Ketu is the lord of three nakshatras or lunar mansions: Ashvini, Magha and Mula. The native tends to be renowned, wealthy and successful in his life. It can also make natives relationship with his colleagues and associates a little hostile he should give a proper attention in order to preserve a good relationship with the people around. 2019 represented a unique astronomical situation in which a retrograde Saturn remained in conjunction with Ketu from March 6, 2019 to January 24, 2020, much of that period with the two planets within a few degrees of each other, not just the same sign, and as part of a broader Kala-Sarpa Yoga, with all the planets between Rahu and Ketu in the zodiac. For example, through meditation and prayer, one can develop a deeper understanding of the cosmic forces at work in their life and come to see the role of Ketu in a larger plan. With its powerful spiritual energy, Ketu typically channels its energy through our passions and desires, making those with this placement potentially more motivated to pursue them. Ketu is friendly to Jupiter, and is enemies to Moon, Mars and Sun. However, if other planetary influences are positive or supportive, such as with Jupiter, Saturn or Venus, then Ketu can actually encourage union and promote lasting marital relationships. Any questions related to Ketu in Astrology How does it represent isolation and spiritual evolution?? Overall, Ketu plays an important role in astrology by providing information on key aspects of ones life and personality. , friendship, knowledge, luck, revocation of arrest orders, all kinds of wealth, consumption, bestowal of prosperity, all sorts of luxuries, stone, pain and fever. Ketu also promotes the natives to worship God Chandeesa, God Ganesha and many other gods, bathing in the holy Ganges, great penance, knowledge of Brahma, observing silence as fasting, philosophy, mantra shastra. So, provide help to the most ignored and poor beings and donate Grey coloured clothes to them. Ketus astrological significance grew when his judgements were not questioned by Shivay. Ketu is an important planet in astrology and can help us understand our past, present and future. In any daytime there are certain periods, which have special meaning. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. When Ketu is weak, it can give weak eyesight, poor concentration power, boundless worries and anxiety to the native. Their temperament nevertheless kind of lack positivity and pessimism. Each of these activities helps the individual to grow spiritually and reach a higher level of understanding. The native may end up travelling from one place to the other. Ketu is the lord of three nakshatras or lunar mansions: Ashvini, Magha and Mula. On the other hand, the name Ashwini Kumars means 'Born to a Female Horse. We'll also be pleased to chat with you on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, VK. When conjoined with benefic house, it gives positive results while being with malefic planets, the results may be negative. Because 4th house also represents mother and motherly love, Health of native's mother tends to be a matter of concern in native's life. There could be conflicts between business partners or the partnership may not flourish and produce profits. Ketu represents separation, rejection and non-attachment. It is said that if Rahu sits in an auspicious position in the horoscope of a person, then luck is brightened but if not placed well, then a person might face economic and social status loss. Cats are also well known for retrieving items and bringing them home. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. According to the Brihat Jataka, Ketu is known as Sikhi, or the dragons tail, signifying its role as a point of stagnation in the ecliptic that brings stability and change. It might give ill fame if badly placed. Ketus characteristics involve a lot of different attributes, let us look at them one by one. Products The products represented by them are meat, wine, eggs, radish, coconut, sacrifice of animal's etc. It also represents other people, like your public life. Ketus importance in Vedic Astrology is immense. The first house or Ascendant is the house of self. It also represents birds like hawk, kite, vultures and other birds of prey. Friday and Saturday are considered as the days for Rahu. . Precious metals & Gems On the one hand, Ketu represents our attachment to the material world and our desires for earthly goods. Ketu signifies the spiritual process of the refinement of materialisation to the spirit and is considered both malefic and benefic, as it causes sorrow and loss, and yet at the same time turns the individual to God. This position also makes the native vulnerable to injuries due to weapons, heat, animals or insects. Give respect to your pitra (your ancestors) everyday and also do some donations on their behalf sometimes. [5] Therefore, Rahu and Ketu are respectively called the north and the south lunar nodes. Having great influence on people can give them an upper hand even to their enemies which help them lead the business. When positioned here, Ketu can have a significant impact on an individuals attitude towards child rearing. He is also said to be windy in temperament and highly intelligent, traits that are further emphasized in Phala Deepika, an ancient Vedic text on astrology. As per Western Astrology, rahu is considered as benefic whereas Ketu is malefic. 28 to 30 or of o to 2 degree, you stand a good chance of escaping from malefic effects of transiting Rahu. If we can only follow Ketus rules and make sure that we are not on the side that we cannot justify it would definitely give way to your understanding the role and importance of Ketu in Vedic astrology. Ketu is the Descending / South Lunar Node. Ketu strangely represents the old people. Ketu is the lord of three nakshatras or lunar mansions: Ashvini, Magha and Mula . The people who come under the influence of Ketu can achieve great heights, most of them spiritual. Finally, wrapping kusha grass and durva grass in water before offering it to the roots of a peepal tree has traditionally been seen as an excellent way to purify and strengthen ones connection with this enigmatic planet. You can eat saffron, or use saffron for a Tilak when you do not want to be influenced by Ketu. Cancer and Leo are enemy signs. Ketu represents Maternal Grand Father, Astrology, Medicine, Pharmaceutical Industries, Intelligence, Non attachment, Wisdom, fantasy, psychic abilities, Fire or accidents, past karma, broken relations, magical power, assassination, deep thinking, desire for knowledge, changing events, spiritual growth, comets, cheatings, mental illness etc. Ketus role is often focussed around the negative aspects of life. This position might cause lots of obstructions and obstacles in the natives life. Whether we are concerned with marriage or our general spiritual development, understanding karaka and karakatwa can help us better understand how these powerful cosmic forces affect our lives. They can be gifted with psychic abilities and have a strong connection with the spiritual realm. What is the meaning of the Eight of Cups tarot card? Doctors, magicians, astrologers and medical dilentattes are some of their professions that are favoured by Ketu. Those with Ketu in this position may see children as a burdensome responsibility, or they may simply not feel inclined to have children at all. Let us find out how? Grubby natured Ketu is more interested in worldly possessions. Our Kundli software can help you predict the future for yourself by reading the birth chart. RAHU. Presence of Ketu in the house of mysticism and occult render the native a tendency to bend towards matters concerning occult sciences and in some cases, black magic too. Ketu is milder in comparison of Rahu. . Put together some mishri, black lentils, gomed stone, and some silver in a small white cloth and either hang it at your homes entrance or bury it at the entrance. Regardless of its exact position on an individuals chart, however, it is clear that Ketu can exert a powerful influence on our relationships on many levels. While these may seem like negative associations, they can also represent wisdom and mystery. For example, both Ketu and Rahu are thought to be red in color with a fierce appearance, complete with poisonous tongues, elevated bodies, and bruised limbs. It is associated with the overall personality of the native, both in the inner and the outer shell. Ketu induces strong religious feelings in the native and provides ultimate peace to the soul. Ketus astrological significance in Capricorn Sign. Astrotalk is the best astrology website for online Astrology predictions. Besides, theres also a chance of more than one marriage. Talk to Astrologer on call and get answers to all your worries by seeing the future life through Astrology Kundli Predictions from the best Astrologers from India. But the physical body of each Graha is only a small fraction of the whole concept of the term "Graha" as the planets representing Grahas are only terminals or visual forms. Five million astrologers all over the world read Vidhya Mitra Astrology. According to Indian astrology, the planet Ketu is known as the descending node of the Moon. Ketu is also a shadowy planet, and denotes Mars. Lord Ganesha is the deity associated with Ketu. He is exalted in Sagittarius, he is with the Pisces and he is friendly to Jupiter, Saturn and Venus. Copyright 2012-2023 In some cases, having Ketu here will cause a person to completely hate the idea of marriage, causing them to avoid commitment or avoid marriage altogether. If you want to attain spirituality, you have to undergo Ketu's churns. Hence, it is clear that the ancient conceptions of these celestial bodies saw them as powerful forces that should not be underestimated. Ketu is representative of the abdominal portion of the body. Ultimately, Ketu is a complex planet with both positive and negative connotations. This is the house of secrets, fears, the subconscious mind and isolated places. Click here. Article #4: Esoteric Essence of the Eclipse, Lunar Eclipse (an essay of 4 articles). Thus, fearing him would only take you away from this wisdom, this doorway. Since Rahu and Ketu are two opposite lunar nodes, they always appear in diametrically opposite houses (Bhva) of horoscopes. The person tends to have an introverted personality with a spiritual bent of mind. You can take care of street dogs as Ketu seems to reside in dogs. It cant be termed as a sinful state. If Ketu is well-aspected in this house, it makes the native hard working, wealthy and blessed. It is also associated with the children, intelligence of a person, the knowledge of politics. Ketu is the meaning for such things as instability of the mind, paternal grandfather, doctor, witchcraft, hunter, dog association, rooster, vulture, deer, knowledge of animals, horned animals, salvation, hunger, stupidity. Whether you see this energy as positive or negative largely depends on your perspective and your spiritual beliefs. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Likewise, Ketu presides over many different aspects of life, including worship, silence, and the pursuit of knowledge. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), 2nd House in your Ascendant (Lagna) chart, 3rd House in your Ascendant (Lagna) chart, Ketu in 4th House in your Ascendant (Lagna) chart, Ketu in 5th House in your Ascendant (Lagna) chart, Ketu in 6th House in your Ascendant (Lagna) chart, Ketu in 7th House in your Ascendant (Lagna) chart, Ketu in 8th House in your Ascendant (Lagna) chart, Ketu in 9th House in your Ascendant (Lagna) chart, Ketu in 10th House in your Ascendant (Lagna) chart, Ketu in 11th House in your Ascendant (Lagna) chart, Ketu in 12th House in your Ascendant (Lagna) chart. When Moon moves from North to South in its orbit and crosses Sun's path the incision point is called Ketu, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Rise above the mundaneand material..says Ketu, the planet of detachment! However, they can also be prone to mental instability and addiction. . This can be done through a number of different methods, such as bathing in the holy river Ganges, performing great acts of penance and fasting, seeking knowledge and understanding of divine energies through the study of ancient texts and spiritual texts, chanting mantras or reciting sacred verses and engaging in meditation or other practices to connect with the divine. Ants: Rahu is one planet, which creates troubles and adversaries in the lives of people. Graha (if translated from Sanskrit) means "the one that controls". However, Ketu also indicates sparks of intelligence and brilliance of the mind. Ketu is just a point in the solar system. Plus, it also signifies Natives courage, short trips or running errands etc. Rahu may work more effectively around its own degree in Natal chart. Since Rahu and Ketu are two opposite lunar nodes, they always appear in diametrically opposite houses in horoscopes. Ketu is the tail of the serpent that was separated and cut off, and he therefore fears rejection. It is invisible and hence it is called as shadow planet. An example of Ketus powerful influence in astrology is seen in its placement in the 5th house, which rules children and fun. Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will not be discussed in this article as firstly these are very slow moving planets . Rahu is also believed to bring about changes in the residence, friends, and purpose of its natives. Rahu Ketu Legend. Rahu represents the tall while Ketu represents the short persons. But he is always concerned and anxious because of his children. Sign Up to Connect with an Astrologer now. A dog should live in the yard of the house. Quite disciplined, humbled and humane they are quite knowledgeable too. Their . This stands to logic as Ketu is a torso and a prominent part of Sagittarius is a big horse torso attached to a male upper body. Rahu is considered a shadow planet in Vedic astrology, but its effect can be seen on every zodiac sign. Rahu is ambition, Ketu is Contentment. KETU. Ketu natives also have the ability to go unnoticed or merge into the crowd of common folk. Throughout the show, he is seen on the Fire Lantern Sailboat alongside Shaman Aditya where his boat represents the element of fire. Ketu is also said to represent things like darkness, snakes, and owls. In astrology, Ketu is often seen as a hindrance or hindrance, particularly in the physical realm of life. These people have a bent towards matters concerning religions and spirituality. In order, they are the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig. She is known for her down-to-earth approach and her ability to make complex astrological concepts accessible to a wide audience. Anna Howard is a passionate astrologer who runs the popular blog "Elemental Astrology". Regardless of its many different associations, it is clear that the role played by this mysterious aspect of astrology has long been important in shaping our understanding of the universe. Morning hours around sun rise is the time of Ketu. The two shadow planets Rahu and Ketu have also been assigned colors in Vedic astrology. Ketu is a shadow planet in the south node of the moon, whereas in Vedic Astrologyit holds a very significant meaning because it signifies isolation, seclusion, introvertedness, solitary confinement and so on. Lets see what are the typical characteristics of Ketu. Read further to find out how the planet of mysteries, detachments and hardships affects your life. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Rahu is a shadow planet. ABODE. Ketu is also representative of supernatural forces. Worker of Temples, Manufacturer and Seller of Flags, Manufacturer and seller of rope etc. Native may face hurdles in earnings and financial matters. Nothing that Nature has made for us can be formidable but not Evil and certainly not destructive. Worship Lord Ganesha with the mantra - "Aum Gam Ganapataye Namaha". The Gods got irritated, demons celebrated then both parties fought. Also, Rahu longs for freedom. Ketu is considered responsible for moksha, sannyasa, self-realization, gnana, a wavering nature, restlessness, the endocrine system and slender physique. Ketu gives psychic abilities to its natives and makes them masters of the healing arts, natural healing, healing herbs, spices, foods, tartaric healing, healing of persons possessed by evil spirits, ghosts & astral forces. Acolyte Ketu is one of the two acolytes featured in the former Disney's Animal Kingdom attraction, Rivers of Light alongside Acolyte Ambu. According to Horasara, Ketu is also known as Sikhin and is associated with concepts such as death, destruction and volatility. The planet Ketu is a cruel planet although it has a spiritual aspect to it as well. Alchohol, Non-vegetarian food, etc are all considered poisonous. Health The diseases indicated by them are hiccups, insanity, intestinal problems, ulcer, gastric problems etc. It is best to avoid feeding toxic/poisonous food to people. Ltd. All Rights Reserved, Understanding the Savagery of an Aries Woman, K-Pop star Sulli found dead at home in South Seoul, Tips to attract money and please goddess Lakshmi this Diwali, - 2023: 2023 . This means that if Ketu is well positioned on a persons chart, he is likely to have a good relationship with his maternal grandparents. His karakats, however, focus on more specific areas such as mental instability and paternal grandparents. The third house is associated with self-expression, siblings, relative, neighbours and natives immediate environment. The Pisceans hold a lot of beauty in their heart that is enhanced by the presence of Ketu in their charts. Copyright 2022 CodeYeti Software Solutions Pvt. The Nagas of Vedic lore is serpent like, semi-divine beings, which offer knowledge, protection, as well as wrath and retribution to those they encounter. There are several brothers to Rahu and they are Salya, Nabha, Vaataapi, Ilvala and Namuchi. Native who has a weak Ketu can wear the Ring ( in Ring finger ) or Pendant of Cat's Eye in Silver in the constellation of Ketu. However, his influence is also seen in the signs of Gemini (ruled by Mercury) and Sagittarius (ruled by Jupiter). As stated in the text Phala Deepika, Ketu is associated with ones maternal grandfather, and other characteristics associated with Ketu include being a Buddhist or a snake hunter, having connections with various animals such as the donkey, wolf, snake or l insect. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. All rights reserved. An ascetic is often known to have lost his or her head, the antenna that connects humans to this realm. Rahu can remove all negative qualities of every planet while Ketu can emphasise every positive quality of the planet. The second house in Vedic astrology is mainly concerned with the immediate family and possessions with the native. It often brings a sense of complete detachment, losses, mindlessness, wandering, and confusion in one's life. Placement of Ketu in the 6th house may make the native prone to accidents and injuries. However, through this passive approach to life, Ketu can actually help shape the natives true desires over time, guiding them on a spiritual path to their authentic self. Storytelling is expected to be done in a clear and precise way in order to be passed down to further generations. This, in turn, is not a good characteristic of a professional person. People often term such people as mad but it is just this growth that Neptune has brought into humans that people cannot comprehend mostly. His physical appearance and description are also very fearful. Ketus astrological significance in Leo Sign, Natives feel uncertain venturing into new things, impatient, talkative creatures they love art and artistic interests, Ketus astrological significance in Virgo Sign. 7th house is generally associated with planets like Mercury and Venus. Hessonite stone bestows wealth, success, power, fame, spirituality and good health upon its wearer. Get Remedies and Solutions by Astrologer on Call. It will fortify the person to face the troubles caused by Rahu. With these powerful Vedic remedies, anyone can harness the transformative power of Ketu and live their best life!