that if, for example, Captain America is constantly defeating the Red Skull, then Doctor Doom will fight Captain America or enlist another heavy hitter to fight the Avenger. https://comicvine1.cbsistatic.com/uploads/original/11139/111396494/7759596-4378509043-main-qimg-c4ce28bb58c1b7ae886e2fd399bfa9e9.jpg. Jane Foster was a nurse who worked with Dr. Donald Blake, Thors first human vessel. The Silver Surfer has come quite a way since his time spent as the herald of Galactus. The man who paved the way for World War II and inhuman atrocities, it certainly stands to reason that many people have forgotten the time that Thor teamed up with the mad tyrant. Because their first words are about Thor's strength as well as his wisdom - they know what he's capable of, and if they could have stopped him, he wouldn't be capable of such, and they would have never acknowledged that so freely. Thor Odinson is a superhero appearing in comic books published by Marvel Comics. In "Blood and Thunder," Thor comes down with a bad case of Warriors Madness. Even now with the universal threat of the Black Winter, we see that Yggdrasil is dying. The explosion knocks out Thor and goes so far as to throw Galactus, one of the mightiest beings in the Marvel Universe, off-balance. The most powerful Thor variant is Ultimate Thor, who's real name is Thorlief Golmen. As Tyrs forces battle Odin and the rest of Asgard, its up to Thor to content with one of the largest creatures in the entire universe. Maybe those ten worlds were kinda like the worlds Silver Surfer kept from Galactus. Alas, a winner would not be decided and the battle ended in a draw. Once there was even a kind of map given about it. Meaning the so called World Tree wasn't what people thought it was. Still at the end of the day the Ten Realms are not ten universes, they aren't even ten different dimensions. great thread so far hopefully this whould clear misconceptions about this version of thor, as for discord no its arguably way better than the entirety of debating forums if you actually look for good servers (obviously not ones that focuses on arguing), >Surtur hesitates to reforge Mjolnir because he thinks Thor's gonna murder him with it. Dr. Eric Solvang also explains to Tony Stark what . Meaning the so called World Tree wasn't what people thought it was. At one point in the comics, Thor was chosen as the next Herald of Galactus. Long story short, Loki tricks the two heroes into doing battle and as two of the strongest heroes in Marvel, there battle is as epic as youd imagine. And from his own light He created all the angels. Both have demonstrated feats that go well beyond mortal understanding. That he couldn't simply end Surtur and end the madness of Ragnarok. people wouldn't nit pick to high heavens and harass writers on Twitter about some dumb shit like scaling lol xd. While Old King Thor is technically from Earth-14412, his life force is tied to the main universe Thor of Eath-616. Cope? They would've simply obliterated RK Thor out of existence. A member of the Celestial race, a group of planet-sized aliens known for exploding worlds with the flick of a finger, Exitar is often summoned by Arishem the Judge (another Celestial), when the decision has been made that a planet needs to be purified, which involves blowing up the world. You can see that Asgard is even given a scale of size. Made out of a mystery metal stronger than uru, the metal that makes up Mjolinir, Odin and company fueled the armor with their magic. Because those five planets have special energies to them, that if Galactus had consumed them he would've become far more powerful. Eventually, Thor comes across the villains and knocks them out of the sky. Rune King Thor is not multiversal. What had been written was beyond his power to change. And so he does. Thor #281: Thor tanks the weight equal to that of a neutron star. But then again, mental gymnastics is the entire OP, so like Good job ignoring everything Loki said outside his self-admitted bluff, where he postulates them being Beyonders. Silver Surfer then stood up, unfazed, and blasted Cable with a cosmic optical blast. Norrin Radd was pure of heart, and there is nothing Mephisto wants more than a pure soul. And Deadpool could be put into basically a pulp and still be somewhat conscious. Even with all of that power, he still pales in comparison to the power of the Surfer. In Immortal She-hulk's oneshot, Al Ewing confirms that the blow delt by Thor to Galactus is Multiversal in destructive capabilities. Which obviously was not the case. During the Marvel event known as "Acts of Vengeance," Loki has gotten fed up with all the superheroes running around. Olympus in order to fight Ares. Galactus is a massive cosmic being that consumed planets to sustain his powers. A character so abstract, and awe inspiring, that you cannot possibly determine his limits. RK Thor can't escape death on his own, he needs to summon the spirit of Odin to take him away from Hel. Though the feat is impressive, it doesnt even faze the Destroyer. If someone says he is universal, he simply lacks of knowledge about Thor or he is downplaying him, you can not be credible by saying such thing, im telling you now. A viner that actually reads comics. A structure within the universe. And thus we see Yggdrasil imploding into itself. Volstagg found himself worthy of this Mjolnir and gained the powers of Thor, becoming the War Thor. Villains like Ultron are known for constructing their bodies out of the material, making them virtually impervious to all harm. Going through wave after wave of assailants, and after creating a makeshift hammer by literally molding an alien tank with his bare hands, Thors enemies unleash a series of graviton bombs. Pushing an engine, even one with a fancy name, might not sound terribly impressive, but just hold on for a moment while we review whats going on. Essentially, its linked to all the realms, past and present, and shares the weight of every planet its connected to. Sure Jan. there's no context of the death of a multiverse though.. He schemes to destroy the Avengers and all of Earths heroes, once and for all, but realizes he needs help. Thor Thor's most powerful 'Strike Feat' to date : Multiversal lvl #1 lazarus4tempest In Immortal She-hulk's oneshot, Al Ewing confirms that the blow delt by Thor to Galactus is. The Eye explains to Thor that the Axis Mundi (Celestial Axis) is a multi-layered system, and that it appears symbolically for every plane, and its the might world tree, Yggdrasil. Only this time without the Loom. Thor, the God of Thunder, is unquestionably not only one of Earths mightiest heroes, but one of the most powerful forces for good throughout the whole universe. RK Thor can't escape death on his own, he needs to summon the spirit of Odin to take him away from Hel. In issue #25 of Guardians of the Galaxy, Silver Surfer waited for Galactus to be on the brink of hunger. The embodiment of the Sky was named Ouranos (people know it better as Uranus). It's probably something akin to what happened in Mark Waid's History of the Marvel Universe, where Galactus and Franklin sited at the birth of a new creation and the last of the previous ones. Since the Destroyer is such an awesome weapon, many have sought to take control of it. For whatever reason, Thor is the only one to oppose both of them. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Grabbing Durok, Silver Surfer used his cosmic abilities to travel far into the future. Then you have the monster known as Mangog. Even before the two first met back in Avengers #3, fans wanted to know who was stronger. Thor quickly jumps under the massive building, summoning his might to hold up the millions of tons worth of steel and glass, while everyone heads to safety. I'd like to point out that this is blatantly copying a Quora answer. Unable to sit back any longer, Beta Ray Bill enters the fight. One of the most powerful Celestials to ever exist, there are few sentient beings as mighty as Exitar -- resisting him is a futile gesture. Known vaguely to the Asgardians as the Fimbulwinter, its coming was prophesized to herald . Still at the end of the day the Ten Realms are not ten universes, they aren't even ten different dimensions. I think the former might be the same guy again. Thor Odinson, as far as Marvel Comics is concerned, is the original. You are using an out of date browser. Bill pleads to Sif to recruit more help and she gathers the Infinity Watch, made up of Drax the Destoyer, herself, and a couple other cosmic heroes, to stop Thor. Galactus is on par with some of the most powerful beings in the known universe, tricking him with illusion was no small feat. However, in The Mighty Thor #309, the God of Thunder proves more than up for the task. He is way more powerful than Galactus. JavaScript is disabled. He instead helps Surtur and his forces lay waste to his land and people. Realizing hes about to lose, Mongoose flees and destroys a couple of the skyscrapers support pillars while he escapes. https://comicvine1.cbsistatic.com/uploads/original/11139/111396494/7759611-8264830890-main-qimg-af2c33116c6fa304849d3a5f88713239.jpg. You're all over MY thread. In one instance, Thor pushes over the Leaning Tower of Pisa with just one finger. The massive explosion incapacitates Morg. He even says: The Black Winter killed the universe before ours, Thor. Damn near everytime the yggdrasil is in danger or at risk its always referred to be power on a multiversal scale at work in the same comic, theres just way too much evidence against your asinine claims. that confirms that either you have never picked up a Thor comic, or you've read all of them to find the perfect lowball. And wow, did someone really say that? Thankfully, it doesnt take much longer for Thor to realize whom the real villain is and he joins the good guys once again. Where you can see in the map shown above that the map in the previous scan was still valid. But Gaia felt lonely and thus with the permission of the Chaos she birthed the Sky and everything in the firmament. I just check in from time to time (create a thread or two in a years out of curiosity) and all I see are salty kids. As life throughout the universe dies, the Tree of Life also dies. So if he wanted to free himself and Asgard from the cycle, he needed to destroy the Loom. Rune King Thor is kinda like Golden Superman from DC One Million. Its most famous host is mutant Jean Grey but has inhabited many characters in the Marvel Universe. As this was their first encounter, Silver Surfer only had Lokis word that Thor was evil and Thor only knew that the chrome surfer was attacking him. After Thor was no longer deemed worthy to wield his hammer, Mjolnir, he needed a successor. send you an email once approved. Thor, for his part, can see a scheme from his brother a mile away and was actually holding back the entire time because of it. They are part of the universe and don't exist apart from it. A literal godkiller, the Skrull demolishes the Warriors Three and Beta Ray Bill before Thor arrives. However, the thunder god can see that unless drastic steps are taken, Galactus and his father will be locked in a stalemate. He instead called upon the aid of the Silver Surfer. Yeah the Ydrassil is odd, there's conflicting evidence as to what it actually isbut what we do know is that when Strange absorbed it's powers, he was supposed to be the most powerful he's ever been, including classic Strange, no? In the midst of their battle the Silver Surfer surrounds Thors hammer with an impenetrable force field, but as their battle ends and Thor doesnt have to hold back anymore, he easily shatters the Surfers shield, much to the latters surprise. That spark was Gaia, Mother Earth, Mother of all Life. If you are a Christian or Catholic, then God created from his own light the Kingdom of Heaven. Thor agrees, but the one thing he didnt count on was being attacked by the planets inhabitants and their advanced technology. Having been an Avenger and also knowing many Asgardian warriors, the thunder god had many powerful allies to call for help. In order to learn the true nature of the Celestials, Thor makes the choice to travel back in time, so that he can witness their origins. This. Kevd4wg. In a fight where Thor uses every ounce of power, he performs such feats as beating Mangog by ramming Mjolnir down the monsters throat and unleashing a massive energy blast, withstanding a blast from Thanos capable of destroying a planet, and then going on to defeat the Mad Titan himself. They were Celestials. When forced to battle Durok the Destroyer, Thor found himself at a severe disadvantage. And God saw that the light was good. [5] Eternity succeeded the Sentience of the Sixth Cosmos as the embodiment of the Seventh Cosmos alongside his sister-self Infinity. Dr. Eric Solvang try to explain to volstagg the multi-layered system of belief that is the Axis Mundi/Yggdrasil. Often seen as an antagonist for the Fantastic Four, Galactus has caused cosmic-level threats that involved many of the heroes in Marvel. Celestials wouldn't plee and they wouldn't simply sit and let Thor ruin their plans. And its importance was greatly exaggerated. And it's dying because the Black Winter has already entered Universe 616. You must log in or register to reply here. Assaulted while in his human guise, Sigurd Jarlson, Thor gets thrown off the building and is saved by Spider-Man, who happens to be swinging by. Let me say this right off the bat, No. Beta, with Stormbreaker, wields the power of Thor and often helps or steps in for the God of Thunder. I mean depending on how you powerscale anyone* in marvel does. Yggdrasil is simply a structure. It also exists on every plane of reality. In one final act of desperation, Thor throws Mjolnir with all his strength. They are mistaking really that with DC's Ares and Darkseid. During one of his stints as a god-like mutant, Cable found himself at odds with the Surfer. Then, he left the beast there and traveled back, stranding Durok in a time where humanity no longer existed. The sheer weight of the Serpent is uncertain, but at the very least, its not in the billions of tons, rather its weight is in the trillions of tons. I always thought it was just Galan being reborn from the big bang. RK Thor himself claims that Those Who Sit Above In Shadow were simply a race of celestial beings that fed on the cycle of Ragnarok. He's traveled the universe, defeated powerful cosmic beings, and defended Earth as best he could. I never really saw him being wanked alot. However, it should always be kept in mind that, although Destructive Capacity and Area of Effect are some of the most . Yggdrasil holds infinite universes. Though The Prime Movers are able to get along, their alliance is temporary and it doesnt take long for their group to fall apart and for its members to turn on one another. He actually helps Surtur reach Asgard. And its importance was greatly exaggerated. They just love use lyrics/poem speech to misinterprete facts and feats to wank those characters while plot says different ( spoken in normal/novel language ). In an event featuring the Avengers battling the Defenders, the two teams chase after pieces of a mystic artifact called the Evil Eye. Although it took all of the energy he had, Silver Surfer was able to resist the telepath's attacks and then defeated her in combat. The Skrulls invaded Asgard, which happened to be floating just a few feet above the ground of Arizona, realizing they needed to defeat the gods if they wanted to conquer the planet. As they tried to blast each other with their respective cosmic energies, a resulting chain reaction caused the planet to explode. Thor does retrieve it, but it doesnt take long for Odin and Asgard to realize that another wants it: Galactus.
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