His weapon was hate and like Adolf Hitler didnt think twice that he could hurt innocent people. It was forgotten in a minute. By the mid-1990s, Tamil Nadu started demanding restoration of the level. Effigies and posters of Vishnu, Shiva, Parvathi, Ayyappa and other smaller Gods were paraded naked, and shown having sexual communion. All one can say is that the wind is blowing his way now. 1. The population of the presidency of Madras (a.k.a. The court will hear the case again on November 11. Whether he's ready to enter politics or not, whether or not he's even truly a politician, all that he says in public, is political. Many Brahmins too are taken to his ideas as it is easy and convenient to follow him instead of the rigours of discipline, practices and restraints which tradition demanded of them. The story so far: Coinciding with an episode of erratic, cataclysmic rain in Keralas high-ranges, the At Furnel, Inc. our goal is to find new ways to support our customers with innovative design concepts thus reducing costs and increasing product quality and reliability. My HINDU civilisation alone is my focus. In November that year, a tripartite meeting chaired by the then chairman of the Central Water Commission (CWC), K.C. Despite EVR losing to Sathyamurthy within the Congress, EVRs followers many decades later had their last hateful laugh when surreptiously they removed his name from Sathyamurthy reservoir in Poondi which was conceived by Satyamurthy to supply water to Chennai city. Particularly when UNESCO is about to give out a prize in honor of an abusive, corrupt leader from West Africa whose record resembles that of Kim Jong-il. What the whites aspired for was being done from within, destruction catalysed on a vibrant culture and so the Christian dominated UNESCO honoured EVR with an award in 1970 turning Nelsons eye to the fact that racism was banned by United Nations. You should consult with an attorney licensed to practice in your jurisdiction before relying upon any of the information presented here. Mickey Mouse size influences frequent and are limited by time. Speaking truth to power requires allies like you. A civilisation famous for love,openness and embrace of races was maimed openly under the name of revolution, by fast spinners of hate. Gradually, thanks to his off-screen mannerisms and accent, his hint at 'spiritual politics' and his pro-Centre anti-protests stance on the CAA, the media and public perception coloured him as being right-of-centre. He despised Indian languages whether it was Tamil or Sanskrit. Tamil Nadu today) in 1931 was around 46 million. The people of India are barbarians. He regularly contributes to various journals and magazines. Case in point, superstar Chief Minister MG Ramachandran. We have migrated to a new commenting platform. We offer full engineering support and work with the best and most updated software programs for design SolidWorks and Mastercam. Also, by the 1930s, the majority of students in both arts and professional colleges were not Brahmins. The water supplied from it through a tunnel to the water-scarce southern region of Tamil Nadu, especially the Vaigai basin, would be the lifeline for farmers of Theni, Dindigul, Madurai, Sivaganga and Ramanathapuram districts. Period. I must mention here that our family which was a great devotee of EVR has been following his self respect marriages (though as a rebel, I opted for a total Vedic wedding). EVR can go to any extent to tarnish the name and credibility of anyone who came on his way and his wife too became a victim to his machinations. This marriage caused outrage and was said to have caused a split in the organisation and In 1927, the Justice Party had been in the opposition. India has gone into the hands of scoundrels after the departure of the British., There is no doubt that Periyar genuinely wanted the Dalits to break out of the shackles of caste oppression but his approach was more paternalistic than what Gandhi was being accused of. Some have repeatedly accused me of purposefully hiding the great achievements of the great Congress party of India to India. He mocked blouse wearing Dalit women as responsible for increase in the cost of clothes. October 31, 2021 02:04 am | Updated 10:53 am IST. If you had read them in isolation and if you were familiar with the history of the Nazis, it is likely that you would think they must have been fished out of some sordid pro-Nazi tabloid. The dharma of India is the dharma of criminal tribes. Even if it had chosen every non-Brahmin applicant who possessed the barest qualification, it could not have met the stated quota.). None follow the few good things EVR propagated. The seeds were sown by the upper class elitist but anti brahmin Justice party which competed with Congress to solicit favours from the British. Breaking News: A statue has been unveiled for Karunanidhi in Chennai. Concerns over the safety of the gravity dam built using lime-surkhi (burnt brick powder) mortar came to the fore in 1979. The Dravidian landscape, on the other hand, is an arid desert, and Periyar was the only cactus plant to have bloomed in it. Supreme Court last week considered a public interest litigation petition filed by a Kerala physician and two former local body representatives on the No political party in India was exception to this rule but dynastic, Sychophantic parties went top gear installing ugly, disproportionately formed insulting ugly specimens as life like statues which exposed the hypocrisy of their intentions and the poor skill of the sculptors. Dark Mode. But statistically they were not very significant. Given all this, why is he being heralded as a great thinker by the Dravidian intellectuals? if Mullaperiyar dam gets destroyed, it will also damage its Idduki dam down the course. The population of the presidency of Madras (a.k.a. He did so because he considered all the upper caste non-brahmins, many of whom were landlords, money lenders, traders and merchants, to be victims when the reality was that they, too, were part of the machinery of oppression. Their land holdings dwindled to almost nothing as they had to sell them off to get higher quality education. water rights. The material and information contained on these pages and on any pages linked from these pages are intended to provide general information only and not legal advice. The national intellectual landscape is verdant. So much so, Tamilnadu practices hate as a philosophy today and have a contender for Chief Ministership of Tamilnadu wearing the proud name of tyrant Russian dictator Stalin. The decision to marry a girl fifty years younger to him exposed the hypocrisy of Dravida Kazhagam and his supporters realised that a storm of fury was blowing within. Compare it with the Vedas which stood for the whole humanity, whose authors unknown and survived the test of time through word of mouth. Social media short term tiny influences last for a day in the name of trends. This anticulture craze in Tamilnadu soon spread and tempted politicians across India, who also went over drive to erect statues for their leaders in different corners of India. This is compilation of a series of first hand reports. Periyar was at the forefront of the protests against Hindi imposition. We will see how and why EVR did what he did? He once said that the white people who lived in the temperate regions were less brainy than the ones who lived in Tamil Nadu. The Maharaja of Travancore signed a 999-year Periyar Lake lease agreement with the British government on October 29, 1886, for the construction of the Mullaperiyar His first child, a daughter was afflicted by polio and he thou. Even the Westerners gloat at EVR hitting at Tamil civilisation that had survived centuries of foreign rule. At the same time, Periyar was also paranoid that democracy would result in Brahmins completely taking over the reins of the government. Massive landslides had devastated the hilly regions in central Kerala and weather prediction was ominous when the courts attention was drawn to a report prepared by the United Nations University-Institute for Water, Environment and Health, which cited significant structural flaws in the dam and said it may be at risk of failure. Had contempt for love marriages which he looked down as a mere attraction of sexes. Based on the committees finding that the dam was structurally and hydrologically safe, the court, in May 2014, struck down Keralas Act and allowed Tamil Nadu to maintain the level at 142 feet. Rajinikanth at the 50th anniversary function of Thuglak magazine. He hated the concept of chaste women, thought children inessential for a married couple and assumed an agreement between couple was far better and brought in the idea of self respect marriage as rational. When Brahmin Sathyamurthy led Congress entered the famous Madurai Meenakshi Temple with Dalits, EVR objected. They cannot be abusive or personal. Nevertheless, he has never spoken about, or against, Periyar thus far. This hypocrisy is followed by his followers till today. They call me a subterfuger and that is ironic because such hiding, twisting, manipulative skills were the key characters of most of Congress claims on India since her formation in 1885 as an elitist club and as a joint venture with Colonial British to seek jobs from the rulers. The Jews are only interested in themselves, and nobody else. If you were ever revolted by the plethora of roadside statues in India, then credit for this ever rising craze should go to that one man tsunami that brought about that infamous Statue Culture to EV Ramasamy Naicker known as Periyar to his followers. Sometime before, I have read this about Periyar's funeral: Government of India / Chief secretary was against giving Periyar a state Funeral because he held no constitutional positions. Follow me on @sttalkindia He began to imagine that Brahmins posed threats to every facet of his progress in life despite being in forward community which he flaunted. The reason is simple. Supreme Court last week considered a public interest litigation, dam were opened on October 30 to release water, Keralas Irrigation Design and Research Board is in the final stages, The Hindu Centre for Politics and Public Policy, Supreme Court forms expert panel to probe any regulatory failure on Adani issue, India makes renewed push for consensus at G20 Foreign Ministers meeting, Hindenburg Research report on Adani Group | Supreme Court verdict on expert committee on March 2, High debt on Vedanta books puts investors on tenterhooks, Employees Provident Fund: How to activate UAN online, 1947: Madras Devadasis (Prevention of Dedication) Act passed, RMA 0-1 FCB, El Clasico highlights: Barcelona leads on aggregate after beating Real Madrid courtesy of a Militao own goal. The seeds of antibrahmanism were finding roots in EVRs mind because of the challenges posed by Brahmins in his personal and physical life. He has, with a single quote, isolated himself from the ruling party and all of the Opposition, and united them. UNESCO His pious wife objected. The Dravidian landscape, on the other hand, is an arid desert, and Periyar was the only cactus plant to have bloomed in it. The then CM, Karunanidhi, apparently was ready to stake his government to provide the state Funeral and said that Gandhiji was also provided accorded Funeral despite holding no constitutional positions. His propagation for widow remarriage was not adhered to by his second wife Maniammai nor by any of the widows of any Dravidian leader. WebThe fake propaganda states, In 1970, he was honored by UNESCO with an award, the citation of which said: Periyar, the Prophet of a New Age, Socrates of South Asia, Father of the Social Reform Movement, Arch Enemy of ignorance, superstitions, meaningless customs and base manners. This award Continue Reading T.M. Recently it has come to light that UNESCORTED did not give him any award but it was given by UNESCO MANRAM which was formed by ANBAZAGAN DMK brother .Please remove the relevant para. It is almost axiomatic in Tamil Nadu, and constantly parroted by non-Tamils too, that it was thanks only to Periyar that reservations in jobs and education came into being in the state. WebErode Venkatappa Ramasamy (17 September 1879 24 December 1973), revered as Periyar [a] or Thanthai [b] Periyar, was an Indian social activist and politician who started EVR was against higher education as he felt cheap labour would become unavailable then. Between 1949 and 1967, the former being the year his disciple Annadurai broke away from him and formed his own party and the latter being the year he formed the first non-Congress government, Periyars harshest abuses were reserved for his former disciples. Water woes: The 2018 floods in Kerala and the erratic monsoons have put the 126-year-old dam in the spotlight. Their land holdings dwindled to almost nothing as they had to sell them off to get higher quality education. Actor Rajinikanth said he refuses to apologise to those who are protesting his controversial remark on Periyar. It also asked the Central Government to set up a three-member Supervisory Committee to monitor dam safety. The elements under this can be divided as contempt for arranged marriages, distrust in love marriages, belief in self respect marriages, stand against child marriages and support for widow remarriages, property rights of daughters in parental property, his contempt for extravagant pompous weddings and dowry, demand for educational rights and support for the concept of an independent woman. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Chintanaikal, Anaimuthu, 1974, p. 1,860). Newcomer to the Congress, EVR tried to impress the Congress party about his eligibility but he was not accepted as his knowledge of English was almost zero. The proof of the pudding lies in the high standards of arts. All the stories are real life incidents and are verifiable. Nevertheless, this raises another pertinent question. He did not think about others. (, Periyars atheism was crude and obnoxious. Recently new interpretations are given to defend EVRs thoughts. So ignored. I am not able to find any thing proving it. Commissioned by the Kerala Government in the latter part of the 2000s, a study by IIT-Roorkee raised questions about the survival of the dam, located in seismic zone-3, in the event of an earthquake of a fairly high magnitude. Fact remains that EVR married a teenager who was fifty years younger than him and threw to the dustbin his disdain for child marriages. Was he the profound reformer who transformed society as claimed by his followers and propagandists? Government money was misused by DMK party to carry imaginary claims as movies came to be considered real in the stunted brains of Tamils. EVR advocated Nazi-style anti-Brahminism. I have watched the movie. EVR Periyar: A checkup on facts & propaganda January 20, 2019 destruction catalysed on a vibrant culture and so the Christian dominated UNESCO honoured EVR with an award in 1970 turning Nelsons eye to the fact that racism was banned by United Nations. Nor the suppression by the Thevar community of scheduled communities objected to. As long as the ones who follow Manu dharma exist, the nation will never have discipline, integrity, honesty and justice. Even in 1943, he called Communists a sugar coated poison as he thought Communists were threat to his bourgeois life. Also, by the 1930s, the majority of students in both arts and professional colleges were not Brahmins. The national landscape is verdant. In 1919, Sathyamurthy was selected by Congress Party as one of the representatives to the Joint Parliamentary Committee of the UK to protest against Rowlatt Act and Montagu Chelmsford reforms. Periyar breaks Murthis of Ganesha (1953) It was constructed BJP Posts Controversial Tweet on Periyar, Gets Slammed. EVR Naicker born very rich, ran a family temple of Lord Ganesha in Erode. In his love for English, he attacked Tamil culture including Tamil language, the Temples of Tamilnadu, the beliefs of Hindus, and attacked both Brahmins and Dalits on vulgar terms. Breaking of idols of Lord Ganesha in Salem when Congress ruled Tamilnadu and India during early 1950s didnt elicit even murmurs of intolerance as Hindus were subdued for over a thousand years and Secular congress was a mere continuation of that colonial British rule that was indifferent and insensitive to majoritarian Hindu sentiments. Attorney Advertising. He wanted people to give up their mother tongue and speak in English. The total number of students in both the arts and professional colleges was around 3,000 in 1890 (The Politics of South India, C.J. Was the Brahmin the bogeyman, the Baba Yaga of the Tamil country? If you do not have an account please register and login to post comments. Though his love for science was childlike, he did not have the intellectual rigour to understand what the scientific enterprise was all about. It says it is taking steps to complete the remaining works to strengthen the dam, including those meant for the baby dam, situated alongside the main dam, for which clearances from the Kerala and Central Governments are required. It was from this elitist Justice Party evolved Dravida Kazhagam. operation of the Mullaperiyar dam over which Kerala and Tamil Nadu have been sparring for long. Fewer than 1,000 students would have had to be passing out every year in the 1890s. Keralas Irrigation Design and Research Board is in the final stages . Such spiteful caste politics filled with hate and revenge continues till today. Minor EVR was found on river banks with his friends having games of Kama. As he played gross games with his wife and succeeded, so he preserved with them in public life too. WebOn 9 July, 1949, a 70-year-old Periyar, E V Ramasamy, married the 32-year-old Maniammai. Source: YouTube. Its height is 53.6m (176ft) and length 365.7m (1,200ft). The Brahmin or Brahminism? That he was not against God but was against misuse of Gods name. He called out EVR (aka Periyar) for organising a rally decades ago in Salem in which naked cutouts of Lord Rama and Sita were paraded with garlands made of sandals. On the employment front, the total number of Brahmin gazetted officers were 620 in 1928. Play an active role in shaping our journalism by becoming a member. In the intervening years, Madras had a Brahmin chief minister for only four years (including the uncertain years between 1952 and 1954). Thus, less than 1% of 1% of the population were graduating from these colleges. Remember, EVR did not rise against the British at any time during his long life. Unfortunately, Periyar and his disciples could not look at the problem from this perspective. I see Adi Sankara as the last great mind India saw as he could influence with his Advaitha concept and limit Buddhism in India. His parents were pious, morally upright and hereditarily wealthy. He then did NOT enter electoral politics. Fact remains that while all the hate theories of EVR were meticulously followed by his blind followers, none of his good ideals were followed even as chutney. The reason is 90% of our population are fools and 97% of them are persons of low birth. It is hilarious that many Dalit parties and Communists claim that EVR toiled for them. Periyar was the only cactus plant to have bloomed in it. And that an image of Lord Rama cutout in wood was set afire at the end of the parade. He used cinema as a vehicle for propaganda and personal glorification so successfully that he won his final election while unconscious in the hospital. But despite aging, EVRs habits and philistine life continued. Clever twists that marked propagation that he loved the depraved castes are meant for optics. Kerala Are they not comparable to the Brahmins who too have no responsibility but have the rulers in their pocket, have entered the ruling dispensation and been lording over (all of us)?, This is Periyar E.V. This is driving me low-key mad, not remembering where I read it. Yet, he was a die-hard devotee of Periyar. With the threat of floods looming large and the reservoirs filling up, the court asked both States to abide by the rule curve for the period set by the Supervisory Committee constituted at its instance. Well this image clearly says the Opinion about the reservation of B.R. Ambedkar. His idea for reservation was not but later the politicians for the B R Ambedkar mocked and called Aryan Invasion an invention. However, he. (Tamil Brahmans: The Making of a Middle Class, Fuller and Narasimhan, 2014, appendix). The reason? They expose the vacuum within our contemporary society like the books we buy for display. When Dalits fought for higher wages, he condemned those who organised them in these fights for rights. He was miffed that the Constitution did not provide reservations for non-Brahmins. Ramasamy writing in his magazine Kudiyarasu, and he is being unusually mild here. construction of the Mullaperiyar dam across the Periyar in the present Idukki district. Ramaswamy Naicker, Even then it was clear that the trend was changing. And his statement has received more traction and attention than all of Kamal Haasan's tweets put together. Unfortunate for him the Congress he joined in 1919 had many morally upright stalwarts like Sathyamurthy, a brahmin which deepened his despair. Skip to content Bringing science & development together through news & analysis A temple has been built for atheist Karunanidhi near Gudiyatham by DMK cadre. His so-called research on the Ramayana dwelled on such grave issues as whether Sita slept with Valmiki. But no propaganda can ever overshadow the influence of great minds and their conceptual ideas. On an average, 22 thousand million cubic feet (tmc ft) of water is diverted, irrigating about 2.20 lakh acres and meeting the drinking water requirements of people in the region. Periyar was clear that he was against Brahmins, not Brahminism. The Periyar that the non-Tamil intellectuals know is a sanitised version of his real personality, lovingly packaged and offered by his admirers. While people living downstream were evacuated beforehand, Their snakes dont have venom but the Tamil snakes do. His rationalism was hollow and lacked any useful content. MGR's hatred for the DMK and its ideology is legendary. However, without Tamil Nadu on board, this is not going to be a reality. When someone says he hates thievery, it means he hates the thief, too, doesnt it? There is a good chance that it is true. Periyars atheism was crude and obnoxious. Most of the hero entry songs in his films would mention how he follows the footsteps of 'Thanthai Periyar' (Father Periyar). Tokenism was the key mantra. A clear example of sour grapes. What a profound way to build our daughters? The dam became a reality nine years later. Periyar commented on the murders thus: So long as democracy exists, the honest will have no other option except to fade away, giving the dishonest room to dance around. Even then it was clear that the trend was changing. Baker, 1976, p. 46). This professionalism is the result of corporate leadership, teamwork, open communications, customer/supplier partnership, and state-of-the-art manufacturing. EVR the Congressman left after a short period as he also faced strong leadership in the party in Sathyamurthy and opportunities for office missing and despite the Assembly honouring him as Vaikom Veerar in an effort to please him. The Tamil Brahmins started migrating to cities both within the Tamil land and without whereas an overwhelming majority of them had been living in villages at the dawn of the 20th century. But as Granville Austin writes in his seminal book, (1999), After the Congress eclipsed the Justice party in the 1937 elections and later, it made compulsory discrimination very much its own policy even while led by Tamil Brahmins like [Chakravarti] Rajagopalachari., Periyar was clear that he was against Brahmins, not Brahminism. The committee recommended raising the level to 142 feet, which was endorsed by the Supreme Court in February 2006. Gautham Gowthaman). There is no doubt that in the late 19th century and early 20th century, Brahmins dominated the educational scene in the state.