Its because of His blood that we are brought near to God (Heb. Instead, he decided to leave the Ark at the home of oneObed-Edom. . I came back to it this morning when I ran across your article. The more you esteem His blood, the more faith youll have in the Lord. Well David, upon hearing all this, came back to the house of Obed Edom for the Ark, this time with a whole new attitude! Obed-edom fue un levita que vivi en los das de David. xiii. He should have known better but, for some reason, he didnt. Im no expert, and I dont know that it takes too much away from your point, but it appears Obed-Edom was not a Gentile Philistine but rather a Jewish Levite, listed in 1 Chronicles 15:18 as one of the sons of Merari. While God is holy, His holiness calls for us to realize we cannot meet His standard of holiness, but we can depend on His grace to deliver us, save us, and supply everything we need! So David went and brought up the ark of God from the house of Obed-edom to the city of David with rejoicing; and when those who bore the ark of the Lord had gone six paces, he sacrificed an ox and a fatling. Pastor Prince shares a word of wisdom for those concerned about growing older. Consider: A. Now that doesnt seem fair, does it? This is why Christians within congregations where their pastors are trying to balance GRACE with law, (the righteousness by works model), fall sick and/or die before their time. We must fight to get to Jesus through the crowds of people pointing us other directions, fall at his feet and implore him. Thank you for the great article. I am by no means a bible scholar at all or might have known who Obed Edom was. Voir les versets relatifs. This man had God in his house and the blessings became the talk of the town. . The Ark demonstrates that Jesus is 100% Man (wood) and 100% God (gold.). Hello you really try, well done, but there is confusion on obed edom that u mentioned is gentiles because one of the account said from gatite,but what of the one that Bible call a gatekeeper, musician, and his son was also dookeeper, can you simply find the main truth about them very well, because ordinary person can not stand in the front of ark of God. 5:20). And the LORD blessed the household of Obed-edom and all that he had." (1 Chronicles 13:14). Uzzah reached forth his hand to steady the ark and God struck him dead (II Samuel 6:1-9; I Chronicles 13:1-14). 78:68). This is the protagonist I want to examine. Ever ask God questions like that? "De modo que David no quiso traer para s el arca de Jehov a la ciudad de David; y la hizo llevar David a casa de Obed-edom geteo. Why was he bringing it back and why was is not there where it belonged? The Chronicler naturally desired to think that only Levites could discharge such duties as Obed-edom performed, and hence, the references to him as a Levite. Or get access to this sermon and over a thousand more more when you subscribe, Get access to this sermon and over thousands, Or unlock access to this sermon and hundreds, JP App Difficult. 9:22). Before the soldiers arrived at Gethsemane, as I said, Jesus knew ALL that was soon to happen. Instead of seeking the Lord and humbling himself to ask God where he missed the mark, David had a servile (slavish) fear of God. Secondly, due to his lineage, he was probably appointed more because it was his duty to do so. He acted maturely and was accountable for the safe-keeping of the ark. The word Giddite seems to indicate that Obed Edom is an inhabitant of Gath, a Philistine city. David was told that Obed-edom's house was blessed since the Ark of God was there. God's Timing is Not Our Timing Jesus was on his way to heal Jairus' daughter, but he takes time to talk to the woman who touches his robe. He was a man of influence. The law can only be taught it if you push aside the Mercy Seat and drag it out. Enter your email address and we will send you a link to reset your password. While transporting the Ark, Uzzah and Ahio, the sons of Abinadab, had set the ark on a new cart. NLT The Ark of the Lord remained there in Obed-edom's house for three months, and the Lord blessed Obed-edom and his entire household. He could not just go shop for an ark, he had to build it. Obed-Edom had to pack up and physically move to stay in the presence of God. You're already in our mailing list. OBED-EDOM (Heb. For all the promises of God you read in the Old or New Testament, you claim them by faith by saying, Amen!, In that day will I raise up the tabernacle of David that is fallen, and close up the breaches (perez) thereof; and I will raise up his ruins, and I will build it as in the days of old. Amos 9:11 KJV, breaches (perez) The word perez in Hebrew means breach.. Took care of it and its contents. 5. With his act of obedicnce to let the Ark of God into his house, Obed-Edom and his entire household with his descendants were blessed and was allowed to serve God! It contained three items inside: #1) The tablets of stone on which were engraved the Ten Commandment. But the Pharisees, who reckoned themselves righteous through the law and their own works, could not receive those miracles even though Jesus power was there for them too. Lets pause for a moment to know more about the Ark and understand how it was designated to be carried. In this year of Rest and Acceleration, God wants to accelerate His restoration in your family life. Among all the furniture in the tabernacle, the ark of the covenant is the clearest representation of the person of Jesus and His presence. I also need help on the question of why did David choose Obededom of all pipo around. Otherwise, battered and bruised though He was, His physical body would not have been able to die. Listen, Church:JESUS DID A FINISHED WORK. you should do that . In the last days, the two family sticks will be joined into one!, For now we see through a glass darkly, but soon face to face.. In order to approach the Lord, we must come before Him according to His demands. Thisyoung manfrom the tribe ofBenjaminis a depiction of the last, and therefore youngest, generation. He preferred the Presence of the Lord this much. Communion, instead of being a remembrance of Jesus and what He did for us, becomes a remembrance of their sins, which have ALL been put away! It is about relationship with a Person: Our Lord Jesus Christ. went to bring up the ark of the covenant of the LORD out of the house of Obed-edom with joy." 1 Chron. God allowed the Philistines to move the ark on the oxen cart and none of them died because they werent Gods people and didnt know any better. No man can look at the law and remain alive. Worship with us at No 15 Grey street, polokor market warri. It wasnt just on Sunday, but daily, sometimes more often. Because Israel at that time had forfeited the right to have God in their midst. Obededom was faithful in his conduct and dealings and thus was faithful also to the Ark committed unto him to keep. In all the ways you can, Ver. Try, Slow Down, Big Fellawhat A Motorcyclist Taught Me About Preaching, Spit-Shine Tomorrow's Sermon Before You Go To Bed Tonight. 11:2526), He was showing us the importance of valuing His blood. (6 votes) Very easy. Needless to say, God was greatly displeased! I want to tell you a fascinating story. In these two passages, it mentions a list of his descendants. They were singing songs of praise and worship. 5:6). We can connect easily there. Obed-Edom being a Gittite (Gentile, non-Jew) fulfills Amos prophecy, where the rebuilding of the Tabernacle of David will cause the Gentiles to come in (Amos 9:12). Theyre ignorantGentiles, for heavens sake, which is why God allowed them to get away with doing it in the first place. But David did something new. Can't you hear him: "Hey, this is great! There are at least two such individuals referred to (1Ch 15:21, 24; 16:38), but beyond this it is impossible to determine whether the several other texts refer to either of these, or to still other contemporary individuals. The Obedience of Obed-edom 2 Samuel 6: 10-12 Our text today records an event that transpired while David sought to move the ark of God back to Jerusalem, and place it within the Tabernacle. Gods way is for us to trust His grace, not our own effort, strength, or willpower. David was both angry at God yet terrified at the the same time. And this is a lesson for us to read the Bible in its context before offering a conclusion that is patently untrue. David followed the way the Philistines transported the ark back to Jerusalem after they had stolen it. 5:25). You get turned on, fired up engaged people so in love with Jesus that no one will have to tell them to go talk to others about Jesus: THEY WONT BE ABLE TO SHUT UP! Abinabab is a picture of those who dont have a great appreciation of the blood of Jesus. There are actually four different men named Obed Edom in scripture. This time, there was also singing, but notice there is no mention of All their might. No self-righteousness. Where before there was abject terror, now there was great dancing and rejoicing and a VERY different King David! This is such a beautiful picture of The Grace of Jesus and The Power of His blood. 9 And these are the generations of Esau the father of the Edomites in mount Seir: 10 These are the names of Esau's sons; Eliphaz the son of Adah the wife of Esau, Reuel the son of Bashemath the wife of Esau. That may have bee a typo. You know: Half man, half fish. . These are notes on the sermon, Jesus needs to be broughtBACK TO THE CENTER. Peter, whom God had used to preach to the Gentiles, stood up and said: Now therefore, why do you test God by putting a yoke on the neck of the disciples which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear? Acts 15:10 NKJV. Many of the same kinds of things that transpired 3 months priorlike lots of praise and worshipwere again present. God has ordained Jesus to be the center of everything. Check out the piece called, Theres room at the cross for you, and the article on the Gospel of Matthew in my Gospel series. When David was a young man, he dreamed of bringing the ark to the center place of Gods people (Ps. Vs. 26-28. The battle in which the Ark was Captured by the Philistines, took place during the time that a man named, Eli, was high priest over Israel. 7 Reasons Why God Bless Obed-Edom. 26:1-4) (vase apartada (a) de este mismo artculo y cfr. However, over the years, I began to study the name more closely. David came to Abinadabs house to take the Ark to the Hill of Zion. 6:1112). Obed-Edom: 1. These men did great evil in the eyes of the Lord. Under no circumstance was the ark to be placed on a cart and moved by animals. When we try to be acceptable or pleasing to God by our own good works or try to merit or earn His blessings, we stumble too. Very telling. Yes, this is an actual event that happened to real people in a real place in Israels actual history. Uzzah reached out his hand to steady the ark, because the oxen stumbled. 1 Chronicles 13:9 NIV. I found your teaching is very similar to a Singaporean New Creation church Joseph Prince teaching. This coming week, may the blessings of God begin to manifest in an accelerated way, in the name of Jesus. However, it can also be taken to mean an inhabitant of Gath-rimmon, one of the four Levitical cities for the Kohathites in Dan (Joshua 21:24). But it was not by their might; it was in response to a revelation of Jesus! 26:10; 16:38). Some of the answers to the questions above, and maybe even some you didnt think to ask, are found by understanding the typologies in this story. But there is no warmth, no closeness, no sense of family. There is no sense of closeness to God. God has the right to take life, but He also has the power and loving desire to give life eternally. People talking about Gods blessings in your life is another way of spreading the good news so that others will be drawn to the God you serve. I was further surprised to see that later Obed Edom and his sons and their descendants were inducted into the Temple service of the Lord which as per the law was only reserved for the Levites, not even other Jews. But He chose to record it for us to drive home a very important point. Tuesday(women class): 5PM - 6PM The Obed Edom in this story is a Philistine from Gath. They set it before him and celebrated their victory. He was so afraid he decided he wasn't going to go any further. He sure has. And that ignored the mention that Obed Edom was a Levite in the 1 Chronicles 15 narrative. No wonder there wasexuberant praise and worship!!! Obed-Edom was a Gittite (1 Chron. , The LORD appeared to Samuel and told the young child of His plan to end the line of wicked old Eli and his evil sons. (Joshua 21:25) (B.C. When you consider the very steep and rocky terrain the oxen had to negotiate, you can see why they had a huge problem. I knew it was biblical but didnt know how in the world it just came out. For example, when the ark is deconstructed and laid out flat, it forms the shape of a cross (a video of this illustration is shown on screen). While David was a man after Gods own heart, with sincere motives, he failed to seek the Lord or follow His direction.
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