Also,is lords of chaos accurate? Varg was arrested on August 19, 1993, and was sentenced to 21 years in prison on May 16, 1994. We're against freedom, and forced a band from Rogaland in NorwayBelsebubto split up. In this country prisoners get a bed, toilet and shower. Kahlos life was very much colored with pain ranging from her contraction of polio at age six, growing up during the Mexican Revolution, a traumatic bus accident, her tumultuous marriage to artist Diego Rivera and several miscarriages. [39] Vikernes explains: "If he was talking about it to everybody and anybody I wouldn't have taken it seriously. Cradle of Filth are an English extreme metal band, formed in Suffolk, England in 1991. Necrobutcher was in the band since 1984, but left in 1991 because of personal concerns following the suicide of former vocalist Dead as well as internal conflicts and disagreement with bandmate Euronymous. Necrobutcher ended his friendship with Euronymous and quit Mayhem. [ambiguous] Two churches were burnt the day he was sentenced, "presumably as a statement of symbolic support". [18] Since there were no places available in the English school in Baghdad, the young Vikernes went to an Iraqi elementary school during this time. ", "Mayhem's Necrobutcher: I Was on My Way to Kill Euronymous Myself", "Rare Euronymous interview - SMNnews Forums", "Updated: Burzum Leader Fails to Return After Short Leave from Prison", Editorial: Regarding Euronymous' Claim that "Almost ALL Norwegian Bands are More or Less Nazis", "Guitar World's 100 Greatest Heavy Metal Guitarists of All Time", "Black metal star's family says no to Norwegian tailfin honour", "MAYHEM's Euronymous Won't Be The Face Of Norwegian Air", "Satan the Musician: Black Metal and Satanism", Lords of Chaos: The Bloody Rise of the Satanic Metal Underground, Euronymous and Necro Butcher interview from, Originators of the Northern Darkness A Tribute to Mayhem,, Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from November 2012, Short description is different from Wikidata, Pages using infobox musical artist with associated acts, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from August 2022, Articles lacking reliable references from August 2022, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. [16][17], In the Lords of Chaos interview, Vikernes recalls that when he was 6 years old, the family moved for about a year to Baghdad, Iraq, because Vikernes' "father was working for Saddam Hussein" developing a computer program. I want to start by wishing you a happy birthday. He stabbed his bandmate Euronymous to death over some fight, served 15 years in jail cuz they don't do life imprisonment in Norway. He claimed that, in the summer of 1993, he was almost committed to a mental hospital but fled to Bergen and stayed with Vikernes. He was replaced as a session bassist by Varg Vikernes, who murdered Euronymous in 1993. [92], In late 2019, Vikernes announced on his Twitter that he intended to release another album as Burzum. Hellhammer said "I thought it was appropriate that the murderer and victim were on the same record. She was also ridiculed and harassed by her school mates in high school because of her differences. Varg Vikernes (using his pseudonym Count Grishnackh) gave an anonymous interview to a journalist from the newspaper, in which he claimed to have burnt the churches and killed a man in Lillehammer. Asareth, who went by the stage name "Euronymous," is infamous for his personality, which may have gotten him killed. According to Occultus, the space that Euronymous rented "was far too big and the rent was too high. Apparently lives in France now with his wife. [39] At the time, Burzum was about to release the Aske mini-album. [31], On 6 June 1992, the Fantoft Stave Church, dating from the 12th century and considered architecturally significant, was burned to the ground by arson. In 1992, Vikernes joined the black metal band Mayhem, a year after band member Dead committed suicide on 8 April 1991. . What kind of metal is Cannibal Corpse? Furthermore, Frida challenged typical beauty standards through her art. They worked together with Asareth playing guitar on a few of Varg's tracks since he was a one-man band with Burzum. [51] They include Necrobutcher,[58] Kjetil Manheim,[4] Vikernes[8] and Blackthorn. [44] Vikernes claims that he killed Euronymous in self-defense. Society tells us that some sins are worse than others. [65] Vikernes was denied access to an electric guitar, bass guitar or drums, and instead used a synthesizer. The two got into a struggle and Vikernes stabbed Euronymous to death. Euronymous played guitar on the following albums except where noted, any additional instruments or credits in notes. Josephine Baker shattered the glass ceiling and continues to be an inspiration for women of every color. She starred in numerous movies and shows and received many awards for her work. The Christians feel despair, God's house is destroyed and ordinary people will suffer from grief because something beautiful was destroyed. Last edited on 21 February 2023, at 01:51, "Vikernes skylder fortsatt millioner for nedbrente kirker i Norge", "20 of the best black metal albums from the 1990s", "Are Music Streaming Services Doing More Harm Than Good to the Metal Community? Imagine a beautiful old stave churchwhat happens when it burns? [18] About his mother, Vikernes states that she was "very race conscious", in the sense that she was afraid that Vikernes "was going to come home with a black girl! [11] This coincided with an announcement from YouTube that it would be more aggressive in removing "videos alleging that a group is superior in order to justify discrimination, segregation or exclusion". He also avoids the unnecessary use of pharmaceutical drugs. Adapted from the 1998 book of the same name, the film is a historical fiction account of the early 1990s Norwegian black metal scene told from the perspective of Mayhem co-founder Euronymous. While we face the last couple of weeks of winter there are many things you need to do. In it, Euronymous and Vikernes presented themselves as leaders of a militant, cult-like group of "Satanic terrorists". According to police, the young men were part of a self-styled "Einsatzgruppe" and were plotting attacks on political and religious figures in Norway. Especially if you have school work to do, background music can help fill the silence of late night studying. The 'black metal police' were gone".[7]. It teaches us that "little white lies" are okay, but homosexuality is condemned. Often times she was hungry, and while working as an in-house domestic was abused. Build a pillow fort on your bed in any clear space using four chairs, an abundance of blankets and all the pillows you can find. Euronymous also started an independent record label called Deathlike Silence Productions, which was based at Helvete. [11] When asked why Euronymous made such extreme statements to the press, Ihsahn said: "I think that was very much to create fear among people". [10][13] Moreover, Euronymous claimed to have given these necklaces to musicians he deemed worthy,[14] which was confirmed by several other members of the scene, like Brd "Faust" Eithun,[15] and Metalion. [50] However, many of Euronymous' friends and bandmates "speak of the killing with a tone of indifference". [33] Varg Vikernes (using his pseudonym Count Grishnackh) gave an anonymous interview to a journalist from the newspaper, in which he claimed to have burnt the churches and killed a man in Lillehammer. Meitner was on the verge of a breakthrough, but was forced to flee the country because of the anti-Jewish Nazi regime. [37], In January 1993, an article in one of Norway's biggest newspapers, Bergens Tidende, brought the black metal scene into the media spotlight. In August 1993, he was killed by fellow musician and former bandmate Varg Vikernes. Blackthorn said of the murder, "I was neither for nor against it. At the time he was going by the stage name Destructor but later changed his name to Euronymous,[2] derived from the demon Eurynomos which inspired the Hellhammer song of the same name. [18] He also stated that his parents are divorced; Vikernes' father is said to have "left about 10 years ago", which would have been 1985, when Vikernes was 11 or 12. He wanted people to think of him as being extreme; the most extreme of them all. The makeup is used to make the musicians appear inhuman, corpse-like, or demonic, and is perhaps the most identifiable aspect of the black metal aesthetic.. His body was found in the stairwell on the first floor with 23 stab woundstwo to the head, five to the neck, and 16 to the back. Although Vikernes condemned Breivik's actions, this drew the attention of the French authorities. [73] He had a fascination with the idea of mass surveillance, secret police and forced disappearance. Vikernes said the killing was self-defense and unsuccessfully argued for the charge to be reduced to voluntary manslaughter. [39][118], After his release from prison, he changed his legal name to Louis Cachet to avoid difficulties with the public, but still goes by Varg Vikernes in daily life. As a young girl, Audrey lived under German occupation in the Netherlands. 'I defended my life. [4], During MayJune 1991,[18] Euronymous opened a record shop named "Helvete"[19] (Norwegian for "hell")[20] at Schweigaards gate 56 in Oslo. Because of society. Lords of Chaos is a 2018 horror-thriller film directed by Jonas kerlund and written by Dennis Magnusson and kerlund. [64], During his time in prison, Vikernes recorded two albums made up wholly of ambient and neofolk music. We see each other frequently and always have some new story (and a Spongebob reference or two). [74] He said "as I hate people I don't want them to have a good time, I'd like to see them rot under communist dictatorship". The main influences for the band at the time were First Wave Black Metal bands such as Bathory, Venom and Celtic Frost and more 'classic' metal acts such as Motrhead and Black Sabbath. But as Vikernes perceived it the teachers "didn't dare to hit me because I was white". What's your sign? What does a burning church tattoo mean? In it, he wrote that he had received death threats and another inmate had tried to strangle him shortly after the newspaper article was published. Sandra Bullock! Vikernes was strongly suspected as the culprit but was never convicted. how many times did varg stab euronymous [7] Faust of Emperor believes that Dead's suicide "marked the point at which, under Euronymous' direction, the black metal scene began its obsession with all things satanic and evil". When we think back to the Bible though, is this how Jesus treated others? [7] In a 1993 interview on a Swedish radio show, Euronymous said of the church burnings: They [Christians] must feel that there is a dark, evil power present that they have to fight, whichwill make them more extreme. How many times did Varg stab Euronymous? [11], Described by Sam Dunn as "the most notorious metal musician of all time",[12] Vikernes remains controversial for his crimes as well as his political and religious views. [73] His lawyer, John Christian Elden, has complained that the policy change is a form of retroactive legislation. I've gotten to see you at your highest and lowest and I love you so much at times I wonder how I could have gotten so lucky to call you my friend. He presented himself as leading a militant cult-like group known as the "Black Metal Inner Circle". He says that Euronymous had plotted to stun him with an electroshock weapon, tie him up, and torture him to death while videotaping the event. [16] Corporal punishment was very common in the school, and on one occasion, Vikernes had a "quarrel" with a teacher and called him "a monkey". Euronymous said that the term "black metal" can apply to any kind of metal so long as it is "Satanic" and "heavy". Never forget it. Pagan) values and ideals". Faust says he believes that Euronymous got involved because he "felt he had to prove that he could be a part of it and not just in the background". Euronymous professed to being a theistic Satanist and was known for making extreme misanthropic statements. [97] In 1997, a Norwegian publisher released a paperback edition of the book; its publication was financed by Vikernes's mother, Helene Bore. He believed that the idea of staying underground came from hardcore punk, and said, "Those who scream most about being in 'underground' is also often those who make so bad music that they don't have a chance to get big themselves". [16] Vikernes' mother also recalls that "the other children in his class would get slapped by their teachers; he would not". Churches have been burned in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Nova Scotia. Some of the other scene members were also arrested and questioned, but all were released for lack of evidence. [12] In time, rumors spread that Euronymous had made a stew with bits of Dead's brain and had made necklaces with bits of his skull. Lastly, the best part is the toppings. The inscription read "Ash nazg durbatulk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatulk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul", or in English, "One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them." While Mortiis said that Euronymous "was such a devil worshipper you wouldn't believe it",[64] in the black metal documentary Until the Light Takes Us, Varg Vikernes claimed that Euronymous was not a Satanist. Although only 18, Malala has made tremendous waves not only in Pakistan, but the world at large. The goal, he says, was to scare people, promote black metal, and get more customers for Helvete. I did what I had to do in that situation,' Vikernes says. He's a racist, nationalist anti-Semite convicted of burning churches and murdering Euronymous. Some of what he says, in terms of today's 'morality' is true and quite wise. [50], A new generation of musicians also tried to gain credibility by riding on the back of his legacy. Answer (1 of 6): People listen to him who are racist and generally negative, usually possessing a superiority complex. What's important is that it's Satanic; that's what makes it black metal". However, others claim that Asareth had it coming because of his personality. His body was found in the stairwell on the first floor with 23 stab woundstwo to the head, five to the neck, and 16 to the back. In the years following his release from prison, Vikernes became an active video blogger on his YouTube channel, ThuleanPerspective (or Thulan Perspective). But what do these acts really accomplish?Jul 21, 2021. [33], At the time, media outlets reported that Vikernes was associated with theistic Satanism. His body was found in the stairwell on the first floor with 23 stab wounds two to the head, five to the neck, and 16 to the back. [53] He however came in contact with the neo-Nazi group Zorn 88, and wrote articles in its magazine Gjallarhorn. The third person stayed at the apartment in Bergen as an alibi. We do not know the true intentions of each others hearts, that is up to God to judge, so stop judging others away from the church - welcome them. I'm in court in Oslo and I'm charged with murder. [103], By late 2003, Vikernes had begun writing articles for, which became the official Burzum website. His father is an electronics engineer, and his older brother is a civil engineer. Varg Vikernes stated that Dead had even stabbed Euronymous with a knife once. Euronymous then went outside and began shooting into the air with a shotgun. I'm no expert in zodiac signs, but I do spend a fair amount of time looking at both zodiac sign memes and entertainment news on Instagram and Twitter, so I feel as if I'm certified to do this. [71], Likewise, Euronymous said that the term death metal can apply to any kind of metal, so long as the band "cultivates and worships death". Misantropiska Lucifer Orden". This caused him to want to get Mayhem out of the way. [55][62] He said he would "never accept any band which preaches Church of Satan ideas, as they are just a bunch of freedom and life-loving atheists, and they stand exactly the opposite of me". Just one of the biggest stars of the 1950s, no big deal. Black metal is me!' Society tells us that it is more acceptable to be drunk every weekend than cheat on spouses. [73] Mayhem's Attila Csihar said Euronymous was not a communist "in the political sense" but was fascinated by the power communist dictators had over their people. Norwegian black metal musicians often met in the shop's basement, including the two members of Mayhem, the members of Emperor, Varg "Count Grishnackh" Vikernes of Burzum, and Snorre "Blackthorn" Ruch of Thorns. The cover of Burzum's EP Aske ("ashes") is a photograph of the destroyed church. [61] Mayhem drummer Kjetil Manheim (Euronymous' friend from 1983 until his death) described him as "health oriented A nice guy, a family guy", but said that when his older friends were not around, "he could play out his role". When reading the above quote, no one other than the speaker herself comes to mind. We grow up in a culture that tells us not to associate with others because of their certain sins. He was all 'I define black metal. In June 2006, after serving 12 years, Vikernes was denied parole by the Department of Criminal Justice for this reason. The only organization I am a member of is Riksmlsforbundet" (The Society for the Preservation of Traditional Standard Norwegian). He says, "Relax, I have photos of everything". He says that Euronymous had plotted to stun him with an electroshock weapon, tie him up, and torture him to death while videotaping the event. According to the authors of Lord of Chaos, this may have been to protect him, as Norwegian prisoners were prohibited from leading political groups. Marilyn Monroe! This will make any chill session that much more enjoyable. It's called "Nkken" (Eng", "BURZUM-THULAN MYSTERIES (CLEAR VINYL)-Vinyl Double Album", "A Comment To "Vargsml" And Other Books By Varg Vikernes", "Black Metal Spreads Neo-Nazi Hate Message", "Universittsbibliothek Kiel - Discovery Service", Interview with Varg Vikernes for "Terrorizer" Magazine (#194, March 2010), by James Minton, "Burzum Announces New Album Thulan Mysteries", "Norwegian neo-Nazi arrested in France over attack fears", "Det eneste vi hrte var hundene som bjeffet", "Whilst "LARPing in the woods" here in the French countryside, today, the 14th of March, my wife gave birth to another healthy child, our 7th", "Interview with Varg Vikernes (10.05.2005), by Chris Mitchell", "Some Facts about Varg Vikernes & his Case", "Interview with Varg Vikernes - "Druvis" Almanac (2011)", "Lord of Chaos: Activists Accuse Portland Writer and Musician Michael Moynihan of Spreading Extremist Propaganda, But They're Not Telling the Whole Story", The Count caught with an AG-3 automatic rifle, Official Burzum and Varg Vikernes home site,, This page was last edited on 21 February 2023, at 01:51. Below are some things to consider when trying to figure out did euronymous cut his hair. Jesus was in the temple when He saw others selling and bargaining inside. We think of the church as the place we go, or don't go, on Sunday mornings. His full sentence would run for another seven years. [112] They were married the same year. Despite her struggles, Temple eventually found her passion for science and animals. "[53], Vikernes' trial began on 2 May 1994; he was represented by the lawyer Stein-Erik Mattsson. On the way, they stopped at a lake where Vikernes disposed of his bloodstained clothes. Varg had brought a knife and then got into a scuffle with Asareth resulting in Asareth being stabbed over 20 times. In August 2003, Vikernes was transferred from a maximum-security prison in Bergen to the low-security prison in Tnsberg. [51] Vikernes, however, claims that he had not planned the killing and that Blackthorn came along to show Euronymous some new guitar riffs. Writer and musician Erlend Erichsen agreed, saying, "Nobody was there to boss them about. Let's find out. Almost all were on indigenous land, destroyed, apparently, in response to deaths of the children who were removed from their families sent to the schools in a policy of forced assimilation. I put word out that I was re-recording the bass parts, but I never did."[59]. According to Vikernes, the anonymous interview was planned by himself and Euronymous. [38] Jrn Inge Tunsberg of Hades said that the interview had "grave consequences" for the rest of the scene and that they did not know he was going to talk to the press, as "he had said nothing". She went on to be the youngest Nobel Peace Prize laureate. This article has not been reviewed by Odyssey HQ and solely reflects the ideas and opinions of the creator. [32] By January 1993, arson attacks had occurred on at least seven other major stave churches, including one on Christmas Eve of 1992. [102][non-primary source needed] According to a review from the music blog Heathen Harvest, the book rejects accepted academic theories, instead focusing on Vikernes's speculation and personalized story-telling. [44] Vikernes, however, claims that he had not planned the killing and that Blackthorn came along to show Euronymous some new guitar riffs.[45]. The two got into a struggle and Vikernes stabbed Euronymous to death. [63] Vikernes' mother, Lene Bore, was arrested for supplying the group with 100,000 kroner. Asareth is the man behind the Norwegian black metal scene, as he is credited with shaping the genre. Vikernes claimed his final stab to the skull was so powerful the knife remained stuck in Euronymous' skull, but no physical evidence or bodily injuries supported his claim. [6], Vikernes started playing guitar at the age of 14. He added: "I wouldn't mind making DSP big and earn a million, as long as I don't change my ways of thinking and being. The murder was initially blamed on Swedish black metallers by the media. In 2019, he announced that the upcoming ambient album of Burzum, Thulan Mysteries, was also intended as background music for the game. It was not my intention to make another Burzum album, but it so happens tha", "The image on the upcoming (03/2020) Burzum album 'Thulan Mysteries' is by Th. [38], In early 1993, animosity arose between Euronymous and Vikernes. You're an icon, Capricorn. [39] Vikernes said he met Euronymous at the door to hand him the signed contract, but when he stepped forward and confronted Euronymous, Euronymous "panicked" and kicked him in the chest. Does Sepultura have any original members? [24], Euronymous helped many younger bands in the scene, especially Emperor and Enslaved, both of whom he recommended to Candlelight Records. For instance, she did not begin speaking until she was three and a half years old. [81][82][83][84] Officials later stated that Vikernes' wife had a legal firearms permit to buy the rifles. [17], Necrobutcher later speculated that taking the photographs and forcing others to see them was a way for Euronymous to cope with the shock of seeing his friend dead. Stian "Occultus" Johannsen was recruited as Mayhem's new singer and bassist. [38] BT journalist Finn Bjrn Tnder set up a meeting with Count Grishnackh with help from the friends. Grishnackh stabbed Euronymous over 20 times in the head, neck and back, before leaving his body on the stairs leading up to the apartment where the two lived. [47] Blackthorn allegedly stood in the stairwell smoking while Vikernes went to Euronymous' apartment on the fourth floor. He has since disavowed the ideology and its associated movements, although critics continue to label his views as far-right. [4] Mayhem bassist Necrobutcher said that, after living together for a while, Dead and Euronymous "got on each other's nerves a lot" and "weren't really friends at the end". [23] Daniel Ekeroth wrote in 2008, Within just a few months [of Helvete opening], many young musicians had become obsessed with Euronymous and his ideas, and soon a lot of Norwegian death metal bands transformed into black metal bands. Temple Grandin is arguably one of the most inspirational human beings to date. He claims that, in the summer of 1993, he was almost committed to a mental hospital but fled to Bergen and stayed with Vikernes. His stage name, Grishnakh, is taken from that of an orc in The Two Towers, while the band name Burzum, meaning "darkness", was taken from the Black Speech inscribed on the One Ring in The Lord of the Rings. A part of the Norwegian scene considered Vikernes a traitor for murdering Euronymous[48][bettersourceneeded] and turning his back on Satanism in favor of nationalism and Odinism,[49] although Vikernes claims he was never a Satanist and had only used Satan to provoke. [39] The two got into a struggle and Vikernes stabbed Euronymous to death. [11] Before the release, Euronymous' family asked Hellhammer to remove the bass tracks recorded by Vikernes. Vikernes has distanced himself from his black metal past, claiming he "came under the influence of an absolute degenerate loser, ystein", and blaming his past actions and "degeneracy" on the negative influence of others in the scene. [32] He said, "If a band cultivates and worships Satan, it's black metal",[70] and that "in a way, it can be ordinary heavy metal or just noise. [113] In a 2008 interview, he said he and his wife were expecting a second child (Vikernes' third). Because of Temples disability, she faced many unique difficulties growing up. [28], Vikernes has stated that for the recording of these early albums he used an old Westone guitar, which he had bought in 1987 from an acquaintance. Selena Gomez! [46] On 16 May 1994,[34] Vikernes was sentenced to 21 years in prison (Norway's maximum penalty) for the murder of Euronymous, the arson of three churches, the attempted arson of a fourth church, and for the theft and storage of 150kg of explosives. published an article about the Norwegian black metal scene. He became upset that they had turned the temple into a "den of robbers." If movies aren't your style or you need a quieter way to relax, pick up a good book. A Brief History of the Burzum Frontman's Neo-Nazi, Pagan Views", "Interview with Varg Vikernes (12.08.2004), by BG", "Interview with Varg Vikernes (June 2012)", "Burzum: Heart of Darkness "Guitar World" Magazine (April 2010) by Brad Angle", "Varg Vikernes Of Burzum Talks New Album "Fallen", "A Brief History of the Early Norwegian Black Metal Scene. [117], Vikernes is a teetotaler and has never consumed alcohol or other recreational drugs. Kittelsen. "[22] In an article originally published in 1999, Kevin Coogan also mentioned Vikernes' alleged intent to "destroy an Oslo-based punk anti-fascist squat called Blitz House",[54] and stated "Vikernes may have felt that he had no choice but to kill Euronymous before bombing Blitz House because 'the Communist' would almost certainly have opposed such an act. In the face of terror and hatred, Malala acts with grace and courage. [116] In March 2021, he announced on Twitter that his wife had given birth to their seventh child, a daughter. She is not only a renowned animal behavioral specialist, but is also on the Autism spectrum. Tanca la cerca. [73] He collected Eastern Bloc memorabilia,[74] and in the 1980s, he was a member of the Norwegian communist youth group Rd Ungdom, which was MarxistLeninist at the time. [33] However, by the time the article was printed, Vikernes had already been arrested. She teaches women to embrace their own natural beauty in the face of the societal pressures for perfection and conformity. The 2018 film Lords of Chaos, based on the eponymous book, is a semi-fictionalised account of the early 1990s Norwegian black metal scene told from the perspective of Euronymous. [8] While Metalion, who was friends with both Vikernes and Euronymous when the latter died, and called Euronymous his best friend,[65] wrote that "some people in our scene read a few books and considered themselves Satanists", he made no such statements about Euronymous. The Samaritan woman at the well (John 4), Peter and his constant doubting and slip-ups, and the sinner hanging on the cross next to Jesus (Luke 23:40-43.) According to his interview, Vikernes here became "aware of racial matters". In August 1993, Vikernes fatally stabbed Mayhem guitarist Euronymous during an altercation at the latter's apartment, and was arrested shortly after. And we did. [33][45] After the murder, Vikernes and Blackthorn drove back to Bergen. Vikernes claims Euronymous ran into the kitchen to fetch a knife. Manheim claimed that Euronymous became "extreme" towards the end of his life: "He liked telling people that they were worthless; that he was the best. This is clearly the best one. [43], On the night of 10 August 1993, Vikernes stabbed Euronymous to death at his apartment in Oslo. In addition, the organization's listed address was the same PO box Vikernes used in prison, which the authors state would have made it "very hard for him [Vikernes] to do an effective job" at leading the organization, as all letters would have been screened by the prison personnel. Data de l'entrada superstore clinic phone number; pinewood forest apartments greensboro, nc . Varg has struck him 26 times with a knife, sixteen times to the back, two times to the head, and five times to the neck. His body was found in the stairwell on the first floor with 23 stab woundstwo to the head, five to the neck, and 16 to the back.