I live in Tennessee. It was a bloody battle between the Mexican people and people who were loyal to Spain. I see this buildup of of, like, a different type of civil war, almost, where its, like, its not a civil war of fighting, its a civil war of works. And now, would the Republican party be like that if Mitt Romney had won in twenty twelve and was running again in twenty sixteen. These are folks that if you met them in any other context, and were talking about any other topic, youd find them to be some of the best, most down to earth people that youd meet often. But we talked about leadership. Several horses and men are down. Both these revolutions had the similar cause, effects, and stages that resulted . They also wanted to create a new government but king Louis XVI wouldnt sign it off so the National Assembly got mad and they overthrew the bastille. And they do these great studies sometimes around how we perceive our ideological opposition and we often impute much deeper things onto them than is true in terms of what they really believe. The American revolution and the French Revolution are two major incidents happened in the 1700s, which had intense social impacts on both French and American societies. You and I are frequently on the same page about this. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices. People who supported the French Revolution burned and looted homes and churches and they killed and beheaded thousands of people. He didnt say, you know, Im gonna go down and beat you up if you dont give me the votes. As French soldiers returned home from the Seven Years' War, they came home to a nearly bankrupt monarchical regime. INSTEAD OF A BLUE STATE. In general, the American Revolution was more successful than the French revolution. I looked a couple of days ago, I didnt see that the daily wire had covered this Mhmm. Yeah. During this time period, there were several revolutions that occurred throughout the developing world. Like, is that really what its about? Taxation without representation was when the government taxed the colonies without. it is. Right? Toussaint Louverture emerged as the leader of the revolution. Will see you guys again next week. The American and French Revolutions differ more than just location and language. Militias, poorly disciplined and with elected officers, were summoned for periods usually not exceeding three months. Thats right. So Im gonna say something again, which is that this is another situation where I I listen to these people, and theyre telling you that they dont know where to go for the truth. The American and French Revolution are both remembered in history as two major changes that would shape what we know today. They are like to use that an illustration. Composed of seven states from the South, this new government looked to separate from a union that they felt was tipping in power towards those who wanted to threaten the rights of the South, especially slavery. And I think the fox revelation should be very sobering because what they have told us is that, you know, weve talked about the power of leadership leadership has exerted such power for so long, that Im starting to wonder how much attempts to counter the flow of this river. So, there is no question that major American institutions have made some pretty serious and profound mistakes. The French Revolution focused the same idea as Thomas Hobbes. Though the Third Estate represented many more people and had twice the number of delegates, each estate had an equal vote. And does it not strike anybody strange that you go to four different media houses and theyre all saying the same thing. Both revolutions were connected to each other because of the link between France and Haiti, known then as St Domingue. Dont trust mail in and then Fox calls for Arizona, and the whole right wing population or much of it was like, wait, we were told not to trust this process, and theres Fox going ahead and calling this red state for Biden that cant possibly be real. So as Howard Kurt said, he was on Fox and said, Im not allowed to cover this. Or if youre a typical Democrat, you believe that the average Republican is a lot more extreme than they are. JVL? Let let Kelly sit. And people can do it for a while. And how . And again, Sarah, I wanna underlying something you said earlier. If the right wing media is your universe. East Tennessee had a lot of unionist sentiment. Make a prediction: How important were the Atlantic Revolutions in creating the modern world. Look, thats an unhealthy instinct in a democratic policy. In Haiti, slaves brought over by the French who captured the island, and forced them into brutal labor in what was the most valuable and wealthy are at the time. Theyre sleeping in cots you know, in church fellowship halls to help these folks. What first sparked the American Revolution? Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. The Creole population led the revolutions initially. Yeah. Oh, god. Until early in 1778 the conflict was a civil war within the British Empire, but afterward it became an international war as France (in 1778) and Spain (in 1779) joined the colonies against Britain. Copyright 2023 IPL.org All rights reserved. And quite literally, Sarah, there is no amount of right wing credentials that can allow you standing to tell folks that Trump has lied terribly or that Tucker Carlson is spouting falsehoods Because the instant you do, then the question isnt what happened to Tucker Mhmm. Oh, which is exactly where we are. Just Its been built into the right through the cold war, through Romney telling Obama that Russia is our chief geopolitical foe. So much of it is this, like and people talk about this all the time. The French navy in particular played a key role in bringing about the British surrender at Yorktown, which effectively ended the war. And you know, Id imagine youd get a little pushback on this idea that that theres not something endemic in the Republican Party. These people arent advocating. And thats enough in close states to really make all the difference. Right? Just on point by point by point. The colony made these profits through enslaved labor. Thats the exhausted majority. They even briefly abolished slavery, which would have a strong effect in the French Caribbean colony of Saint Domingue. John Locke, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Denis Diderot, and Baron de Montesquieu were all part of the Enlightenment. This is this is how things go. Both The root cause: taxation without representation (American, French, or Both?) And were having a great conversation and then she turns to me and she says, you know, they sent this tornado to punish the red states. A cause of the American revolution was taxation without representation. Even then theyd find ballots back to somebodys trunk, but it was a lot more difficult. American A "Reign of Terror" followed the revolution (American, French, or Both?) How did the French Revolution impact Saint Domingue? In general, the American Revolution was more successful than the French revolution. Baron de Montesquieu a French enlightenment thinker developed the ideas of separation of powers and check and balances. When it comes to the outcomes of each it seems as if the French Revolution created more change than the English Civil War did. So Trump set a particular tone of endless combativeness of constant rage. They had the same reason to revolt as the colonist did, they both felt like they were being oppressed, overtaxed and felt like they were. The causes of the revolutions in France and America were very similar. A lot of people think this country has headed for a revolution. The white population were themselves sharply divided between wealthy plantation owners, known as. If you missed it a couple weeks back, Margery Taylor Green tweeted, we need a national divorce. What were some other sources of the Haitian revolution? The French justified their revolution by following the same principles as the colonists did. With tension building between the two powers, the revolution was a battle that formed what America is today. Right. This war lasted for ten years, from 1765 to 1783. The French Revolution was fought by lower and middle class, and peasants. the most consequential is Ukraine. This transcript was generated automatically and may contain errors and omissions. And I also, like, look at the daily wire and try to find a new source that seems pretty balanced. We know that the media feeds it. You can be frustrated at how contentious politics are. Success is one thing all of these revolutions have in common. The American Revolution was a political separation between Britain and the original Thirteen Colonies. Also the American colonies had an army of trained officials led by George Washington, to fight against the British. So they wont know about it. The American Revolution turned the American society into a republic, as the French Revolution eventually led the French society into dictatorship and more chaos in the, The American and French Revolution both had similar stages that a revolution consists of having a normal stage, widespread dissatisfaction, and the transfer of power and effect. Okay? Sort of laughing at the excesses and not taking it incredibly seriously. Do you think its fair to say that those ideas caused these revolutions? Oh, thats funny. But then as soon as some Republicans learned that Donald Trump had said some nice things about single payer healthcare, their steam for single repair, health care went up. View full question and answer details: https://www.wyzant.com/resources/answers/920758/compare-the-cause-and-outcomes-of-the-american-revolution-and-the-fren. Compare and the contrast the American Constitution and the French Declaration of the Rights of Man (1789). So prior to the election, Fox and Trump, both of them, and you can go back and you can see the clips and read the reports. What made the American Revolution look most like a civil war, though, was the reality that about one-third of the colonists, known as loyalists (or Tories), continued to support and fought on the side of the crown. Its not a one-sided problem. British generals, however, tended toward a lack of imagination and initiative, while those who demonstrated such qualities often were rash. Theres no way all of this would happen or just a little too pollyanna ish, in my view, because if you go back to secession in eighteen sixty one, if you go back to the American revolution in seventeen seventy five, moving into seventeen seventy six, Much of the same stuff was true. Lastly, both parties got power in the end from whom they wanted to be free from. On the ground, fighting in the American Revolution began with the skirmishes between British regulars and American provincials on April 19, 1775, first at Lexington, where a British force of 700 faced 77 local minutemen, and then at Concord, where an American counterforce of 320 to 400 sent the British scurrying. The American Revolution hoped to achieve Independence . Large billows of smoke blow into the sky. right now. Both governments attempted to pay off their loans by taxing subjects who had little say in the matter. Similar to the French, it also started because of wanting equality rights. He was a brilliant general who defeated Napoleon's attempt to regain French control over the colony. From the beginning, sea power was vital in determining the course of the war, lending to British strategy a flexibility that helped compensate for the comparatively small numbers of troops sent to America and ultimately enabling the French to help bring about the final British surrender at Yorktown. There, they freed a handful of prisoners, seized weapons to defend the city, and beheaded two officials. Theyre not taking all of what. What were the major causes of the American Revolution? And because when Fox called Arizona, the response was not. If you're behind a web filter, please make sure that the domains *.kastatic.org and *.kasandbox.org are unblocked. They dont give you anything back. Three of their major results, In February 1861, a new government was on the horizon in the United States, known as the Confederate States of America. And then, of course, youre gonna be automatically mistrustful of it. And it was like a breach of trust between right wing media and the audience that they had cultivated to be distrustful. The French was influenced by the American Revolution because they saw how successful it was and thought it would work for them, The French Revolution was almost an exact replica of the American Revolution. And if you listen to right wing media, if your entire diet is right wing media, youre going to hear wild things all the time, and it was reflected in what they just said about voting, for example. Although both revolutions began in the same period of time, they are similar and different in many ways. The British Empire won the Seven Years' War (17561763), but the victory was expensive, and it put the empire into debt. Theyre a lot more commonality than we believe. you should take her seriously, but not literally. And so when you talk to somebody who liked those folks in the focus group, Its like peeling an onion of manufactured distrust. Direct link to David Alexander's post How about World History f. Even though it has a blue Nashville and a blue Memphis. Right? The terms of Continental Army service were only gradually increased from one to three years, and not even bounties and the offer of land kept the army up to strength. Revolutions can be contagious. Because troops were few and conscription unknown, the British government, following a traditional policy, purchased about 30,000 troops from various German princes. The government and leadership in France was corrupt as they were in much debt. And thats the seriously, not literally. Theyre not always accurate either. So thanks to all of you for joining us for another episode of the Focus Group. So you and I are both big fans of a group called Warren Common. Quebec and Canada has had various referendum about secession and leaving. I mean, she definitely appeals to that super far right group and guests who have a coach for him, Georgia. The french wanted reform and sovereignty from the french monarchy, they wanted a new leader and a new ruler. Like, some some ways, were such couch warriors and, like, keyboard warriors now that Im not sure we could muster. Or do you Beg to Differ? Fill out the Skimming for Gist section of the Three Close Reads Worksheet as you complete your first close read. So here you had Fox sort of at the apex of the infotainment. I mean, being hawkish on Russia is a core right identity for a long, long time. Lastly, both parties got power in the end from whom they wanted to be free from. Dont trust mail in balloting. So I feel like Im in this kind of whirlwind of trying to fact find. The new government seized and sold church lands. A lot of people have echoed that already. At any given time, however, the American forces seldom numbered over 20,000; in 1781 there were only about 29,000 insurgents under arms throughout the country. The Declaration of Independence was basically announcing them as not the thirteen colonies but as the first thirteen states of the U.S. Theyve just turd from white right wing media. Because people do talk about the idea of national war, civil war, and just like how tense things are all the time. Its been a long time. Well, we just heard some of the the ways in which this happens. You know, get out the first and you wont be the last person to accuse me of polyamish thinking about people. Lets listen. And if you look at the constitution, The bill of rights and the civil war amendments together are this big one two punch that says, here are all of the baseline rights that we have, human rights that we possess, as Americans that we all possess, and that cannot be taken away by losing an election. I do not like them. Dont trust the FBI, but I wouldnt trust my own eyes. Number two, theres a minimization of whats negative about Trump or the Trumpist movement. Britain did this primarily by imposing a series of deeply unpopular laws and taxes, including the Sugar Act (1764), the Stamp Act (1765), and the so-called Intolerable Acts (1774). Like, people you would want as neighbors. We certainly cant be counted on having conservative beliefs because we said something about what was happening. People have dramatically different points of view can live side by side with each other, possess the same amount of liberty, possess the same rights of free association and all of the things that we possess to allow us to create thriving communities and we expand the sphere. Mhmm. Youll find more maybe more information on Facebook or social media, but youre not necessarily gonna get the truth either. Yes. For the first time I started to see some reappraisals. I think its just all of which, not regardless, but I couldnt think of anyone either. What is a revolution? This was not a universal sentiment towards secession. In 1773, the British imposed a new tax, known as the Tea Act. The Americans and French both had a normal stage in which they were ruled by and monarchs were chosen in a traditional way. And that is wrong. Even with both Revolution developing years apart they had very similar desires and obstacles to face. Absolutely not. The American Revolution was a war between the American Patriots in the thirteen British colonies and Great Britain. Like, the red states, blue states then they all have blue cities inside of red states, and we are all intermingled and also based on thanksgivings as best I can tell for gross people, you know, share these different political opinions and people that they love. And then close-up the window so that its all hidden. The Enlightenment and American Revolution resulted in the people believing that their government, or ruler, should protect the peoples rights, including the right to overthrow a government that fails to do so. I thought that. In other words, you dont have to defeat or suppress another person to live according to your core values. First, I. think Fox is probably the most down the middle of any of them. The American Revolutionalso called the U.S. War of Independencewas the insurrection fought between 1775 and 1783 through which 13 of Great Britain's North American colonies threw off British rule to establish the sovereign United States of America, founded with the Declaration of Independence in 1776. Compare And Contrast The American Revolution Vs French Revolution. Both of the revolutions were liberating, but the French revolution was more violent and bloodier than the American. And if you were going to go against that cultural tone on the right, it was exhausting. Copyright 2023, Bulwark Media. For Britain, taxing their American colonies seemed like a great idea, but after such a long time of self-rule and near autonomy, the colonists in North America had ideas of their own. The plantation system was dismantled, and Haiti became a nation of subsistence farmers who worked their own land. We can make this happen. And I do like to listen to Tucker Carlson and Hannity and Laura. Im the toughest right winger in the room kind of thing. Few acts by the crown roused so much antagonism in America as that use of foreign mercenaries. its what happened to you. Omissions? When you think people are good people or youre a news organization, like your obligation is to tell them the truth and they knew the truth and they didnt tell it to people which means they hold them in contempt and they think theyre stupid. These two powers joined Austria and other European nations in the war against Revolutionary France that had already started . Although Great Britain, Spain, and France settled in the Americas, their colonies developed in almost completely different ways, like: The Spaniards colonized mainly in South and Central America for economic purposes, like to grow sugar, which lead its colonies to be mainly plantations; The Frenchs main goals in the Americas were to trade fur with the Native Americans and to find a route to the Pacific Ocean to trade with Asia; and the Britishers came here for two main purposes, one for economic matters and to avoid the religious conflict that was happening in England.