An interesting SM challenge. Credit where its due, looked like he pulled it off well. Calling OP Not OP here but opened a new thread, hope to figure out how to post the link(sorry for my ignorance guys and girls). Doubt if dragging out old news about MM will generate much interest though, too many people saw through the sham. No worries, the Purv Pretzel says - they can have a threesome with SH, or even a foursome !! Fourth bit: This year also saw setting up of non-OL roles that will come to fruition next year Bloodshot, SAS Red Notice and playing Paul Newman in an as yet untitled (?) Rachel Zegler Attends 'Shazam! Well, maybe. DLC is also still posting from LA. Till such time as he comes out of the closet [ and I do look forward to that day ] option [4] seems the least hard work and the one that keeps his chosen career on track. But the die-hards persist - 'I will never believe it !!!' You might even sell some whisky. She does seem to live in the UK, so that might hinder the fly in, fly out beard pattern, but that could be tweaked. Added some edge and fun to her outfit. From this platform he indicated he was going to launch other spirits, not necessarily produced by him, but of course having distilled one whisky his fanatical fans will buy anything with the Sassenach name on it and believe the great man has filled the casks himself !. Its New Years Day. Bizarre that this idea even got off the ground, but as Graeme McKenzie says, "American fans of the show sometimes struggled to distinguish between fiction and reality". That said, it has a very good cast, so it might get some buzz; but a big red-carpet deal it is not. This blind item from July is a bit old (the Ochoa option doesn't seem to have gained much traction, at least so far) but posting because some of the comments show just how entrenched some of this Gay Spoils The Image crap can be. Huge backfire". combined with his work schedule. When you've had sudden, massive success rather late in you're career after years of hard work [ when you could get it ] and wondering when, if ever , success would happen to you. Whether it is him or his PR team or both, they do tend to go through these recycling episodes every now and again. We are all on the same side so let us all have a dram and move onward and upward. Heughan wearing his wiglet again at NYCC and a really hideous [ leather ? ] Oh my dear honey at r261. Has Heughan ever looked beyond the boxing prowess to what a homophobic jerk this guy really is? He will have to wait until it's done and probably a few years still after that. I agree he has the right to privacy, but its a point that could be easily clarified one way or another but been turned into some game that makes him look like a fool. You can say all that on your own, you dont need some sicko catfishing you in order to do it. ;-) I believe it was this picture of curved d*ck shaped chocolate covered bananas that Amy posted. R475 I wonder why JA feels she needs to watch him all the time, I don't think it's good for his image to have a "babysiter". This is probably again because of his businesspartner Alex. R6 gotta love Cree. And this year's revolving door of usually much younger, usually blonde, athletic, living on another continent females sold through fan 'sightings', opportunistic appearances such as the Infinity Room, cropped photos etc. Or, if your teenage daughter has a diary filled with musings about her fears and hopes and wishes. If Heughan were straight nobody would say boo about our discussion. So I would expect that a TV series with trite dialogue, highly improbable story lines, weak characterisation which has to change with each new twist in the plot and mostly wooden or over emphatic acting would present few problems. Still can't see him as Bond, although a lot of people seem to. I got this in a DM! Surprised Heughan didn't have Sassenach Whisky embroidered on his velvet jacket ! MPC, Sassenach etc. Me, of all people. Don't think this can be stated often enough. Pity). R64 is also R55, our homophobic resident troll who KNOWS that Sam is GAY:). Can't blame him. mb2004 says. No one knows who D is. It may be the beginning of the franchise that they would appear to want, but this seems doubtful - still, if it does well at the box office, that's all that matters to the HW powerbrokers. He tries harder than most to be the person he wants to be. Artists hire PR firms who work for them. Obviously from a private place/airbnb. [quote]Despite his good intentions, its a shame that this plot panders to the well-trodden myth that most homophobes are, deep down, just closeted gay men. This bearding is more clumsy than usual, even for him. Now that's a claim I never thought I'd see. R1, despite the recent casting as an action hero I think Madden is more interested in a varied, challenging career. She seems completely liberated from the halo of Belfast and August's baby . What would we call a person who allows a relative stranger in a non-scripted situation to touch (or to APPEAR to touch) their personal anatomy FOR MONEY?? Well, she does check some of the boxes - American, blonde, young (24). they cry. are just a few.(none of the pictures are mine and do not . Presumably the new movie is Bloodshot, although it could be the Newman role one, I guess. (after a bit of distraction with the disastrous Tunagate bearding effort). Really? News reports that Heughan, 41, was quite cozy with pretty brunette Monika Clarke at Caf Select in the Soho neighborhood of the Big Apple on March 7, 2022. However if he stays quiet people comment he must have something to hide.. For the past 6 years Heughans magnificent butt, naked or otherwise, has been on general display to the whole world, It's possibly been the favourite subject of millions of pause button moments.But to have any realistic chance of coming within striking distance of the famous butt in question a fan would have to shell out for VIP tickets to a least 4 or 5 cons at a conservative estimate of well over $$ 8,000 !! Just a little research should do it, eh? Imagined death threats being your thing, and all. But wait, theres more. I suspect that Sam wants to keep the guy at arm's length. OL remains his bread and butter, and the OL fandom is the major market for his business activity, which has been a real success story in 2019. Not much help, I know, but hopefully someone else can give a better explanation. Could be a risky venture as one poster here has already stated " the whisky market is very crowded. Heughan is a gorgeous guy and can look stunning but not often when Monty and Melissa gets their paws on him - he's too old, too follicle challenged, too upper body heavy etc etc to wear a wannabe Justin Beiber look like he did on Fallon. the HW closet and crazy fandom is doing him no good. Years before he buried himself in the closet (in 2011) , Sam told one of his closest friends that there was NOTHING STRAIGHT about his Bat: Sam Heughan Verified account @SamHeughan Reply to @amy_shiels @amy_shiels ain't nothing straight about my Bat, you know that! What a piece of crap. Besides the right that everyone has to have an opinion and speak his/her mind, America dominates global politics still so we are all under its influence of course we can comment on trump. I hope it does. Outlander's season six finale just left us with one hell of a cliffhanger. R325 he indeed doesn't seem to like many interviews. It seems Sam Heughan 's motto truly is 'no days off'. Sam Heughan and Graham McTavish explored the world of Scottish sports in the Feb. 21 episode of Men In Kilts and made a bet that whoever loses the most sporting events will have to skinny dip in . Call going in to Beards R Us perhaps? But now Cait is married and I dont conceive them having an affair on the side. Given the spike in gay speculation that has followed Balfe's recent interviews finally sinking the showmance cover (well, hopefully), JA may assess that SH needs to go a bit further again than innuendo and Purv's idiocy - so workshop time, folks - another beard? His people need to turn the page in the playbook. Purv's speculations are getting more ridiculous by the day. Dive in! No - tied to his PR games, his showmancing, fauxmancing, straightwashing, his own words 'nothing straight about my Bat', 'boring an homosexual never go together but thank you for the compliment' etc etc and etc. "A friend who works at the hotel in Memphis where the glam people stay, told me he was staying there the night before but was under "deep cover". r424. If , by using pyramid style recruiting methods with ambassadors , he could increase the membership to 50,000 or more, the revenue from extra merchandise , from new colour tea shirts etc. . Maybe his fans will buy tickets and maybe he will . So it seems she would have been moving to Glasgow anyway. Rant over. That's enough to keep the hetero image ticking over. How did this one get past JA? Who the hell styles this guy ? So you must be the Anon that sent me that message? If you Tumblr ladies continue to give this phony an entrance into your world, you deserve him. totally agree with the "no win" part. Its like a cult. S and D both in LA right now. Sam holding his hand on Caitrona's thigh, Caitrona fanning herself when Sam said take a cocktail shot, Sam waiting for and placing his hand on the small of her back to leave and Sam wearing pink socks to match Caitrona's shoes were the major highlights that screamed TOGETHER & IN LOVE for me. He had every right to express dislike of being objectified but strangely targetted and strangely timed. Had a suite on the 7th floor with another guy who handle everything. One that made me giggle a lit bit, but also sit up, was a woman said something like, "Ooof. Wonder if Heughan will take someone with him to the 'Bloodloss ' premier or just his usual bottle of Sassenach Whiskey ! When you make the comparison it becomes exceedingly clear that one wedding was real and the other was fake. According to that bastion of credibility, Purv, there's a possible new gf contender. It is so incredibly strange that people dedicate their online life to someone they don't personally know at all. I almost can't believe my eyes that she wore a mini. Nuh, all he sees is $$. So many straight fantasies and so much money tied up in hetero hot fabricated Jamie Fraser- and whichever actor plays him, whatever their sexuality. Obviously a new strategy by JA. Never thought of this gender possibility before, but no, Purv and Camuso ('the fat guy') are different individuals. Personally, if I enjoyed reading Jess blog every day but was only a lurker, Id be super bummed that she decided to go private. 1500 quotes+gifs. Might have reached a wider audience if it wasn't this expensive but then the tartan scarfs are expensive too(at least they are handwoven). Get it together, Sam, get security advice. Two-day cameo. Now the front runner? It seems like Vin is not very fond of Sam. Don't blame him..and of course as a closeted gay man he's living a lie, a life of concealment. I agree that it is about money or otherwise you wouldn't go into business but he did seem confident and honest for once in that interview when he said he wanted to not just lend his name to a brand. Sam Heughan shares behind the scenes footage on set of season six. Imagine figuring out a way to get into Jess private blog because you were certain that Jess was going to talk about you and you needed to know exactly what she was going to say. He himself is still feeding the shippers btw. Is that why you called me the Queen shipper? So for the moment it seems that it's no time/ no personal life - better than laughable beards at least. Thanks for asking. He is directly responsible for the reduction in size of thousands of very enormous bottoms, for encouraging healthy diet and exercise, for giving people confidence, for creating supportive communities and for raising impressive amounts of money for charity. r224. What is your thought and opinion about this Noble Magazine? Like I keep saying theres no resisting TMGD. Could be a bit of a headache for JA - push Hiddleston or Heughan? TBH I have no idea what JA's idea is. Too many in the fandom cant grasp the concept that Jamie isnt real. Awww! If they are indeed together, SH has great taste and more power to them. What I wish I had added to my post of 107 was that I think that in this day and age it is outrageous and very very cruel that anyone is denied work merely on the basis of their sexual preferences. It's already a shitshow..can't believe this is happening again. Build a bridge and get over yourself. Meanwhile some of the more ping-y photos of him are being scattered around tumblr now. This year, from a reluctance by tumblr-ites to even raise the possibility that he is gay and risk the ire of his Jamie fantasist cultists, his sexuality came to be discussed and debated by some bloggers on a daily basis: He is gay, thought so; Hes not! He needs great work from his agent right now. He did regroup and suggest that she open a new different account, and his worshippers sighed about how understanding he was blah blah blah, so not a bad recovery overall. They didn't give a link to the poll but I found it with a little Googling. Even though he grew up in Dumfries and Galloway, Heughan worked in London and America for years. I read somewhere on tumblr but no he's really going down this road again? McTavish would have to get something, preferably financial, out of it - see his latest $$ scheme ($64 per video, with a percentage going to charity but I'll bet he gets most of it). Theres a parachute). Monty really needs to be sacked - what's with the unmatching coat and pants? Sam . jonesmle. The busier your lifestyle, however, the trickier this can be. [R397] Bet it's Heughans money that's paying for most of it Always thought someone was behind him, encouraging him to exploit the fans to the maximum. In the meanwhile Duncan Lacroix is congratulating Valbo(Sam's friend and MPC colleague).. Maybe Heughan was paid a big fat fee for joining. Pretty extreme attempts to present themselves as Super Fans and get his attention. All $$ in the coffers. He showed up at the LandCon in Paris in a disturbing unprofessional way with his three day worn jeans, his wtf uncleanless, not dressing well for the female! If he was trying to look hetero without a ping in sight he failed dismally. (Some fans just didn't get that he doesn't like being objectified. [Yeh, Like he's Going To Say That In Homophobic HW, And It Is Him Playing All The Games]. [R537] Or should I have said Whiskying his fame for all it's worth !! (loveisloveislove76). {R419]Not only fans who were extreme conservatives would react badly to news of his true sexuality. Purv and her mate Camuso may just be attention-whores babbling on by themselves in their own little bubble, but if Purv is being orchestrated by JA etc to promote the player image, it's just making SH look ridiculous. The OL fandom would lap them up and never notice the difference Pity your friend didn't tip the homophobic ladies off their bar stools ! For info, I have been involved in the promotion of gay issues for decades, including marching, being physically threatened, counselling, workshops, policy development, advocating aspects such as same sex marriage (had the joy of being best person in seven marriages so far). News flash -- alcohol is a risk factor for breast cancer in that demographic. Starz is going on a Scottish road trip with Outlander stars Sam Heughan and Graham McTavish. Also, yes confirmed SS at Reverve Bar Top Shelf event, even though SS has not been heavily featured in the promo, and is a new addition, it's nit not confirm Sam himself will be there. Let's hope it is a work associate - otherwise he seems to be back to the old closeting and bearding games. It was about Olympic swimmers and Sam played a main character Max along with Louise Ford (Elsa). "A friend who works at the hotel in Memphis where the glam people stay, told me he was staying there the night before but was under "deep cover". Macbeth is surely not improbable, I say Sam should put up some tickets for raffle here on DL for the premiere since so many have predicted the PR strategies, bearding and career moves. If you can't find the email you can resend it here. Heughan looking totally ridiculous in Paris wearing juvenile ripped jeans . r425 - Please re-read my post - I have no doubts about his sexuality and you will see that I did refer to bearding. Let's tell Alex and Sam they're missing out on a grand opportunity if they won't give this a try. Until one of them gets a real believable girlfriend then this is an option.". I guess I was in love with what I perceived was their love and wanted it to be true. His movie career needs time, possibly a lot of time, to develop. Is anyone buying this crap? I have nothing against his sexuality but the way he used the fandom to hide it if it turns out to be true.". Popcorn interview - adroitly buried the personal life question. {R182]It will be interesting to see if Heughan can successfully transfer to the big screen,taking a leading role, not the "Cameo "performances he has done so far.. Or will he forever be perceived as the heart throb from a smaller screen. But it wasn't so long ago that a 'like' was proof of a relationship, was it not? On sam's instagram in 2022 they did a live (I'm new to tumblr I don't know how to paste the link) he and cait alone. Best dressed of 2019? 'Outer Banks' Showrunner Dishes On The Rachel Zegler Attends 'Shazam! Viewpoint, Jennifer Allen's PR company, is turning 10 and SH has been on IG praising her - so he must not mind being 'in a cave', in 'a pantomime', having her glued to his armpit in front of the cameras as he gave an interview at one of the premieres a while ago? r558 You may be right about the photoshopping, although it didn't look so to me. Wake up, ladies and listen to what gay actors and athletes themselves say about the intense pressure they are placed under. He's a cut above the rest. [quote]Artists hire PR firms who work for them. ". The Outlander star took to social media on April 30, while celebrating his 41st birthday with a gym . (JA, OL fans, buyers of his products, casting agents, whoever he is dealing with on a particular day). But a fan posted on IG today that she met Sam. Think the Scottish diaspora already did that. Is that ok? Perhaps Samgia could have a quickie on a park bench and then race off for a post-coital tree climb - he'd have to watch out for freezing balls and splinters, but hey, it's all in the hetero game. There's a queen here alright, but it ain't me and it ain't Jess. What a soul destroying way to live. Her promotion of closeting and bearding and all her stupid matchy shirt etc games are part of the problem in perpetuating the HW homophobia. Which leads me to speculate he might still be in a serious relationship from before he was famous, someone he was settled with who would understand and be prepared to wait i.e. Especially now, when theres a need for new content? Not sure what the hierarchy in his team would be, but you would think that she could override a stylist who clearly can't get it right. I used to joke that it wouldn't be long before Mauzy would be taking outcalls in Vegas. Even the suggestion in this 'poll' (a few weeks old now) that over half of its online voters thought it didn't matter if he was gay would have had Heughan's homophobic worshippers pouting if they'd seen it. He will need to get a move on with getting more movie roles, because OL seems to be deteriorating in quality, with some really poor writing, and some poor performers, particularly Skelton, and since mid Season 3 he has increasingly been an emasculated 'eye candy' side player. Scottish actor Sam Heughan recently topped a poll of fans asked who they wanted to play James Bond when Daniel Craig steps down. But wait.. she was saying just a few days ago that because Hannah James was staying at the hotel where Sam was attending the TCA event, it's 'Samnah', people!! would be very juicy indeed. Haven't seen bloodshot but I didn't like the Spy film. Perhaps because she did not invite him to her wedding in the summer of 2019 . You had receive once an anon saying Caitriona was donating children and adults clothes in thriftstores. It's a stereotypically feminine fantasy, as suits both the author of the original book (Diana Gabaldon) and her female heroine, Claire Randall/Fraser (Caitriona Balfe in the show) a nostalgic. If were're taking bets on who will accompany Heughan to the Scottish Baftas I'd put my money on Graham Mctavish or Duncan. On this episode of Scran, we headed out for lunch in Glasgow with actor and author Sam Heughan. [R353] Isn't there a danger that whilst skinning in sub zero temperatures TMGD might freeze and drop off? yourmassivedelusionstudent liked this. This is the best interview of SH Ive ever seen. R29 I watched it partly, know what you mean. They are offering for you to buy an extra member outside of your residence for $7.99 + tax for one device if you have the Standard plan and two extra members if you have the Premium. [R580] Agree, the whisky bottle is a far more respectable companion than the doesn't pose for vulgar, scantily clad, crutch displaying, sexually provocative pictures on Instagram! But he doesn't talk about it in public. Heughan no longer looks like that photo shoot.." A Wee Dram Of Whisky " contains quite a lot of calories. It wasn't until he landed the role of . Here is one of her posts from her IG account- @sweptawaybybooks. [R357] Perhaps he's snowboarding .is that less dangerous?. wendella said: Sam mentioned when he was in acting school that one of his instructors told him he was not a good enough actor to make it. Actual straight guys don't need PR firms, shills, flacks, red carpet rottweilers and beards to disprove anything. 0 favorites (0) videos pornstars gifs categories. Clever PR twist. But then that's the point of the work by Wendy Kemp Forbes, the Outlander makeup artist whose job is to prepare Sam Heughan 's hair, makeup, and back. J. Allen please take note . I didnt know what I wanted to do, so I was working a lot and I traveledI flew to San Francisco R15 R16 hit the nail on the head. The next authentic Scottish product to be launched by The Great Glen Company is the Sassenach Tartan Hernia Truss. Just sack him, Sam. Sorry to interrupt you. What are you doing, JA??? . An accomplished stage and screen actor best known for his leading roles in Starz TV Series . That would make 301 leather jackets here in the closet with me. I got snookered by letting someone into a private blog I shouldnt. This type of film seems more his style, and Bonneville and Keeley Hawes are great actors and he can learn a lot. Well, ask and you shall receive. Become a contributor - post when you want with no ads. In the longer term though, it will have challenges in the wider market - too many competitors, a lot of people don't drink blends (must admit to being a biased single malt drinker myself), it's quite expensive, and when OL ends, as it will in the fullness of time, not sure that the fans will keep buying. "I dont want to work with people like that. And of course there is Purv a strange class of her own. {R194] Also noted the trend to place Skelton beside Heughan instead of Rankin. Nah, that's just your cover story. Obviously PM girl can not ski, otherwise we have seen her with him skiing. In the end the choice has been his. My shipping days are years in the past which means the only way youd think of me as a shipper is if youve been around a really long time. [quote]Sam sharing his hotel suite with another guy: March 24 2019. One of them, my closest friend since I was 12 was gay. ICYMI: The Outlander star filmed an ad for his company Sassenach Spirits,. And he adores Caitriona Balfe for her looks and being a women. A couple of commenters didn't like it - surprise, surprise. If Heughan follows my directions of [386] it will be a sensation ! Check out Purvs tumbler. There is some mention of SDCC ?- is that a maybe ?. Combined with the $$$ spent on cons again and again.this is not normal behavior. What an utter embarrassment. Please check your spam files. And he will still like images of the bums of almost naked women its too valuable a weapon to stress that he is a red-blooded hetero man Im straight, Im straight. And not a closet supporter either. Take a little bit of responsibility. You're welcome. and has won BAFTA, IFTA, a Laurence Olivier Award, and was a nominee in Golden Globes 2020. Wants adoration, panders heavily for it, but rejects objectification. My source doesnt want to be revealed! And apart from the vile homophobia of HW, his all-important business activities are embedded (at least for now) in the market of the OL besotted worshippers. [R517] Always assumed that when Outlander was a 'runaway ' success the producers /Starz directed Heughan and Balfe to 'slobber ' over each other to keep interest alive with the fans. I think Bloodshot will end up the same way as the Spy movie.For Sam I hope he can go home soon, be himself again(or at least as far as possible). With a lack of LGBT+ roles and an ongoing debate over the ethics of straight actors nabbing most of them, it is depressing to see the same lazy tropes being used when there are so many more authentic queer stories to be told. He isn't always there and thst is awfully close to another commitment he has. Interesting exchange on tumblr: (sorry about all the Title Letters but a bit unclear who is saying what otherwise and italics don't seem to work in the reply posts): POSTER 1; Catholic weddings require bands [sic] to be read three weeks in a row,-no exceptions, and believe me this fandom would have jumped on that one . But nor is it a virtue, like kindness. Dalla Scozia con tanto amore, Sam Heughan, attore, nel suo ruolo principale che lo vede interpretare l'highlander Jamie Fraser nell'adattamento televisivo della serie di romanzi "La straniera" di Diana Gabaldon: Outlander. By comparison, SH looked nervous, uncomfortable (being stuffed into that hideous suit didn't help), and could only muster a tweet from old-man Shatner resurrecting the ancient Bond campaign. A response to her post pointed out the Paul Newman gig was completed last week. The only denial was that clumsy interview on the eve of the release of TSWDM how convenient. Put on a good fitting jeans and a white, perfect ironed shirt (please search Paul Newman for example). Irish actor Andrew Scott has a theatre background and has done Broadway. Do you hear that?? When he's not busy filming season 7 of the Starz show or promoting his new book Waypoints, it seems like the actor has . One of a kind. And according to a tmblr post (tumblr is now worth a perusal) he's been very busy liking the posts of the Thong Throng - gotta project that hetero player image, mate. However, the enthralling couple has been quick to shut down any rumors that they could be a couple. He's too beautiful to be a monk. A lot of tumblr speculation about SH and Skelton being in a relationship he touched her bare leg at the Con!! Unfortunately, Meokeob probably still has access to my private blog. Just ignore the troll - they will get bored and go back under their bridge. But in the fullness of time, he may ask himself whether the closeting, the game-playing, the brand work etc has been worth it. In return, they can donate some money to us here on DL. I need a holiday. Id be bummed to lose the sense of community, and Id be bummed to lose a forum for reading about something I enjoyed. I feel sorry he has to deal with these crazy fans. r71 Well said. Heughan cosying up to one of his heroes. If it doesnt stop, Ill go further. That can kill even a deep love. Is he bi? Again, maybe, hopefully not. Who will Purv be promoting next week? Such manipulation is almost beyond credibility ! Watch his last interview, he seems to be irritated by everything. (Yes, Ive read most or all previous threads.). Please click here to update your account with a username and password. It has been fascinating to watch. He was certainly not relaxed but that could have been because his too tight purple suit was cutting off his circulation !He is obviously very passionate about whisky.