Like, you can shape an entire peoples perception about anything based on how you do it. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. Pamela Brown Senior Washington Correspondent. Legal Statement. Cruise-goers reveal their most terrifying incidents at sea - from watching a ferocious 'You'll be missed forever': Elizabeth Hurley and son Damian share heartfelt tribute to her late ex Shane 'I was a bit of a mess': Amanda Abbington reveals she considered suicide after split from ex Martin Freeman Matt Hancock discussed 'deploying' new virus variant to 'frighten the pants off everyone' as former Health 'So many dead. And I 100 per cent believe it that if it wasn't for CNN, I don't know that Trump would have got voted out. American Conversations - Where are the Journalists? Rule #8 Raw Video. Not knowing that, sometime in the future, said insider's going to be called into human resources and have some explaining to do. (Their fake "morality" or "higher ground" borne of their reprobate minds). Right? CNN's coverage heavily focused on fear-mongering stories to keep people watching. He said: "Look at what we did, we got Trump out. We are going to hone in on it. Both Reporters Maggie Astor and Tiffany Hsu wrote in the New York Times that the video was deceptive, false, and with no verifiable evidence.. Chester admitted, The special red phone rings and this producer picks it up. Life and career [ edit] Chester was born Cecil Victor Manser in Eastbourne, Sussex. Project Veritas is a registered 501(c)3 organization. Chester also admitted that the network had a specific, pre-determined perspective on climate change and COVID-19. REVEALED: Huge sonic boom felt by thousands across the country was caused by RAF Typhoon jets scrambling to DR ELLIE CANNON: My breast has not got lumps but it's itchy, should I be concerned about cancer at age 72? Just months before, Twitter had also suspended accounts for Project Veritas and Project Veritas Action. [Harris] probably could be like a b----h in like a board meeting and youd hate her as a boss, but shes f-----g real and better than what we got regardless. ", According to Chester's LinkedIn page, Chester has been working with the network since 2018 and has worked on several programs, including "New Day," "Cuomo Prime Time," and "CNN Tonight.". Youre on camera talking about the importance of getting Trump out of office without saying thats what your intent is, he said. "We would always show shots of him jogging him in his aviator shades and like you paint him as a young geriatric," Chester said of Biden, before dismissing concerns that he wouldn't make it a full term because he's a fan ofVice President Kamala Harris. A longtime Fox News politics editor, who was fired by the network earlier this month after angering former President Donald Trump, rebuked the current state of American media and skewered. 29, 2021] Project Veritas released several interviews today with CNN employees, all of whom denied commenting on Technical Director Charlie Chester's statements in April about the network's "propaganda" and political agenda. A Veteran Asks: What Way Forward For Our Military? A CNN technical director said the network employed "propaganda" to defeat President Trump in 2020 and suggested the same thing is happening with GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz, according to the latest . Ethical Values Stephanie B Goldberg May 1, 2021 at 7:14 pm. "It's fear. The fact that we have a segment called 'The Good Stuff', which is a feel-good thing, but it's a dedicated moment at the end to almost be the ice cream to alleviate everything that you've been through. He also said CNN would always show shots of Biden jogging. Without saying it, that's what it was, right? But their relationship has since soured and O'Keefe alleged that Zucker went on a tirade against Trump during an October 9 conference. He's the CNN director who confessed that the network was intentionally downplayed coverage of black-on- Asian hare crimes. In a series of sitdowns with an undercover journalist over the past month, Chester -- who bragged he was "one step down" from a director -- claimed CNN was "creating a story" that questioned Trump's health that "we didn't know anything about," calling it "propaganda" to help remove Trump from office. CDMedias L Todd Wood is your host of Information Operation, a show dedicated to inform the American people of the psychological operation or "psyop" begin waged against them. OKeefe shouted after him, Drive away! CNN purposely stoked fears over the Covid-19 pandemic to boost ratings, partly by constantly displaying a death tracker, network technical director Charlie Chester said in the latest undercover video posted by Project Veritas. Which is why we [CNN] constantly have the [COVID] death toll on the side, which I have a major problem with with how were tallying how many people die every day., Chester: Like, why isnt it high enough, you know, today? Project Veritas on Thursday released a third bombshell undercover video of CNN Director Charlie Chester admitting that the network is "trying to help" Black Lives Matter by protecting their narrative on race. Charlie Chester Work Experience and Education. ', Chester apparently mishears and responds: 'Your news health?'. Meet CNN technical director Charlie Chester. We look for individual wrong-doing and judge its public importance. Like what do you mean?'. Chester then slammed the microphone in between the two, which blocked the door from closing. We also get your email address to automatically create an account for you in our website. . Founder James O'Keefe joins 'Hannity' with insight into leaked tapes exposing how CNN protects Democrats. Subsequent to the expose, Charlie Chester's LinkedIn where he boasted about playing an integral part in 2020 Presidential elections, has been deleted. Like you paint him as a young geriatric,' Chester said. "Fear is the thing that keeps you tuned in." He added, "COVID? We are no longer accepting comments on this article. Powered and implemented by FactSet Digital Solutions. Pass it on. (Factors in support of releasing the content) and 2. We never deceive our audience. FB: American Conversations Quarantines In America! The often-controversial Project Veritas, which frames itself as awhistleblower watchdog group, has previously released what it claims to be hidden camera footage of network news producers, politicians, and members of private political organizations making statements while unaware they are being recorded. Like, we [CNN] are trying to help BLM., When an undercover journalist asked Chester to define propaganda, Chester said, "Our focus was to get Trump out of office, right?" the. Thats courage right there. MISSION DRIVEN The best people are motivated by purpose. Charlie Chester, CNN technical director, openly revels in the network's "propaganda" to "get Trump out of office." Sadly, when CNN talks, people still listen. Here is my information.. You know what I mean? CNN Technical Director Charlie Chester went on five Tinder dates with a Project Veritas agent where he made a series of shocking revelations. For other inquiries, Contact Us. Chester also said CNN has a pre-determined agenda when reporting on COVID-19 and climate change. I think theres an art to manipulationInflection, saying things twice -- there's little subtleties to how to manipulate peopleI mean, it's enough to change the world, you know?, Like, why isnt it high enough, you know, today? In the first installment of what's billed as a three-part #ExposeCNN campaign from the right-wing guerilla news outlet Project Veritas, network technical director Charles Chester shed light on how the network wantedto remove its nemesis from the White House and helpnow-President Biden. Something sweet to end it with because everything else is doom and gloom, he said. [NEW YORK Apr. The work has to be done with such a degree of integrity that it can withstand scrutiny in both law & ethics. The mission at Creative Destruction Media is to be the catalyst for the "process of industrial mutation that incessantly revolutionizes the economic structure from within, incessantly destroying the old one, incessantly creating a new one. Thats a problem that were doing that., Chester: It's fear. He was not happy to see me, James OKeefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) April 14, 2021, MediaPoliticsCharlie ChesterCNNJames O'KeefeProject Veritaspropaganda. source : The Media in 4-4-2 The New York Times attempted to get the defamation lawsuit against it dismissed but failed. In 2019, under the guise of an #ExposeCNN campaign, his Project Veritas released undercover video of CNN employees accusing then . When accusations of this gravity are brought to light, they should be made public as were the those made against the Boy Scouts, the Catholic Church, Jeff Epstein ect. Trump retweeted O'Keefe's claim that one correspondent suggested ignoring Trump's unfounded "rigged" election claims and wrote "Suppression Media!" CNN Technical Director Charlie Chester: Any reporter on CNN -- what they're actually doing is they're telling the person what to say, Chester: "It's always like leading them in a direction before they even open their mouths. We do not infringe on the 1st Amendment rights of others. or redistributed. Rule #10 Being Accountable. Aircrew Safety - Wings For Liberty And Justice, American Conversations November 2022 Election Coverage, American Conversations With Vaccine Injured, Columbus, Ohio Vaccine-Inured May 2022 Event. The technical director was expecting that person to return, but instead, OKeefe showed up. Answer (1 of 5): Full disclosure: I don't watch CNN or any other 24-hour news networks because I feel they're too sensationalist and desperate to fill time. For them to make this hard-core evidence to me made public, they (mainstream media) will have to expose themselves as well. Failure is not an option. To the next one who will be red. Chester admitted, The special red phone rings and this producer picks it up. How do you sleep at night?, BUSTED: I Confronted @CNN Director, Charlie Chester, About His Claims That The Network Used Propaganda and Fear To Push Their Message.He was not happy to see me So, put it back up.. Why hide it?, They never have the courage to say publicly what they will say privately. He also seems to admit that he has personal problems with what he is told to do, but that he "has a job". Project Veritas, a non-profit legally recognized journalism enterprise, was created by James OKeefe in 2011. A federal councilor included, Jacques Baud: 1 year of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. In response to the undercover reporting done on CNN's technical director Charlie Chester in April, both he and CNN's Wolf Blitzer and Sanjay Gupta refused to address questions regarding his employment status, as well as the comments he made regarding CNN pushing "propaganda." A scuffed copy of the Koran. ", CNN BOSS JEFF ZUCKER URGED STAFF NOT TO 'NORMALIZE' TRUMP'S BEHAVIOR DURING ELECTION, LEAKED AUDIOTAPES SHOW, Chester revealed in another conversation that following the"COVID fatigue" from CNN's coverage,once the public is "open to it" the network will "start focusing mainly on climate. He's unfit to - you know, whatever,' Chester said. Privacy Policy. CNN Technical Director Charlie Chester: "Any reporter on CNN -- what they're actually doing is they're telling the person what to say It's always like leading them in a direction before they even open their mouths. In the latest undercover sting video by Project Veritas, CNN technical director Charlie Chester admitted that his network tries to help the Black Lives Matter movement, but reality keeps getting in the way. [NEW YORK - Jun. Rule #4 The Zekman Test.